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Everything posted by LegionOfDoom

  1. The spirit of NRH is pretty spot on, Bryz was thrown into a situation and like many before him, faultered. Is it his fault...No. Money aside the Organization put this upon themselves and they ARE TO BLAME. They realized that GOALTENDING IS KEY!!!!!!!!!! Muthersuckers. WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING. Ya you'll get an occassional situation where you can win a cup with shadey goaltending....ahem.chicago vs. Philly SCF.(both had teetering goalies). Bryz just put himself(or his management did) up for scrutiny when he went for the Big Money Contract...greed and pride can do that. He should of signed for a modest amount in terms and length and work from there. He has learned a valuable lesson at a costly price...pride and career. Leighton is typical of some people, you get nervous and you do the wrong things. He should of had more character and been up front. It's hard to judge without knowing the whole situation on his part. Bob was a rookie and has an all access pass for his messups whether in the first inning or after the 4th quarter double overtime it's all the same. Bottom line we went through a time where there have been shifts in mentality to some extent. It looks like now we are on the right track in keeping our youth, developing them. Putting an emphasis on drafting D, with a time window. Adding offensive defensemen to help out on our style of play/coaching. Blaming in the past...it is what it is. Reese is OK. as a goaltending coach. Though I'm suspect of our trainer, not a bad guy, but I feel he emphasizes on the wrong things and focus should be on stretching, inner and outer core strengthening and high flexibility, learning how to fall properly and body awareness are keys to demote injuries. Injuries will occur, but learning these things will minimize potential injuries that could of been avoided or lessoned. There's a job that's gotta be done out there....LET'S GET TO WORK and LET'S GET IT DONE.
  2. Congrats, I might be flying out there too this year. SNA and LAX airports? L.A. Staples and Anaheim Honda Ctr are within driving distance(:35 - 1:15 ish minutes depend on traffic) San Jose about 5 hrs drive( >< 340 miles away). San Jose would be a drive up north. I've been getting my tix off ebay sometimes or stubhub,(last minute arrival to the city and I try to catch a game) If you want to coordinate for the future than I would look for a reliable ticket vendor(see if its cheaper to by here in the east or pickup in the west. Sometimes you can get a family pack, with parking included and a few tix for the event.) Logistically I would map out the distance of the two arenas and get an extended stay hotel between the area(sometimes a packaged car rental/hotel deal...sometimes cheaper sepearate deals, if possible unlimited mileage rental, I think from airport car rental), so that way your in between and not too far off either way. The extended hotel will have a small kitchenette (stove,oven,sink,microwave)so that you can buy some groceries and not have to eat out by force but by option and you can buy a few drinks to take home to your fridge. I'll have to check my itenerary for that month in the future, but those games should be fun. I can remember years ago when I attended the game "The Miracle on Manchester" not a game I'm to fond of but I feel that's where Flyers, Flyers West was inseminated.
  3. Well reported gentlemen, STH insider info is much appreciated here by all. Welcome all and to all a good cheer. The curators and founders of this site do a great job in supporting and servicing this board. We humbly welcome all sincere and interested posters on these virtual premises. We have intelligent folk here as well so feel free to exercise yourself in esoteric, idiosyncratic expressions here. We fell victims to other Philly boards who never heard the calls for help and the virtual trolling malfeasence we were subjected to. The ostentatious, non sequitur reply to our threads would bemoan many to leave for good...and here....what is this? we have..............Sannnctuuarrry............ Bottom line just slow your roll, keep it real homie and it's all good.
