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Pens Fans, In all honesty, do you WANT to make the playoffs?


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Honestly, the way that we are playing, I don't think that we have a chance of doing anything in the playoffs this year.   I'm just being honest. Injuries aside, the style of play this team has this year does not make me believe that we have a chance to do any damage in the playoffs


We have two generational talents on this team, be we continue to play a game that is just a dump and chase style that does not play to the talents of our best players.    Really, our coaching staff is playing a positional game that does not take into account the attributes of our best players, go figure, that's been our game for many a year.   Can DFB come up to the Mike and proclaim that we just didn't get to our game?  Really, what is our game now?


Add to that the fact that our trade deadline "changes" made us worse, what do we expect?



I must admit, with our coaching staff, and our personnel, I think I'd rather miss the playoffs this year and see drastic changes.  Let's get rid of Johnston and Rutherford, this has been a disaster.

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Agree on get rid of them. We're backing into the playoffs. Losing badly to teams that aren't even in the cut. The Pens' style of play is horrible. I don't know what Johnston thinks he's doing in there. But imitating the guy who just got fired isn't the solution.

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Could Malkin be on the move around the draft?

There are pieces in place that can keep the Pens flush with some good talent or picks .

Not sure who takes over for the GM or coach though....Babcock ? With the chance to coach Crosby and "unleash" him would be terrifying. As for GM they jettisoned a good guy hired a so-so to not good guy. Lots of intrigue around the Pens suddenly.

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Rutherford screwed up with his deadline deals. Not a doubt in my mind. And Johnston seems to be forcing a system that's SO conservative out talented players are reduced to grinders at times. The guy I feel bad for is Fleury. He was having a career best season until about 8 games ago, and the team has suddenly shyte the bed.

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Rutherford made one deal I thought was really good....acquiring Hornqcvist for Neal.  I also thought gettting Perron was good too, BUT it takes a coach to make good use of his players, and as @nossagog mentioned in game chat, it makes no sense for Perron to be on the 3rd or 4th line.  That is all on Johnston.  So I will ask the million dollar question, does Mario axe Johnston after 1 season if the Pens complete the collapse and fail to make the playoffs.


Even backing into the playoffs and exiting after 1 round will not sit well witgh Pens fans.......So is Johnston's days numbered?  What about Rutherford.  too make changes again in the off-season will be seen as sheer panic moves.


Just curious your thoughts from a pens fan perspective......

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Rutherford made one deal I thought was really good....acquiring Hornqcvist for Neal.  I also thought gettting Perron was good too, BUT it takes a coach to make good use of his players, and as @nossagog mentioned in game chat, it makes no sense for Perron to be on the 3rd or 4th line.  That is all on Johnston.  So I will ask the million dollar question, does Mario axe Johnston after 1 season if the Pens complete the collapse and fail to make the playoffs.


Even backing into the playoffs and exiting after 1 round will not sit well witgh Pens fans.......So is Johnston's days numbered?  What about Rutherford.  too make changes again in the off-season will be seen as sheer panic moves.


Just curious your thoughts from a pens fan perspective......s

I'm still not of the opinion that one of Malkin or Crosby has to be traded. I still don't feel this is a matter of being a cap bound team. I think they are built for the future.  I STILL have a problem with the style of game this team exhibits.  This is STILL a dump and chase team, just like played under Bylsma.  Johnston started the year playing a possession game, but it now the same, dump to the corners and grind away.


It is the STYLE of play that has been exhibited for the past four years. We should NOT be  a dump and chase team, ESPECIALLY with the defense men that we have that can carry the puck up ice. Our style of play make NO sense with the personnel that we have on the team.  This is TOTALLY on management at this point it time. We are NOT making the best of the talent that we have on the team.


Fleury is having a career year in goal, and  the team is struggling to support him in goal. There is no excuse for this other than coaching. This is opposite than what usually happens.  In this case, YES, FIRE the coaching staff, and keep the roster.  Someone like Babcock that can make best use out of ANY team he has would be UNREAL on this team.


Dump the last three games. Get Babcock.   Don't think.  Just Do It.


Sorry, can anyone tell that I am frustrated?

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as frustrated as we Flyers fans are frustrated with Berube...

HAHA, you know I forgot.  As much as I complain, you guys still have "The Best Player in Hockey".   


Both teams deserve better.  We are both going to wallow in misery.

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I agree with most of what @nossagog said except... Win the last three games. Get into the playoffs. You never know what can happen once you're in.

@Polaris922  Don't get me wrong, no way I can wish for them to lose while they're playing.  I will be rooting for them, but am resolved to the fact that my expectations are not high for them.

