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Where do we go from here? Your predictions.


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OK, we beat up on 2 bad teams and I take nothing away from the Flyers for that because a team is supposed to take advantage of that. Mason and Emery continue to be good, secondary scoring is heating up, Coot's line is doing pretty darn good work and Schenn & Simmonds are heating up as well. Bellemare and company are doing what they need to do. Giroux's line is clicking along and pending tonight's games Vors is #1 in the league. 


So that's the good stuff but now the teams get more difficult. The Lighting are a big test. 


Out of the next group of games before X-mas, we have Tampa and Florida at home and Toronto, Winnipeg and Minnesota on the road.


With all that is starting to go well for the Flyers it's still a huge unknown recently. No doubt these two wins have to work on their confidence in a positive way BUT the competition wasn't anything close to even mid-level.


So, the million dollar question is: Where do we go from here and is VLC a curse? Since he has been a scratch the team has played allot better and now they are getting points to show for it...





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@idahophilly   It's very frustrating because the presence of Mason makes us *just* good enough to not compete for the bottom five spots. We are essentially, the Leafs of the past 2 decades. Not good enough to make the playoffs, but good enough to take us out of the competition for the true superstars in the draft.....I may puke.

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@idahophilly   It's very frustrating because the presence of Mason makes us *just* good enough to not compete for the bottom five spots. We are essentially, the Leafs of the past 2 decades. Not good enough to make the playoffs, but good enough to take us out of the competition for the true superstars in the draft.....I may puke.


maybe hexy will have the guts to wheel and deal for one, we shouldnt have to tank for one, if they are players on this team that's worth giving up accept for giroux, jake and laughton for one, i'll do it.

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I may puke.


I understand your frustration but I can NEVER think/tell my team to not be the best they can. We are not going to get the top 2 and from there on in the draft (actually, including the top 2) there isn't any one player that can turn the Flyers into a cup contender. It hasn't worked thus far for the Oilers. We need to be patient for Ghost, Sanheim, Morin, Hagg ect... to come along, maybe some as early as next year. We jettison VLC and RJ in any way shape or form that we can. Laughton and Bellmare are working unsuspectingly well at center for the 2nd and 4th lines. With the cap going up 3-4 million per Bettman's best guess and some cap space from VLC/RJ (even if we eat half of each of their cap space that's another 4+ million) we may be able to get another decent winger and/or d-man (with emphasis on d-man).


I'm just not going to root for the Flyers to "suk" so they can take a Flyer out (see what I did there?  :) ) on ONE draft pick that might or might not be close to the NHL (again, there is no way we are getting the near NHL guarantee's in the top 2 picks).

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@idahophilly  Short term pain  = long term gain. It's just so very rare to have 3 superstars sitting there for the taking in an upcoming draft. Rare enough that I'd be willing to put aside any feelings of right and wrong, throw it right out of the equation.

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Playoff bound again.


Well, the next 5-6 games will be telling. If they do well, they might just surprise even some Flyers fans. Or they could go into the crapper. That's why I say the next 5 games will be interesting. Was this a fluke and playing against crap teams or was this the elixir the Flyers needed? The d even seems a bit better. Coincidence because the offence is better and they are not as paranoid or is it that the offence isn't as paranoid because the d is better? I'm saying both...

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I'm with jammer here. Of course you can't tell the players to suck or anything close to that. But getting a high pick in this draft would go a lot further in the long run for the future of this team than being a borderline playoff team would. 


This discussion happened last year in a lot weaker draft...we ended up making the playoffs and losing out in the first round. How'd that help the team toward this year? Not much it looks like.

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@idahophilly  Short term pain  = long term gain. It's just so very rare to have 3 superstars sitting there for the taking in an upcoming draft. Rare enough that I'd be willing to put aside any feelings of right and wrong, throw it right out of the equation.


No way, the Oilers have done that year after year and it hasn't worked out and now regardless of who is on the team there is a cuture of losing. They haven't learned how to win, they have learned how to lose. The Penguins did it way better. Toronto not so much. It's a role of the dice with fewer good outcomes than better ones. Besides, we WON'T be in the bottom 3. Just by dumb luck we are gonna be better than at least 3-4 teams and the %'s of the lottery suck after #2. The Flyer don't have a culture of tanking and I never want a chance of that culture taking root...

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I'm with jammer here. Of course you can't tell the players to suck or anything close to that. But getting a high pick in this draft would go a lot further in the long run for the future of this team than being a borderline playoff team would. 


This discussion happened last year in a lot weaker draft...we ended up making the playoffs and losing out in the first round. How'd that help the team toward this year? Not much it looks like.


I don't see any correlation there, practically for any team with a few exceptions. Next years team will be significantly different than this years regardless of what draft pick we get, probably in ways we haven't calculated yet.