  4. @flyer33716 Lindros was a great player, just not in the same category as Gretzky or Lemieux. Not even close. With that being said, Lindros was not in the same category as Gretz and Mario. Lindros actually started a new category: A player that can score and a player that can wup your assperations of wanting to play in the NHL. I never saw a player that can psychologically and physically at the same time do damage at such a high level, sometimes I thought I was watching a soccer player, at other times an MMA specialist, or a sniper, he had great balance and knowledge of body mechanics and understood so many levels of the game, I would be shocked and awed at the things he would come up with. He had the tools and knew when to use what. Who knocks some one on there ass and rhino charges on a face off. how many times has he dominoe checked multiple players going after him. How many minutes can he play keep away from a team on their end of the ice with just his feet! HE WAS AND IS STILL THE TOTAL PACKAGE: Messier came close because of his meaness, Lemieux came close because of his size and hands, but no razor edge to his game. Gretzky new how to pass and score but that's as far as he would take it. Now individually those players excelled at their strengths, and their parts might of equalled larger than the sum. But the sum of Lindros was greater than all those players, because he could hit those parts,(maybe not as high, because of length of career or the position put into) all those parts and not look out of place. He would sometimes play the game mentally like a small sized player and avoid the check, he also played the game like he was a giant, sometimes he would punish players so hard, I would feel sorry for them literally and if I was at the bench I would of told him, nice forcheck, but the guy is a human not a crash test dummy, ease up a little, we're not out to destroy players, unless they try to draw first blood. I know this is all subjective and everyone has their favorite player: My favorite player was Mario before Lindros was around and still have an admiration for him, and how he carried himself. The clutch and grab BS took the life out of his game and very clearly remember him being very vocal about it to the commisioner and in fact as he retired he brought it up again, as to one of the reasons he left the game. Hull was a legend and Gretzky, Clarke was there too, and enjoyed watching them do there magic. When Tocchet came around he was my favorite for his style of play; a forshadow of Lindros. When Lindros started his career with Philly he easily became my favorite, and until this day, no one has surplanted his level. 'Til this day Lindros is still in a catagory, where the other stars aren't even close, ...not even close. There is not one player in the HOF that earned a cup all by himself, it's a team sport. Someone has to score(sarcasm), someone has to stop the puck on net(sarcasm), someone has to defend against the opposition(sarcasm) Winning a cup doesn't make you great. That shows team success not individual success. What makes you great is....What did YOU do in the time you where there playing the game? At what level did you accomplish what? Putting a time of years played in the league to be worthy of HOF is a subjective caveat, that cheapens the essense of what it is to be great. WHAT DID YOU DO WHILE YOU WERE THERE? A player can have a 20 year career and hit high numbers, just do to the fact he had all that exposure of games to accomplish some high total numbers, in an average to less than average points/penalties per game. But the totals are high because of the sheer amount of years exposed to the league. That doesn't necessarily make you great(unless you consider careerhood longevity great) The point is Lindros is HOF worthy. And any other opinon other than that, is just an opinion. But facts are facts. And his factual scoresheet and accolades proves he was Great in his era.
  5. I agree with you Jammer2, Gagne represents the Flyers and he is the last piece of history of the Legion of Doom era, he carried our team when we were hurting during those tumultuous years, and was a reliable clutch player who brought us hope to an extent, be it a lesser extent like Dr. J use to bring to the spectrum, when we were down by a few points in the 4th qtr. Primeau also to an extent as well, which I slowly warmed up to him and has forever gained my respect. He still has a lot of value on this team, a dangerous weapon, a leader, a wise counselor and a clutch offensive/defensive forward. Something we hope Matt Read can attain to, someday. He should be signed for one/two more years and allow to retire a Flyer. First year 2 mill second 1.5/.8 mill. (of course he deserves more, though with the cap era, thems are the facts.)
  6. The lines might be: Hartnell Giroux VL (He stated he feels comfortable on right wing if he had to change from center.) Schenn Couturier Voracek Read Gagne Simmonds Rinaldo Talbot Rosehill Hartnell Giroux Voracek Schenn VL Simmonds Read Couturier Gagne Rinaldo Talbot Rosehill
  7. No news on another team, but they are over the cap at the moment and trying to be below it and include Gagne with the roster. Hope they mando this situation, because with Gagne in the lineup Team looks good, without Gagne in the lineup the team looks questionable. (as in people having questions who goes where more often and lack of offensive clutch/defensive forward specialist.)
  8. Let's rewind back to last season, more specifically towards the end of the season, when Mason was brought in. When Philly media asked directly how did he feel about his game after he played, Mason with a clear head stated, he felt good, he knew he played a solid game, and he felt he still needs to improve on some parts of his game and HE IS GOING to work on that part with the goalie coach. The next time they asked him the same questions he basically said the same thing, also adding in Columbus he felt like he was in a darkened grey cloud, but see's and feels sunny in Philadelphia. Fast forward a few more games into it, and he told the media he wants to be a number one goalie and he has to work on becoming one and he feels he has to show it and he HAS to EARN IT. (to me this sounds like a clear head for a goalie and is aware that Bryz is the number 1 starter and Steve has to win that position working on his game and FOCUSING on HIS GAME). Now he knows he's in a different situation with Bryz bought out, he see's a brighter road ahead. He see's he has a better opportunity now with the clear cut #1 out of the way. Now him seeing Emery is in the picture and aware he played here before and was given also a chance to prove the ney sayers, he feels he is in a "healthy family relationship" in a way and he also is happy he was here last season and met the guys and is familar with the organization and felt the "WORLD CLASS" environment of our Flyers organizational experience. He is comfortable with knowing this is a business and he was given the tools to succeed and it is up to him to work at becoming the number 1 goalie and change his game around. Emery would be more in an unknown situation, but is also aware that he too can become the number 1 goalie and that Holmy said there is no number one established yet and he hopes the best for them both. I believe these to netminders are mature enough and have a good enough personality to get along and will pat each other after each game they complete. I know to some it feels questionable what will turn out at the middle/end of the season, but one thing for sure will happen, we will go into this season not knowing what the hell is gonna happen this year. The way it's been going about in these past few posts it feels like this relationship is going to go to: Purple rain, purple rain Purple rain, purple rain Purple rain, purple rain I only wanted to see you Bathing in the purple rain.....