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This team quit in January! Ww had a comfortable lead on the division! Then the wheels fell off! I don't think this team cares any more! I agree that we should clean house! If Babcock doesn't come to Pittsburgh to coach then who, John Tortellini? I wonder if Sid still wants to stay in Pittsburgh? I saw this coming for a least a month! Polaris922 when did we argue about fleury? That's when I saw this coming!yes I am still pissed at this team for this disaster!

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This team quit in January! Ww had a comfortable lead on the division! Then the wheels fell off! I don't think this team cares any more! I agree that we should clean house! If Babcock doesn't come to Pittsburgh to coach then who, John Tortellini? I wonder if Sid still wants to stay in Pittsburgh? I saw this coming for a least a month! Polaris922 when did we argue about fleury? That's when I saw this coming!yes I am still pissed at this team for this disaster!

Jane, I've lost any respect that I ever had for you in even mentioning Tort's as a coach for the Pens. Of anything that would EVER happen, THAT may be the one thing that turns me to another team.

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever(wait let me count, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 8) ever ever ever EVER mention that again.

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Jane, I've lost any respect that I ever had for you in even mentioning Tort's as a coach for the Pens. Of anything that would EVER happen, THAT may be the one thing that turns me to another team.

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever(wait let me count, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 8) ever ever ever EVER mention that again.

Sorry but it is time for a real "groaner".....I guess you don't believe in "Tort" reform? :confused[1]:

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Sorry but it is time for a real "groaner".....I guess you don't believe in "Tort" reform? :confused[1]:

Dude, it was close, but you almost made my ignore list on that one. Really. Actually, I'm just mad because I didn't think of that first.

Well played my friend, well played.

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Jane, I've lost any respect that I ever had for you in even mentioning Tort's as a coach for the Pens. Of anything that would EVER happen, THAT may be the one thing that turns me to another team.

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever(wait let me count, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 8) ever ever ever EVER mention that again.


Damm Noss...tell us how your really feel! ;) ..... FYI....a vast majority of Flyer fans feel the same way about Torts as you do! :)

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This team quit in January! Ww had a comfortable lead on the division! Then the wheels fell off! I don't think this team cares any more! I agree that we should clean house! If Babcock doesn't come to Pittsburgh to coach then who, John Tortellini? I wonder if Sid still wants to stay in Pittsburgh? I saw this coming for a least a month! Polaris922 when did we argue about fleury? That's when I saw this coming!yes I am still pissed at this team for this disaster!

Well at least you realize it's not Fleury's fault now. He's the only one that's played well of late. Well... And Sid. He HAS overtaken the lead in the scoring race so I can't knock him.

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Damm Noss...tell us how your really feel! ;) ..... FYI....a vast majority of Flyer fans feel the same way about Torts as you do! :)

Doc, along with other crap, Torts is the biggest whining coach I've ever seen in my life. Put yourself in my shoes,

with all the Pens hate out there, add the whiniest coach on the planet, how could that possible ever work out well for the Pens.

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I want to make the playoffs. At the risk of sounding like the Flyers front office - anything can happen once you are there. Not likely but still.


Using a twisted rationale - it's win/win.  If they miss the playoffs - heads will roll and we're in the lottery! (And the last place any once wants to see the Pens is in the lottery. :ph34r:).  Make the playoffs and flame out early and heads will roll. Paging, Mr. Babcock (fingers crossed).  Or they make it in, things click and they make a nice run.


I almost (stress: ALMOST) want to see them in the lottery. Can you imagine how the hockey cyberspace world would blow up in the Pens (!!!) landed McDavid???

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I almost (stress: ALMOST) want to see them in the lottery. Can you imagine how the hockey cyberspace world would blow up in the Pens (!!!) landed McDavid???


yeah that would be funny...but after some digging...impossible.


"The Pittsburgh Penguins' 2015 first-round pick will go to the Edmonton Oilers as the result of a trade on January 2, 2015 that sent David Perron to Pittsburgh in exchange for Rob Klinkhammer and this pick.[15]"


the rest of the NHL can now breathe a collective sigh of relief. ;)

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Jane, I've lost any respect that I ever had for you in even mentioning Tort's as a coach for the Pens. Of anything that would EVER happen, THAT may be the one thing that turns me to another team.Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever(wait let me count, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 8) ever ever ever EVER mention that again.
I'm sorry I don't want the a.shole here either! If Babcock doesn't come here who else is there? Do we keep Johnston? I agree that Torts would be a few steps down from what we have and had before! My question is who,other than Babcock,is out there?
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I noticed that the Pens quit playing as soon as the opposing team scores?! Is this my imagination or as any one else see this? Polaris I'm still not a fan of Fleury, something has to give on this team somewhere, anywhere! Maybe everywhere!

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