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Offer Sheet Bob?

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I was reading an article from the Columbus Dispatchh about how the Jackets and Bob are apparently "far from a deal."

To me it's like keeping tabs on an old girl friend just because mostly you're not happy with your current one...which i understand...but it's time to move on.

Edit: maybe it will ease the pain some if he don't win the cover of NHL13 (why not Broduer on his way out?) or worse the vezina.

Yet he could win both...too bad had him in the live well...catch and relese!!!! :ph34r:

Edited by OccamsRazor
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That embarrassment stuff is garbage. It is akin to refusing to admit a mistake and not apologizing for it. The Flyers are in the league for one reason, to win the Cup. If Bob can help, so be it. I sincerely hope management doesn't factor their emotions into decisions, well at least after one certain Bryzaster.

And for the record, as bad as the Bob trade was, at least it isn't the Laffs acquiring Kessel (hah) AND retooling a division rival at the same time. The Laffs continue.

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And for the record, as bad as the Bob trade was, at least it isn't the Laffs acquiring Kessel (hah) AND retooling a division rival at the same time. The Laffs continue.

Bob will be in our "Conference" next season.

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Bob will be in our "Conference" next season.

Oh I know. That's bad luck, and stupidity on the NHL's part. Flip flop WIN and NSH, and you have the simplest solution for the East - which should help a small market team like NSH greatly in the travel department due to short trips in division.

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Flip flop WIN and NSH

yes agree if we are going to keep them here they could develop a rivialy with all the closest teams..ie. Canes...could genrate for that region at least...

Canes need help hard for them to get up for Florida and Tampa...may be they'll fix it later.

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Nashville is further west than both Columbus and Detroit and Columbus is every bit, if not moreso, a small market.

I think the new realignment is flawed on many levels.

True, but I was going for minimal changes. Nashville is really close to the SE, which Winnipeg vacates. The small market thing is more of a boohoo to me, as they chose that location for a franchise.

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One thing I don't see anybody bringing up is that if we get Bob, then we loose Mason....

Imagine you agree to a lateral transfer because your coworker and you were having professional issues in your same department and now have a breath of fresh air not having to deal with him everyday, when your manager calls a team meeting to welcome the new guy...and it's the coworker you were having problems with. Now you go to your desk to realize the Manager moved the new guy to your desk and you now sit by the water cooler.

How's that gonna help Mason's recovery? We will have a high chance on loosing Mason's starting position potential to his nightmare.

Or there will be a heated battle for number 1 position and a division in the locker room.

Does the potential outweigh the risk?

If Lavy chooses, he might not have a clear number one, but whoever is "hhhoott!" will be the starter this week/day.

I was disappointed when they traded Bob, even more so for a measly pick dot, dot, dot

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I'd be fine with platooning Bob and Mason. 50/50 split, a la Fernandez and Roloson in MIN a few years ago.

Plus if either implodes, the other I'm sure won't mind the extra starts. Keep them hungry and fresh.

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On paper that sounds great, as a fan would love to see.

Does anybody know how they related to each other in Ohio?

I know the team was behind Bob, giving him props for allowing the team to still be in the game and being the only reason why they where still in the game/playoffs hunt.

But more in regards to Bob/Mason interaction.

Anybody recall an article or snippet on this matter?

Edited by LegionOfDoom
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I sincerely hope management doesn't factor their emotions into decisions, well at least after one certain Bryzaster.

Doom... where have you been???? ;)

Lindros was run out of town based on emotion.

Carter and Richards were jettisoned based on emotion.

Bryz was traded for and signed based on emotion.

Not very reassuring.

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Doom... where have you been???? ;)

Lindros was run out of town based on emotion.

Carter and Richards were jettisoned based on emotion.

Bryz was traded for and signed based on emotion.

Not very reassuring.

Richards and Carter had something more going on. The trainer almost killed Lindros (amongst other things), and that agent/GM relationship was toxic. The Bryzaster I hope is a turning point, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Richards and Carter had something more going on. The trainer almost killed Lindros (amongst other things), and that agent/GM relationship was toxic. The Bryzaster I hope is a turning point, but I'm not holding my breath.

I was only being half-serious. But there was definitely emotion involved in all 4 cases. They weren't strictly business decisions.

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This would just add to the embarrassment.

At this point, I think the Flyers Organization must have no shame and therefore are incapable of or immune to embarrassment -- which in a pervese kind of way may actually be a good thing. And if that's the case, then why not? The possibility of being embarrassed (and they rightly should be embarrassed by some of their decisions) hasn't stopped them yet from making moves - some of which have been, in hindsight, silly mistakes. Who knows, one day one of these crazy moves could actually pay off. I guess what I'm saying is when you're this far gone, don't let a little thing like embarrassment stop you from making an attempt to acquire that missing piece to the puzzle. I swear, one day one of these deals just has to work out! :D

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I really don't see the Bob trade as being better than the Kessel deal in any way. In fact if Bob keeps up this level of play it will go down as worse.

Two very early first rounders to a division rival? That's worse to me. Doubly because neither looks like a bust.

And all they got was Kessel.

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