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Offer Sheet Bob?

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I was reading an article from the Columbus Dispatchh about how the Jackets and Bob are apparently "far from a deal." How crazy would it be if the Flyers actually used an offer sheet to try and bring him back? This is all under the presumption that the Blue Jackets can't sign him to a deal before he is a RFA.

He is going to make a lot less than Bryz's ridiculous contract and I think he is a better goaltender honestly. I could care less if Homer keeps using offer sheets as it is all under the name of business. I would much rather see Bob and Mason here...

Edited by murraycraven
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I would use offer sheets early and often. The old boy network needs to stop.

Offer up $3M and give Columbus back a second. You come out two fourths ahead.

Or something.

Fly in the ointment is that they would need to buy out Bryz before Bobrovsky is an RFA.

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Agreed Rad...

My thoughts are why not offer it to him? It is an "only win" situation for the Flyers. Offer something of value so they are pressed to not match the offer. If all pans out you have a young Goalie who is better than Bryz at a lower cost...

Of course this would all be moot if they did not jump all over Bryz and create their own market for his services. Oh well...

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I would love to have bob back. But what makes you guys think bob would be at all interested in becoming a Flyer ever again?

He is a pro athlete which basically means he would come back for the $$$... Also, why would you not want to play in a large market team? By offer sheeting hom you he is coming back as your #1. And he would have no choice in the matter if the Jackets did not match...

Plus... Bob should be thankful that our Management is so stupid to trade him in the first place. Otherwise, he would have never had the chance w/ the Flyers! :D

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How crazy would it be if the Flyers actually used an offer sheet to try and bring him back?

it would be crazy, and I can't see it happening. for a lot of reasons.

as much as I think bob will probably be a big time goalie in the league for a while...it is far from assured. 2:3 for, i'd call it. can you imagine how dumb flyers management would look, though, if the 1:3 against turns out? bring in bryzgalov, trade bob, bryzgalov sucks, buy him out, offersheet bob, bob sucks.... i'd kinda like it if the flyers would stop being cray cray with their goalies. go after bernier this summer, let he and mason duke it out, best man wins, go with that guy for the next four years.

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Bob may refuse. And unless the money is ridiculous, Columbus' new GM matches anyway. A Vezina candidate goalie walking out the door when he just traded for Gaborik? The guy is trying to make progress... he's not going to watch it walk away. Pipe dreaming here boys...

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it would be crazy, and I can't see it happening. for a lot of reasons.

as much as I think bob will probably be a big time goalie in the league for a while...it is far from assured. 2:3 for, i'd call it. can you imagine how dumb flyers management would look, though, if the 1:3 against turns out? bring in bryzgalov, trade bob, bryzgalov sucks, buy him out, offersheet bob, bob sucks.... i'd kinda like it if the flyers would stop being cray cray with their goalies. go after bernier this summer, let he and mason duke it out, best man wins, go with that guy for the next four years.

There is a boatload of UFA goalie talent in 2014. Not all of it will be there, but a lot of it will likely be available.

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2013, too

Not UFA talent. Especially not young UFA talent. There are some RFAs, but they come with a price.


Emery? Mike Smith? Labarbera? Thomas??

(I'm presuming MIN locks up Backstrom)

Then, 2014:


Miller, Hiller, Halak, Elliott, Crawford, Dubnyk...

Not everyone will make it to free agency, but that's a goalie UFA crop of an entirely different colour.

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The guy I want to offer sheet is Voynov on the Kings. Great young player who gets better on a weekly basis. I'd make a borderline insane offer to secure his services. The Kings could probably match it.....they are 6 mill+ under the cap, but a lot of that will be eaten up when the cap goes down in Sept. The Kings also have the luxury of Penner, Richardson and Regher coming off the cap also. Penner will be a tough call, because he's always been overpaid, and the same thing will happen this summer, just don't know if it will be the Kings footing the bill. He's really streaky and does not always give full effort, looks bored on some nights. In another quirk, the Kings have 4 regular d-men set to become RFA. If the Voynov thing falls though, I think Jake Muzzin would be a really nice additon. Not many know how excellent he was for the Kings this year, but he is only going to get better....shows flashes of being an all star if you ask me.

