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Summertime Reading: "Oh Zac, you are so funny..."

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It's never too late to learn some new tricks.


That's what Zac Rinaldo is hoping to prove, at least.


The feisty forward was introduced to the city of Boston as a new member of the Bruins on Tuesday, and spoke about what he hopes to bring to the club after being acquired from the Philadelphia Flyers in exchange for a third-round draft pick earlier this summer.


"I’m bringing an energy - I’m bringing life every game, home and away," he said, according to Jess Isner of BostonBruins.com. “I’m going to be the rough, tough Zac Rinaldo, but I’m also going to add in more hockey sense."

Rinaldo expanded:

"I’m going to be shooting the puck, I’m going to be blocking shots, I’m going to be creating more opportunity offensively, whether that be for myself or for my teammates - the little shot off the pad here and there can lead to a rebound to get a goal. The smart chip, the smart dump to get a good forecheck - it’s all going to tie into (helping) to win a hockey game.

"So anything I (can) do to offensively bring more of an oomph to it so we can win a game, is what I’ll be bringing.

"I do have those tools in my toolbox - I just have to be given that ice time, be given that opportunity to show those things."

Hockey sense isn't exactly what Rinaldo has become known for since entering the NHL. He missed 14 games due to suspension over the past four seasons, a total that eclipses the number of goals he scored (8).


But he's planning on finding balance in his game, making more positive contributions, and taking fewer penalties.


"(My game) is going to change in a better way for the team," he said. "I don’t plan on getting suspended; that’s the last thing I want to do. I don’t plan on taking stupid penalties; that’s the last thing I want to do, is hurt my team.


"Changing for the better will happen. More opportunity, a different role, perhaps, and I’m open to anything to help the team win."

He also plans to put in work to endear himself to his new teammates.


"These guys probably don’t know me off the ice; they just know me on the ice, and on the ice, they probably hate me," he conceded, "but off the ice, I’m just a down-to-earth guy. I’m just a 25-year-old kid playing hockey that loves the game. As soon as they see me, they can relate to me in any way that they can."


At the end of the day, however, he knows it's head coach Claude Julien he needs to impress most in order to actually play.

A potential fourth-line role awaits Rinaldo, and he'll need to harness that energy for good to take advantage of the opportunity.

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"I don’t plan on getting suspended; that’s the last thing I want to do. I don’t plan on taking stupid penalties; that’s the last thing I want to do, is hurt my team.


I posted this a day or two ago in the shoutbox.....what is with the comment??


As opposed to he planned on taking dumb penalties when he was in the Orange and Black??? What ever....he'll spend his time in Providence i imagine...


...wonder if for the first matchup if the Flyers will call Goulbourne up?? He and Zac would make for an epic fight i say.......

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I predict Zac will stay with the Broons


He's certainly "cap friendly" enough for a team with severe cap issues.


If he's lucky, he's the new Daniel Paille at a half million less.

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Daniel Paille




I think i know what you're trying to say there (i think) but Paille has/had some hockey skill....hell he was even a 20th overall pick (albeit a disappointing one) none the less he was pretty damn good in juniors...so the comparison is for sure stretch.


Zac i'm afraid is no where near this guys skill level...if Zac can just not be waived and sent down and maybe cut his PIMs in half i would just call that a success for Zac...but i'll believe it when i see it.

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I think i know what you're trying to say there (i think) but Paille has/had some hockey skill..


Paille has more offensive "upside" but I'm thinking more of the "go out there, hit some people, make some things happen" aspect of his game.


That's what they are going to want from Rinaldo.


(Paille is also the odd-man out without a contract on da Broons rightnow - they've got 12 F under contract )

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Yeah, Paille is quite a bit more hockey player than Zac. But I'll say it again, Zac is capable of playing in the NHL if only because he can skate. He's not as brain-dead as people think and he will prove this by taking a regular shift on the 4th line for BOS

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Yeah, Paille is quite a bit more hockey player than Zac.


True, but Zac is the one with the contract at the moment...


And, FWIW, I think Zac actually brings more to the table than Paille - if only because Paille is such a bland, run-of-the-mill, dime-a-dozen player.


Rinaldo, "brain dead" or not, does have guys looking out for where he is on the ice when he's out there.

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Paille has more offensive "upside" but I'm thinking more of the "go out there, hit some people, make some things happen" aspect of his game


By "make some things happen" do you mean, "give our PK more work"?

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I was adding his ice time and PIMs together though............i guess box time don't count...

@OccamsRazor-if you are going to count penalty box time we should probably also count warm-ups because we all know Zac brings the energy then also LOL. #22minutesofhell. :)

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I still wish zac the best, but he's making that really hard going to Boston. I do think he will be better there, if only because I think Berube didn't significantly help develop anyone. The Bs do. I agree with zac that his role will determine his output, not just his limited skill level. I hope he's used as a grinder, not an instigator.

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 I hope he's used as a grinder, not an instigator.



Yeah. You and I happen to think he's capable of becoming that 12 minute 4th line grinder who reliably chips the puck out and generates energy (sorry, had to say it).


It remains to be seen. And he's not a better player today than he was 4 years ago. But part of that is on the Flyers and their coaching and (lack of) development philosophy/culture, which I think transcended Berube. 


I'm thrilled we got a 3rd for Zac, but I don't wish to see him fail to become the pro hockey player that he thinks he can be and has worked hard to become.

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It remains to be seen. And he's not a better player today than he was 4 years ago. But part of that is on the Flyers and their coaching and (lack of) development philosophy/culture, which I think transcended Berube. 



as you say:  "part" of that is on the Flyers and I think more of that is on the player frankly.  He was given more than enough of a chance to prove to be a worthwhile 4th line player over the years.  He was even given time on the PK but somehow always found his way to the box and/or suspension.  I hope for the best but I think he is going to provide the same nonsense in Boston.   For him to effective he has to play on the edge - ergo, more penalties and more suspensions and a steady slide back to the AHL.


As for the culture part I think he should thank his lucky stars that he was brought in by the Flyers.  This organization has always loved the gritty, high-energy and under-skilled players.   Most clubs in the NHL would not have given him as much leeway with the selfish play let alone trying to develop him into a PK specialist.   I think Hextall saw what most people see - Zac is a liability.


To get a 3rd rounder for Zac is highway robbery...  I will take that any day of the week.

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