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Everything posted by Puck_Pun

  1. Ehh, that seems more the responsibility of the team than the league as a whole
  2. Is it cynical to think the owners will protest the promotion of individual players by the league because "WhY iS tHe LeAgUe PlAyInG fAvOuRiTeS"? It will be seen as promoting the team the player is in (in this case I'm assuming you mean Edmonton). Personally I'm all for it, but there's the potential for unnecessary bitchiness
  3. I saw that coming. I'd imagine this was owner driven- "revenue is down, we want another ad space"
  4. With this news, what team do you think he'd end up going to?
  5. I'm sure he'll enjoy it there- good sun, nice golf courses, I'm sure there's some hockey involved
  6. I've seen them compared to the islanders everywhere, and I'm never quite sure whether the person means it as a compliment or an insult
  7. They'll probably make the playoffs but won't have a deep run. Probably a round one elimination.
  8. Well, apparently he wasn't too conductive to a positive team environment https://info.hockeyfeed.com/nhl-news/evander-kane-reportedly-the-source-of-significant-friction-with-sharks-teammates
  9. Because if Edmonton needs anything, it's more big long term contracts
  10. On the other hand, how much money does the team make selling stuff with his name on it? The contact could be worth it on that metric alone
  11. Tell me more about your trip to New Zealand
  12. Kane has responded. At this point there's a lot of spite firing in both directions and honestly outside of those involved nobody knows what's really going on (and most likely it's a blend of both sides). Once actual evidence starts to emerge I'm seeing this as a broken marriage dying in a mess of spite and retribution. Only in public because of who he is
  13. ...so I take it Anderson is the backup?
  14. Vegas seems prone to rash decisions based on individual incidents. I wouldn't be surprised if they based this decision on that one bad pass against Montreal
  15. This guy's videos are pretty amusing, here's his overview of the Seattle draft
  16. Clan Ghost Bear Maybe Mechwarrior 2 memes are a little niche.
  17. It's OK because Boston went on to win the cup, making Toronto the second best team for the season
  18. Doesn't take long to get into the nose beers
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