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Poll: Tampa Bay Lightning greatest player ever


Greatest Bolt player  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the Lightning's all time best player?

    • Martin St. Louis
    • Vinnie Lecavalier
    • Steven Stamkos

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md94UKGk_1W9LLEjzXq1gMw.jpg A three man race, some of these are five or six deep, the Lightning have had three superstars who have placed their seal on the Lightning insignia over the years, others like Richards and Boyle were there long enough to deserve recognition but not long enough for their stats to compare to the big boys. Hedman may make the list in a few years but not yet.




VINNIE LECAVALIER: All time leader in games played (1037) goals 383) and second in points. A lot of folks do not remember that he had a bit of a nasty streak early in his career and he is third all time in Lightning history in [penalty minutes as well. 2nd team all star once, led the league in goals once, 4 time all star.


MARTINmRnLnz_fo7W_cqshljtNQgQ.jpg ST. LOUIS: The little engine who could is first all time in assists (588) and points (953) and second in both games and goals. Oldest man ever to win a scoring title, three times won the Bing, first team all star once, second team four times, appeared in six all star games total. Won the Hart  trophy in 2003-04 the year the Bolts won it all.


STEVENmaNcVFSj7WfVPqp0ukbs4pw.jpg STAMKOS: Has already done so much as a young age, third all time in goals (276) and points (498) and only 25 years old. Has already led the league in goals scored twice, two time second team all star and has appeared in three all star games. Already has 4 of the top 5 individual top goal scoring seasons in club history.


  With apologies to Hedman and Boyle and Richards, it has to be one of these three. No goalie has ever stood out, Bishop will establish himself as the all time best goalie in lcub history over a very weak class.  so happy voting!


WHO AM I? m8dJekGcOWMxB2NHaH8EJlg.jpgA lot of hopes and dreams were put on this young mans shoulders when the Bolts took him in the draft. sadly, those hopes were for naught.

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I voted St. Louis because he is the all time leader in scoring. In a few more years if he continues at his current pace Stamkos will take this one and run and hide.

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Martin St Louis, the most consistent offensive producer out of the three, who also took home the most hardware. Although it can be argued that Stamkos and Vincent Lecavelier both have had better peak seasons, and Stammer could still very much end up as the better player by the time both of their careers end. Vinny however...is basically done as a player, give me 39 year old Martin St Louis over him...

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I am going with Marty on this one. He seemed to always be there when a big goal was needed.


The who am I is Chris Gratton, who I will always remember for his excellent play while wearing the Orange  & Black. :ph34r:  :)

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I am going with Marty on this one. He seemed to always be there when a big goal was needed.


The who am I is Chris Gratton, who I will always remember for his excellent play while wearing the Orange  & Black. :ph34r:  :)

Chris Gratton!! A guy who Phil Esposito in his book donates about a half a chapter defending making him the first pick ever of the Lightning. One of those guys who simply always seemed to have more talent than desire.
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  Maybe someday it becomes Stamkos....but he has a LONG way to go to pass St.Louis.....one was dominant for the Bolts in the playoffs and one has yet to really rise to the occasion. Stammers skill is undeniable, but if he had a wicked playoff, the Bolts might have won the cup. He has to get better in the post season....and Marty has already proven he can get the job done.

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Not much argument from THIS diehard Bolts fan on MSL.


And given the Lightning's short (and oftentimes horrible) history, there simply aren't many choices for GOAT players who wore the Bolts sweater outside of the aforementioned 3 players.


If the Bolts lock up Stamkos (which they should...otherwise, someone's got some screws loose!) and if Stamkos can stay healthy and continue to produce the way he has, then there should be no doubt that he should go down as the GOAT.


I am hoping guys like Tyler Johnson, Ondrej Palat, Victor Hedman, Jonathan Drouin and MAYBE Anthony DeAngelo (homer alert from the TB fan! ;) ), can give Stamkos a run for his money on that distinction....or maybe some superstar goalie can as well.


VLC probably SHOULD have been in the running for all time great, but injuries, loss of foot speed, and loss of willingness to go to the hard areas of the ice have conspired to not only see him shown the door in Tampa Bay, but apparently, the Flyers aren't getting their money's worth there either.

But at his peak, VLC was an awesome, awesome player!


But as things stand now, MSL it is.....despite what some cement headed TB fans may think and have to say about him.

