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Kevin Adams has press conference, address's goalie situation

Buffalo Rick

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Well I sent him a fast message telling him "get that smile of your face and get to work!!!!".  Now he has made it sound like Luukenen is going to get his shot, Anderson is not going to play 60 games, and he is looking at the FA goalies but will not overpay.  Well that pretty much tells us we are likely not getting a guy like Husso?  But who knows. He is all about not showing his hand. I said in my message, "you lost us Eichel".  "And we have had quality goalies here throughout our history.   Edwards, Sauve, Hasek and Miller.  Lets see what he does with this draft first

Let me add Jerry Forton, director of amateur scouting, was very clear on their intentions.  He thinks 1-6 are pretty much clear decisions.  But when you to like 9-25 it can really vary.  They have their lists ready for this draft.  Adams said "not sure Montreal will have enough hotel rooms".  Imagine the security there.  So when addressing the picks, he said we think we get a good player at 9, "if we pick at 9?"  That means they are entertaining trading up or trading away a pick for sure.  I wish I knew if he were looking at Husso? Or what he is prepared to do?  It sounds like he is still a bit high on Luukenen.  That worries me some. But he is correct on one thing, when Luukenen was called up last year he was good.  Now they have 4 Russian kids on their young roster. So they went over there.  Imagine that with this war going on.  But many Russians are against this nonsense. Id like to know who sets up the dumb ass's that are asking the questions at these press conferences.  Staged to a degree.  Keep the marble head safe from the tough questions. Lets get to the point Adams you prick.  Goalie.

Now the names of Quinn, Peterka and Powers were brought up.  I am sure Powers is going to be on the blue line on day one.  I would think Samuelson also as he was very good.  Bryson if he is still here. Quinn should get a long look.  Not sure if they want him in Rochester longer though. Not sure if Biro or Peterka can crack the big league lineup yet?  But if we do not acquire any established forwards or a center, likely some of these guys get their shot. 

Edited by Hockey Junkie
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1 hour ago, FireDillabaugh said:

Lol.  Not really any type of answer to goaltending issues.  Just an addition to those issues.  Pretty sure he'll be in Rochester.


Maybe he should try being a dman.  He might just find out he's better than his immensely overrated brother at the position.


It was a sad joke towards is all.


@Hockey Junkie

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20 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:


Your worries are over my friend...



Another stupid move by Adams.. Whose in goal for Gods sake?  As for my worries being over, maybe in football and baseball.  How bout them Orioles




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@Hockey Junkie


According to capfriendly, it looks like it will be Craig Anderson and Eric Comrie to start on the NHL team, although, it's only July and that could change come Aug-Sept when teams are readying for the season.

Given that combo, it is very likely the Sabres are looking to give Luukko his shot, as I can't imagine those two goalies being it for the season.
Anderson, as you pointed out, won't be playing a ton of games. If healthy, 20-25 seems about right. Comrie, even Subban, are just bodies in case the Sabres need an emergency guy, and they at least won't have to dress their equipment manager and put HIM in net....

Eventually, Comrie will likely find his way to Rochester, or,  out of the organization entirely, Subban should be mostly AHL fodder, and it SHOULD be, for the season, any combination of Luukko-Anderson, or Luukko-Subban/Comrie if Anderson can't go.

Heaven help your Sabres, though,  if Luukko either gets injured or is a colossal failure.
Because then, you will be back to having the goofy law firm of Anderson, Subban, and Comrie running things and losing case after case....

Edited by TropicalFruitGirl26
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Luukkonen should be the starter in Buffalo. This really isn't that difficult.   He came in a year, possibly two, too early just year but was very good until he got hurt.  


They have their goalie, they just need the veteran help to spot him.  I'd kick the tires on another option, but Anderson can fill that need 

Edited by ruxpin
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18 hours ago, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:

@Hockey Junkie


According to capfriendly, it looks like it will be Craig Anderson and Eric Comrie to start on the NHL team, although, it's only July and that could change come Aug-Sept when teams are readying for the season.

Given that combo, it is very likely the Sabres are looking to give Luukko his shot, as I can't imagine those two goalies being it for the season.
Anderson, as you pointed out, won't be playing a ton of games. If healthy, 20-25 seems about right. Comrie, even Subban, are just bodies in case the Sabres need an emergency guy, and they at least won't have to dress their equipment manager and put HIM in net....

Eventually, Comrie will likely find his way to Rochester, or,  out of the organization entirely, Subban should be mostly AHL fodder, and it SHOULD be, for the season, any combination of Luukko-Anderson, or Luukko-Subban/Comrie if Anderson can't go.

Heaven help your Sabres, though,  if Luukko either gets injured or is a colossal failure.
Because then, you will be back to having the goofy law firm of Anderson, Subban, and Comrie running things and losing case after case....

Its just stupid of Adams not to have picked up a guy like Holtby.  He is a piece of crap is Adams.  Lose's us Eichel and then proceeds to NOT get us a goalie. Yes, Luukenen had best be good. If this is the end.  Unless he still makes a move?  Or is it too late for that?  Unreal.  They let Husso go to the stinking Red Wings. Im pissed as hell over that. Well, the Orioles are back.  And the Bills are a great team.  

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On 7/15/2022 at 8:01 AM, Hockey Junkie said:

Unless he still makes a move?


Maybe one more year of tanking because well why not you guys have gotten good at this.


But help is on the way i think after next season of college.



Time will tell.

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On 7/16/2022 at 8:30 PM, ruxpin said:

Do you actually even follow hockey?


Great move by Adams.

I cant say I watch like I used to.  No do not know who Comrie is but I now believe he was a backup in Minnesota based on Joe T's post.  How is that a great move by crap for brains Adams?

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1 hour ago, Hockey Junkie said:

I cant say I watch like I used to.  No do not know who Comrie is but I now believe he was a backup in Minnesota based on Joe T's post.  How is that a great move by crap for brains Adams?

Because he wasn't.


He's been back up in Winnipeg and played very well, but blocked by Hellebuyck--one of the best in the game.   It's a really good move by a GM doing a really good job.


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3 hours ago, ruxpin said:

Because he wasn't.


He's been back up in Winnipeg and played very well, but blocked by Hellebuyck--one of the best in the game.   It's a really good move by a GM doing a really good job.



Winnipeg fans loved Comrie. He's kind of small for my liking but he's a gamer.


Edited by Podein25
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6 hours ago, ruxpin said:

Because he wasn't.


He's been back up in Winnipeg and played very well, but blocked by Hellebuyck--one of the best in the game.   It's a really good move by a GM doing a really good job.


I meant Winnipeg.  God forsaken place in the middle of nowhere!  I see it’s 90 in Philly already .  85 and counting here in upstate NY

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3 minutes ago, Hockey Junkie said:

I meant Winnipeg.  God forsaken place in the middle of nowhere!  I see it’s 90 in Philly already .  85 and counting here in upstate NY

The heat is gastly!  I'm ready for fall, but I suspect we'll go straight from hotter than hell to a foot of snow.

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