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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Greetings:

    Rad is right...accountability starts at the top, but then you would have to put Holmgren and his staff in the proverbial cross-hairs. We complain about Leighton..OK, why isn't there a good young goalie somewhere in the system who could be backup? You read about Subbhan signings...well the rumor was false but why did it start....do we draft/build good young puck carrying defenders? I'll say it for the umpteenth time--the only constant for this franchise since the first lockout is inconsistency between and within season/games. Carchidi and Seravali have said something along these lines the past two days--we have had this inconsistency through three coaches and their respective systems (Hitch, Stevens, Lavy). I would also say our deepest playoff runs have been flukey rather than predicted as top-seeds. Bottom line: I think the Flyers are "forward-centric" in how they approach player development and too impatient. So, we collect other's people's first round picks who may or may not pan out as cohesive hole. And we seem to pick up 2nd tier defenders (Grossman, Gervais) who may be competent but not stellar, and wonder why we have defensive lapses.

    If I sound like a broken record it's because we seem to have witnessed one since '06-07. I really wonder if this team will earn another Cup in my lifetime.



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  2. The Flyers save no money and no cap space by having Boosh in the A. None. At. All.

    I'm not talking about developing goalies. I'm talking about playing the 36yo veteran backup with NHL experience the past two seasons over the 32yo journeyman who hasn't been in the league since 2010.

    Rad: I do not know Homer's rationale for Leighton over Boosh. Your point is well-taken. But I still wonder about the organization's difficulties in building goaltenders.



  3. Did he 'get us there', or did a TREMENDOUS D led by Pronger, get us there, with him being the beneficiary? He was a one-trick pony, and since Chicago exposed him, he hasn't been NHL quality. I will admit though that the d played lazy last night, but he should not start another game in Orange and Black when every point is magnified in this type of season.


    I noted your concern as well...we don't develop good goalies.And I am not sure D is much better. We are a "forward-centric" club.


  4. he wasn't THE reason they lost last night. He wasn't great, but he certainly wasn't THE reason. I could only really fault him for like 1.. maybe 2 of those goals. We were still losing that game no matter who we had in net. They played lazy D last night.

    Did he 'get us there', or did a TREMENDOUS D led by Pronger, get us there, with him being the beneficiary? He was a one-trick pony, and since Chicago exposed him, he hasn't been NHL quality. I will admit though that the d played lazy last night, but he should not start another game in Orange and Black when every point is magnified in this type of season.

    Greetings: I think you're both right .But we lost to Chicago for a number of reasons and the Blackhawks' 6-0 start this year speaks to that. But I would add that we have an "organeyesation" that seems to go hog wild on forwards and their development, while goalies and D-men seem to be given short shrift. Our system developed Nitty; for a number of reasons he went. Boucher came of age with the Flyers and we have had a fairly good return on investment, though probably not as much as hoped for a decade+ ago. And Bobo was went packing due to cap. But we are not a Nashville that breeds goalies.

    So...we look to the Leightons of the world for backup..and overpay the free agents we anoint as goaltending saviors.



  5. Greetings:

    I think we had an interesting contrast this weekend. We demolished a glorified AHL squad with a disengaged audience (the Miami Herald noted that his morning; we Flyer fans were more vocal than the locals), but are in turn demolished by TB. It was unpleasant to watch and Leighton cannot be a scapegoat. Maybe 2 of the 5 were weak, but he made some great saves. For the most part he was a sitting duck.

    Tampa Bay and Buffalo have been good benchmark teams for us since the first lockout. I'd say we have gotten an inkling that this could be rough sledding for a chunk of the season...or maybe the whole thing. D is not cleaning house, and discipline is lax.


  6. Hi Howie-

    The only thing that matters is did you throw your lid on Reads hatty or take a sip of Merlow?

    Van: I was tempted to but it was a 2012 Winter Classic hat and didn't want to sacrifice it. Also--a couple that threw a hat out was escorted off by the boys in black...appears Sunshine Sports and Entertainment doesn't like the behavior...Go figure. Good to hear from you.



  7. Greetings:

    I just got back from the game.

    1) I was pleasantly surprised at attendance. But they now charge $20 for parking...ouch.

    2) The Flyers fans were incredibly vocal. I got high-fived by several folks. An older Flyers couple was behind me. A young guy and his girlfriend who just moved to South Florida from Cincinnati sat in front of me.

    3) On D, Gervais looked small and tentative. Foster looked a bit out of place too. But Timmo looked amazing for a guy his age.