As far as I am concerned, his personal spat with Steve Yzerman should in NO WAY tarnish his accomplishments as a member of the Lightning, or the credibility he helped bring to the franchise in general.


Bolts franchise, throughout its history, has had some pretty good players (some great players) but who spent too little time on the Bolts or were at the tail end of outstanding careers to be considered "Great Lightning Players"...because really, their greatness was with some other team.


Guys like Dave Andreychuk, Nikolai Khabibulin, Dino Ciccerelli come to mind as guys who really were grown and developed elsewhere and came to the Lightning as already seasoned veterans........in the case of Ciccerelli, he was already on the decline, while guys like Andreychuk and Khabibulin were good enough to help the Bolts win their Cup.


Also, other players like Pavel Kubina, Jassen Cullimore, Ruslan Fedotenko, Frederick Modin, and Vacslav Prospal were good for the Bolts in short bursts, though many of those guys quickly decline as fast as they ascended.


In the case of Pavel Kubina, at his short lived peak, I would say he was one of the BEST defensemen in the game in terms of speed, power, ability to skate, contribute on offense, and was just plain MEAN to play against.......but for whatever reason, his skills fell off the cliff once he left the Bolts and he played for other teams such as the Leafs, Thrashers, and even the Flyers.


And finally, Chris Gratton.

Ahhh, my Chris Gratton.

So much was put on his shoulders at a time when the Bolts were such a horribly put together franchise. They expected him to be "the savior" when in reality, he probably would have made a solid 2C on a deep team, or an elite 3C on a great team.


As a young girl, I had a big time crush on Gratts....he and Rob Zamuner....and although their career numbers will never show it, they were two of my personal all time "greatest Bolts".

Yes, I am aware of the reality, but I ain't gonna let THAT tarnish the pedestal I personally place them on.  :)

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@TropicalFruitGirl26  Tyler Johnson could very end up being a superstar. He's only had 2 full seasons in the NHL, despite turning 25 a few weeks ago. His first year he averaged 0.60 ppg, last year he upped that to 0.93 ppg. No one knows how good he is going to be, or where the climb up in ppg stops or stalls. There is a real good chance he could hit 1.2 ppg next season.....and that number is rarely hit these days.

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Well if the Bolts would have kept Vinny in Tampa this would be a hands down unanimous decision Win - Win in my book for Lecavalier and hey the Flyers wouldn't have his outrageous contract.   ;)


But my vote goes to Stamkos - as long as he doesn't Bolt for the Leafs next season.   :unsure[1]:

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Well if the Bolts would have kept Vinny in Tampa this would be a hands down unanimous decision Win - Win in my book for Lecavalier and hey the Flyers wouldn't have his outrageous contract.   ;)


But my vote goes to Stamkos - as long as he doesn't Bolt for the Leafs next season.   :unsure[1]:

Stamkos over the two time art Ross winner? And if Vinny had not left tampa I don't think he would unanimously be their best player at all. I'd like to see your reasoning....
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@TropicalFruitGirl26  Tyler Johnson could very end up being a superstar. He's only had 2 full seasons in the NHL, despite turning 25 a few weeks ago. His first year he averaged 0.60 ppg, last year he upped that to 0.93 ppg. No one knows how good he is going to be, or where the climb up in ppg stops or stalls. There is a real good chance he could hit 1.2 ppg next season.....and that number is rarely hit these days.


Very well could, @jammer2


Although, to be honest, I already consider Johnson a 'star player'.

But of course, to be considered the GOAT in a given sweater, he'd not only have to wear it for a long time (here is hoping!), but be very, very good in it the whole time.


That still remains to be seen obviously, but he certainly has things going the right way so far.


I only hope that 20-30 years down the line, I can look back and really have many players to choose from to consider as "GOAT", as that will surely mean the Bolts have kept the talent pipeline alive n well and have started to build themselves a nice, deep rich history of great players like some of the more established teams have had!


Of course, 30 years down the road, I will be about 60 years old, so I hope I can remember what I typed here........  :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chris Gratton!! A guy who Phil Esposito in his book donates about a half a chapter defending making him the first pick ever of the Lightning. One of those guys who simply always seemed to have more talent than desire.


Chris Gratton was not the first pick of the Lightning, Roman Hamrlik was. I remember Espo talking about the smudged fax and Rod Brind'Amour in relation to Gratton, but not making the mistake of saying he was the first ever pick. I haven't read the book in a while though. 


Vinny gets my vote. 

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