Once Voynov gets his huge payday, Muzzin may be a legit target, they will not be able to fit them all under the cap....sorry for the kidnapping of the thread, just threw it in because of the offer sheet scenario.

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I was one of those disagreeing on throwing Bob an offer sheet in that other thread. I echo alot of the opinions against it by others in this thread. The Flyers already look pretty foolish with the moves they have made over the last couple of years. This would just add to the embarrassment.

I do believe such things have a negative effect on your franchise long term. We would often refer to the Leafs as the Laughs. I don't want to see the Flyers thought of in that light.

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I was one of those disagreeing on throwing Bob an offer sheet in that other thread. I echo alot of the opinions against it by others in this thread. The Flyers already look pretty foolish with the moves they have made over the last couple of years. This would just add to the embarrassment.

I do believe such things have a negative effect on your franchise long term. We would often refer to the Leafs as the Laughs. I don't want to see the Flyers thought of in that light.

We've already cemented the Bullies moniker...not to mention the Cryers ;)

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@Hexy27 "This would just add to the embarrassment. "

Not to mention he would somehow, someway suck when he got back to the Flyers, or sustain injury after injury......

-- Jammer, somehow I think you are 100% corrrect :lol: This entire topic I posted in jest b/c I look at this whole situation as a big ol' fat egg on the faces of Flyers management. You signed a mediocre goalie to a ridiculous contract all while competing against yourself for his services. There is no way Bryz would have gotten that contract with another Team. Meanwhile, the young athletic goaltender that you traded is currently the leading candidate for the Vez and Snider thinks everything is fine.

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Meanwhile, the young athletic goaltender that you traded is currently the leading candidate for the Vez and Snider thinks everything is fine.

I would *hope* Snider thinks everything is fine, because he and his GM basically knew this was going to happen. This is exactly what they believed would happen.

Homer on Bobrovsky: "He might be the hardest-working player I've ever seen at any position."

Bernie Parent said it had been a long time since he had seen a goalie with such post-to-post quickness

Snider: "[bobrovsky is the Flyers] goalie of the future."

Snider's comments after we were swept by Boston a few seasons ago:

"I think he'll be a great goalie. He had an incredible first year, considering where he came from and that he didn't play on a particularly great team in Europe," Snider said at the time. "His future is outstanding. He's still learning the game and how to handle the puck. But he did a lot better job in the second half of the year. He has a lot of talent, and he's only going to get better and pick up the nuances of the North American game."

Bobrovsky's numbers this year (2.00 GAA, .932 sv%) are significantly better than Bryzgalov's best career numbers (2.27, .921).

Meltzer has no problem with the trade, and he's right in a way. It's just that he uses 20 paragraphs to say something really simple. Lavy f**ked up the goalie handling in the playoffs; Snider f**ked up by panicking and signing Bryz to a 9-year deal. That sealed Bob's fate.

But the best, most ironic comments have to be Snider following the three-headed goalie monster carousel:

"We are never going to go through the goalie issues we've gone through in the last couple of years,"

Well, guess what Mr. Snider? Here we are yet again.

And you and your GM believed all along that you already had the goalie problem solved with Bob.

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don't worry. they'll get it right next time.


It should be a few years until they trade Giroux and Coots on the same day to the eventual Stanley Cup champion because they're toxic for the team, and replace them with some youngins.

Then we'll trade Stolarz for a draft pick because "gosh, he's already 20 years old, and it's not happening".

We'll convince Esche to come back for a final Tour de Farce in Philly, with Niitty backing him up.

Stolarz will win the Vezina.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

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Offer sheet Bernier instead. He'd be easier to pry away than Bob.

Plus, it won't look nearly as bad when we give up on him and trade for Vokoun in a few years.

Doing that with Bob would just look foolish :rolleyes:

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Well, Bernier has never started more than 25 games in a season. Bobrovsky has been a primary starter for two seasons and is a finalist for the Vezina (and NHL14) including playing in just three less games this season than Bernier has in the past two.

I like Bernier, but he is still "potential" with "upside."

If they want to go after Bernier, I think they have to consider trading LA something to get rights before the RFA period. Maybe the second that an offer sheet would likely cost?

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