    4) Knuble can still skate. But I wonder if he can shoot.

    5) Simmonds is tough but he took some dumb penalties.

    6) Bryz was good, despite looking spastic on occasion. I guess we have to get used to it.

    I am not sure if the Flyers are that good or the Panthers are that bad...they are an injured and depleted.

    7) Briere was not a factor.

    Let's hope this carries forward to Tampa Bay.



  8. Howdy:

    I will be at the game tomorrow (the 26th) versus the Panthers. Just got seats in Section 104; visitors shoot twice side. I am in row 14--probably wearing a 2012 Winter Classic hat! Stop by and say hello if you are there. It looks like there is pretty good attendance. Other than nose bleeds, seats were a bit scarce.

    I may go to the Applebee's nearby for a pre-game Merlot or other fermented stuff...the 9 dollar a glass Cavit crap they serve at the Arena makes me angry. If you see a gray temple dude at the bar--it's me. This is the only time I will see the boys in person this year, so I am looking forward to it. My Costa Rican native friend will go with me while her hubby does night shift...she gets a kick out of the madness--reminds her of "football."

    This will be a match of two decimated rosters. I really don't know what to expect, other than the fact we have had a tough time in Sunrise the past few years. Maybe Knuble will pretend he's 30 and score a game winner.



  9. Howdy:

    I could see this as a short-term event with waiver once Hartnell is back. About the only downside is taking time away from a youngster but that may not be such a problem now with too few vets. I always liked the guy and hope he has some gas left. He seemed like a class act.



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  10. At first I was surprised hearing the news about Hartnell - then I remembered that shot of him on the end of the bench after the puck hit him, grabbing the stanchion and bent over double. He looked like he was in a world of pain.

    At least this time we weren't told "it's nothing, he'll be back in a week," and then 3 days later hear "he's out indefinitely." So I guess that's progress from our med staff.

    Laughton sure looks ready for prime time to me. So he "burns" a year, so what? It's not like a JVR hanging out in New Hampshire, wondering whether he wants to commit to professional hockey. This is Laughton gaining NHL experience and becoming a better player for the Flyers, which after all is everybody's aim. I'll be shocked if they send him back now.


    Good to hear your voice on the forum. I hope you are well.

    I came home from teaching at 10:48 and didn't like this news. Yikes. At this juncture...give the kids experience. I am hoping this is not a 2006-2007 redux.



  11. @Howie58

    Great Questions! I don't have all the answers either, but let me make the attempt.

    1. Homer is IMO, an oppurtunist. He has gone out and gone after the bold moves trying to make this team a contender year after year. Are bold moves considered a stadegy? I don't know. He went after Briere / Kimmo / Hartnell the year after they totally sucked. Bold moves to make this team a contender now. He went after Pronger. He went after Bryz after Snider probably told him enough of the goalie carousel. He attempted at Suter / Parise / Weber. Sucks that none of them panned out. Jagr was certainly an oppurtunistic move. Talbot was brought in for his vetern leadership / grit / and locker room persona.

    Now about the Carter / Richards trades. ARe they considered bold moves...YES...but I think those had some stradegy involved. None of the players coming to the Flyers had much experience. It was finally a youth movement. The M.O. of this team has always been to reload...never a complete rebuild. In years past, moves were always made out of desperation never with the future in mind.

    2. In regards to goalie / d-man development. YES! This is a fatal flaw of Homer's thinking. I can't remember the last time we developed a goalie. Cechmanek?? Nitty?? I can't remember the last time we kept a d-man, developed him and he remained with the Flyers. Chris Therien?

    Recent Picks:

    From 2009 - present No d-man even remotely close to being NHL ready

    From 2008: Bourdon (out indefinitley with concussion symptoms) / Sbisa (Traded)

    From 2005: Bartulis (waived / traded)

    From 2003 Picard (forgot what happened to him)

    From 2002: Joni Pitkanen (traded---> servicable d-man now in NHL)

    From 2001 Jeff Woywitka (traded)

    Most of the d-men the Flyers drafted are no names.

    So yes. For whatever reasons, this organization does not do a good job developing defensemen.

    3. We are Flyer fans and most of us were brought up with the Broad Street Bulley mentality. Once the NHL changed its style of play from brute force to more a finesse game, the Flyers never fully adapted. Yes we have had finesse players..aka Giroux / Briere, the typical Flyer is more of a blue coller worker. The NHL changed. Sadly the Flyers never fully committed to the new NHL and now we are trying to play catch up.

