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I never understood why Montreal hired Michel Therrien.   He's just plain dumb.  P K Subban is his best player, and Therrien never says anything good about him.  If I was Marc Bergevin, I'd fire his sorry ass. 

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  I kind of get that Subban is not the most liked guy in the clubhouse either by the coaching staff nor his teammates. He is a bit of an ass, but God does he back it up. I think he is the type who could rip a clubhouse to pieces in the wrong scenario, but he on the other hand can flat out play.

  How important is chemistry? You hear of teams all the time that fight among themselves in pro sports and still win. And you have clubhouses all the time that people get along but the team don't win.

  I would take Subban any day of the week on my club, but a strong influence is needed to keep his ego in check. I don't see that anywhere in the Hab's organization.

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I kind of get that Subban is not the most liked guy in the clubhouse either by the coaching staff nor his teammates


I looked at the links provided by habsterix.  I didn't know that he had that animosity toward his teammates. 


But, in the end it doesn't change anything.  Therrien is still a fool.  Subban is still a Norris Trophy winner.  If I'm a hockey player making millions, I wouldn't mind a few bumps in practice.  If the guy who is a jerk in practice can help me win more games and add to my net wealth, I'll gladly accept him as a teammate. 

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Nope! I don't want that cancer. And I still think he didn't deserve the Norris. Letang outplayed him last season hands down.



Were you a fan of matt cooke when he was a pen?? What about kasparaitis? ulf samuelsson?

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Nope! I don't want that cancer. And I still think he didn't deserve the Norris. Letang outplayed him last season hands down.

Fair points. 

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  Subban has matured in the past few years. He's become more of a team player. I'd take this guy in a second. He has only shown the tip of the iceberg. When I first saw him blazing down the ice for Team Canada in the World Jrs, my jaw dropped. I muttered, this guy is gonna win the Norris some day. It didn't take to long. He's labeled a one way offensive player right now, and part of that is justified, but I really think he will turn this around and become quite good in his own end, he's already showing signs of doing just that. 

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Were you a fan of matt cooke when he was a pen?? What about kasparaitis? ulf samuelsson?

Kaspar and Ulfie yes... They were consummate team players. They'd take a bullet for you in a heartbeat. They had no egos in the way, and obviously little pride. They'd do whatever it took to win, even if it meant being labelled scoundrels to the end of their days. Cooke I was no fan of till his last season and a half when he appeared to change his ways.

Subban? To this day is all about Subban. @jammer2 I respect your opinion on hockey bud, but I think your comment is wishful thinking. Subban is a selfish prick. Nothing more.

Therrien is tasked with breaking his ego and making him a leader. If that means he has to be a little mean to the spoiled b*tch then so be it.

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What the heck?

Why would he throw a huge hit like that in practice against a teammate???


We got a real Tito Ortiz on our hands with him don't we?


How much do you want to bet that had it been Parros or Prust in the corner instead of Gallagher, he wouldn't have delivered that hit? I'm 100% positive...

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Kaspar and Ulfie yes... They were consummate team players. They'd take a bullet for you in a heartbeat. They had no egos in the way, and obviously little pride. They'd do whatever it took to win, even if it meant being labelled scoundrels to the end of their days. Cooke I was no fan of till his last season and a half when he appeared to change his ways.

Subban? To this day is all about Subban. @jammer2 I respect your opinion on hockey bud, but I think your comment is wishful thinking. Subban is a selfish prick. Nothing more.

Therrien is tasked with breaking his ego and making him a leader. If that means he has to be a little mean to the spoiled b*tch then so be it.

To be honest with you, I think that all of Penguin nation is still salty about the Subban-Staal "incident" where everyone claimed that Subban intentionally stepped on Staal's foot, knocking him out for the rest of the playoffs. The pens announcers are the worst with it, bringing it up every time P.K. touches the puck. Funny how when Cooke did the same thing to Karlsson a year later, the comments about Subban stopped. As far as I'm concerned, Subban will always have a target on his back and the league certainly won't be there to protect him. No matter what any penguins fan says, if Subban was on your team, he would be a fan favorite instantly. Time to move on.


And explain to me how Subban is a "Spoiled little b*tch"! Last time I checked, Letang is on an incredibly overrated contract for the next 8 years.... 

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@ihabs1993  I think PK is a lot better than Letang. He's a full 2 years younger, and has not come close to peaking. They are both suspect defensively, but PK has not shown us how great he can really be offensively. TIme will show, PK is and will be superior to Letang.

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Actually I was no Staal fan. I think that's well documented here. I See Subban as reckless with his skates as is evident in several YouTube videos but no intent to injure there that I saw so what's to forgive? He's just a lesser defenseman, as is clearly evident in last season's stats. And the seasons before, including PIMs which often tell you when a defenseman has been playing defense well. Cooke's was every bit as accidental, so please fill me in on where I even brought this up?

As for the comments regarding my personal opinion of him, I've watched his on ice antics and view them immature at best. I've watched him act up then hide, and generally act like an ass on the ice. Worse than even Flyers accuse Crosby of, and he hasn't matured out of it yet. If he does my opinion will change.

Therrien and most media I've read agree. Should I take time to post links to articles or quotes or can you just google then yourself? Being a Habs fan I'm sure you've heard plenty.

Maybe if he matures he'll become a better defenseman (offense and defense) than Letang. Till then he'll be behind him. And any token Norris handed to him when he clearly was a lesser player I'll point out as such.

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