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No way, the Oilers have done that year after year and it hasn't worked out and now regardless of who is on the team there is a cuture of losing.


 The Oilers never had McDavid, Eichel or Hanfin staring them in the face either. Yakapov is an average skater with no gear that is scary for opposing d-men....the 3 at the top here, all ELITE skaters, big...big difference.

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The Oilers never had McDavid, Eichel or Hanfin staring them in the face either. Yakapov is an average skater with no gear that is scary for opposing d-men....the 3 at the top here, all ELITE skaters, big...big difference.

Hall and Nugent-Hopkins aren't too bad.

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Well, my intent wasn't a long term answer to "where do we go from here?" anyway. What happens in the next 5 games or so? What's your intuition, gut or for you corsi fans, what does it predict? Was this recent play a fluke or not. I plan on taking the rest of the season in roughly 5 game chunks...

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OK, we beat up on 2 bad teams and I take nothing away from the Flyers for that because a team is supposed to take advantage of that. Mason and Emery continue to be good, secondary scoring is heating up, Coot's line is doing pretty darn good work and Schenn & Simmonds are heating up as well. Bellemare and company are doing what they need to do. Giroux's line is clicking along and pending tonight's games Vors is #1 in the league. 


So that's the good stuff but now the teams get more difficult. The Lighting are a big test. 


Out of the next group of games before X-mas, we have Tampa and Florida at home and Toronto, Winnipeg and Minnesota on the road.


With all that is starting to go well for the Flyers it's still a huge unknown recently. No doubt these two wins have to work on their confidence in a positive way BUT the competition wasn't anything close to even mid-level.


So, the million dollar question is: Where do we go from here and is VLC a curse? Since he has been a scratch the team has played allot better and now they are getting points to show for it...







To keep it short and sweet i really am not going to venture and guess with this group....because well that is what it would be just guessing. But not matter how it ends i believe they won't suck enough to get a top 5 pick yet if they make the playoffs it may be just an 8th seed first round exit.

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I don't see any correlation there, practically for any team with a few exceptions. Next years team will be significantly different than this years regardless of what draft pick we get, probably in ways we haven't calculated yet.


If you got McDavid or Eichel, you're adding Crosby=like talent to to your roster. These guys aren't the same players that come every year at the top picks. This is generational talent.

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No way, the Oilers have done that year after year and it hasn't worked out and now regardless of who is on the team there is a cuture of losing. They haven't learned how to win, they have learned how to lose. The Penguins did it way better. Toronto not so much. It's a role of the dice with fewer good outcomes than better ones. Besides, we WON'T be in the bottom 3. Just by dumb luck we are gonna be better than at least 3-4 teams and the %'s of the lottery suck after #2. The Flyer don't have a culture of tanking and I never want a chance of that culture taking root...


Picture the Pens with Yakupov and RNH and the Oilers with Crosby and Malkin. THATs how the Pens did it better. It wasn't because of their genius move taking Fleury first overall in the best draft ever. Or Staal over Toews. It was because they lucked out and got not one, but two generational talents. They sucked at the right time. Thats all.

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Well, my intent wasn't a long term answer to "where do we go from here?" anyway. What happens in the next 5 games or so? What's your intuition, gut or for you corsi fans, what does it predict? Was this recent play a fluke or not. I plan on taking the rest of the season in roughly 5 game chunks...



When you have Vinnie and Umberger taking up almost 10 million in capspace, and that D taking up another 25 million its pretty hard to compete. Sure you might be better than the bottom feeders and you might catch a top club sleeping, heck Mason has shown he can even steal a game. But as fish mentioned, we're too good for a top pick and not good enough to play with the big boys.

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you know what my biggest fear is if we make the playoffs is that hexy will not make any changes on this team, keeping berube as coach for 5 years, resigning coburn for 8 years and it will same old problems for 5 years or worse berube is never going to play the young guys including the defensemen we drafted.


that's why i dont want them to make the playoffs because hexy is keeping the same roster/same problems all over again.

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This team is full of **** to watch, when you root and put hopes in them, they play like **** that no one wants to touch or watch. When you want them to lose, they start playing like a team that you had no idea that they can play like that during their losing streak. I have a feeling they will be one of the team on the bubble to make the playoffs. They gonna start playing good now and get everyone on the bandwagon again, then when crunch time comes they will fall apart like they have this past month.

I rather they just stink up the joint to get a top 3 pick rather then draft somewhere in the teens. I know some say the top picks are not important because you can still draft great players after those top picks. But I rather take my chances with the top picks as they are more skilled then picks in the teens. As for them picking a gem in the later rounds, I don't have any faith in them to do that. They are good at drafting players like Rinaldo and Carcillo (I know they didn't draft him), those players they can definitely do.

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