    4. No. Most of the fan base wants instant gratifiaction and to contend for the cup every year. Flyer fans in general are afraid for the wait and see development necessary. We have, for the most part been spoiled with success this franchise has brought us. We want no part of the wait and see process. Last year Homer finally decided to go with a youth movement with a sprinkle of veterns. Now we have alot of young players with potential and it is tough for us to watch at times.

    The old adage you reap what you sow is so true for this team. We may not like the results of this season, but we must endure them if this franchise is too move forward.

    Thanks for some great questions Howie......


    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Maybe we will live to see another Cup!



  12. They need a goalie, defenseman and power forward.

    This is a great thread. I am upset as are many.

    One thought comes to mind And Meltzer's take has an element of my thinking. The one constant of this team since the first strike is inconsistency. It is between and within games and seasons. Our deepest playoff runs have been "flukey." And this seems to be an issue regardless of coach.

    What does it mean? I can't answer the question but will ask questions.

    1) Is Homer a strategist or an opportunist?

    2) Is this organization "blind" in terms of goaltending and defensive recruitment-development?

    3) Is this franchise still wedded to "old-style" hockey that puts physicality over speed/skill?

    4) Have we been patient enough to develop a cadre of young players as a cohesive whole?

    I think the last may be important because on paper, this is a good group of youngsters. But...it may be "forward centric" and we don't know if it will gel into a real unit. Lavy may be a problem. And if there are few more losses to start the season, we may not have time to test the theory of "coach vs. other." But the patterns we observe are long-standing. My training and outlook say we have a "system" problem that starts with management. Homer is ballsy. But that may not be a substitute for drafting and patience.



  13. When we got off to a bad start in '07-'07, you had a feeling the team was slow and built for a bygone era of which Hitchcock was born so to speak. We are off to a bad start with a team that's good on paper. You cannot fault Bryz. He has looked OK to Very Good. This seems like parts with no whole. I agree with Millbury that the frustration and dumb penalties are just stupid. Another loss or two like this and I see Lavy's job on the line. Sadly, Homer is at fault to the extent we seem to develop forwards...but D doesn't happen.


  14. Welcome to

    Guys it is a pleasure to read this forum. I cannot stand the Philly.com site! After only two games, they are ready to trash the entire team and have little in the way of positive insite to offer. I am all for freedom of speech but I am not in favor of redundancy season after season on that site. I recall so many complaining that we need to stop trading our young prospects for the over the hill gang. Well, now you have young and they will get better with experience Call me a homer, but that's what I think and we just need to suffer through and persevere.

    The Philly.com site is filled with bad posts...and lots of spyware. This is a good crew. Welcome.



    • Like 1
  15. Greetings:

    I posted on the game thread but repeat part of it here; I worry about the speed of this D against skill players. This has been an issue against Buffalo in the past but it's one that we may be "hitting" again. And Grossman's penalties may reflect some injury-related slowdown.



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  16. Howdy:

    There is effort but the Flyers look a lot less than the sum of their parts. The O and B have skill but puck movement in the attack zone is strange. Bryz's performance is hot and cold but I wouldn't fault him for losses. We may be getting an inkling regarding defense--does it have speed to keep up with skill players? We are killed on face-offs, a continuation of last year. Vanek kills us. Year-after-year. We had a lead today a blew it. Not good.



    • Like 1
  17. Greetings:

    Nobody will take on Bryz salary via trade. We won't waive him. So stink or swim, I suspect he is on the roster for the duration. But I could see a wholesale change between the pipes in the next year.

    By the way-isn't Leighton off contract end of this year?


  18. I guess a second take on these odds is that ultimately, management matters. A culture of good management sticks around, even with lean years. Bad management is hard to overcome. I think my backyard Panthers are an example. Tallon is turning things around, but that takes years. You'd also think that money matters, and I am sure it does. But Toronto has bucks...and a 45 year Cup drought. I also suspect a look here says the Southern Strategy hasn't exactly taken root.

    Best to all!

    "The Howster"

  19. Greetings:

    I saw this posted on Yahoo early today.

    What came to mind is how little things have changed since I started following the league in the early 70s. The Detroits and Bostons of the world are still seen as ongoing elite. OK...LA, clearly a "newcomer" to the elite. About the only surprise--and a sad commentary on the decline of the franchise--is Montreal's spot. On that score, I shed no tears.



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