  9. I would rather be in the Flyers camp, then in a rookie camp, that feels like an expansion team. The Oilers feel like an expansion team. The opposite of the pendulum are the Leafs. I'm swinging in the middle. We took a step to fix our offensive problems. We NEED to address our Team D. We need to shore up our Defensive problems We need a backup goalie. The silent killer was our 5 on 5. The root of our losing ways was Team Defense. Our achilles heel was our defense. And the steak to our heart was our goaltending. So far 2 out of 5 have been taken care of (O to the G) Bonus round: Mason will help our defensive transition ala Hexy ala Brodeaur.
  10. All is great in Flyers Cone-tree!(that's country for the less inclined) We aint broke back mountain.
  11. Schenn G Gagne Hartnell Vinny Jake Read Couts Simmonds Rinaldo Laughton Talbot McGinn /Akeson
  12. Inside Schenn's lunchbox is packed a wingers sangwich. His passing ability needs improvement. His ice-vision is suited to "into the punishment corners first then pass out to a player", he has a shooters mentality(which is nice) I don't "minded"(yes minded) if they put him @ center but, it seems like his lunchbox label taped on it says Wingman.
  13. TGIF83' you brought up some clean points, and appreciated. Vin isn't a glaring present need, but a need none the less.* His defensive liability is my question mark on him, and if he plays the wing, like is rumoured, then we can have our cake and eat it too. Not at the expense of Gagne, if Homer comes up with that BS, then I recant this trade, I want him to retire a Flyer, dammit Jim! Make it happen. *As posted in the origanal Vinny thread.
  14. Looking over this trade and seeing the holes we had last year, is a little tuff for some to see clearly with a shortened season. This last season was a bit harder to judge, needs, wants and assess talents and holes. ( I can compare it to someone that is very capable at a job position and has the tools to do the job, interviews for a position and is brought to the site and stumbles out the gate, makes rookie mistakes and has a bad showing that will be hard to recapture that he is a competent person for the job.) We stumbled out the gate last season, had players getting hurt, had no veteran direction to right the ship as well as no one really sniping in the goals to carry us through. Our 5 on 5 was weak last year. Team defense was weak, our defensemen were hurt and pairings were off causing mental mistakes with no complementary defensive puck mover beside Timo, and our goalie situation was thin and isolated. (add to Bryz not stopping one on one breakdowns and bail outs...though he did quite often keep us in games from becoming blowouts, he did carry his weight in that regard). If we would of had the veteran leadership to right the ship, like we use to enjoy in the past, we'd be in the playoffs. Adding VinnLa will help our 5 on 5, he knows how to roof it in hard to place goals, ala Briere..better than anyone on our team since Briere is gone and you need a player like that to advance in the playoffs. He might not be able to phantasm in and out like Briere into scoring positions, but he is able to put himself in those positions none the less and be a finisher, we need Gagne back to add that as well to the team, that will relieve G from having to always be the goal scorer and target for the opponent. We now have a much better faceoff weapon. We have veteran captaincy material. The cap is going up and up and up 70+ mil easily next year, this year might seem tight but we will have more breathing room next year so on and so on. Cost less than Leino.( Great point...funny) He seems to end up in the right wing position in games, so I thought he stated he wouldn't mind playing wing. Overall we Needed a player like this for our overall game. We Needed his skill set. It helps Shore up our difficiencies on offense. I'm all for farming our rookies to groom them to be all stars and not putting them in a "have to" excel position or we won't make the playoffs responsibility.(Case in point Oilers) I don't wan't to be Oiler's East. V.L. gives us the veteran presence for our rookie forwards(even though their in there 2nd/3rd year they are still growing- pain adolecense, so their still wet behind the ears in regards to making wise experienced plays) to learn from wisdom and not be stunted in their progress. Now obviously Team D is putting the spotlight on our Defensemen, because our TEAM D didn't help out our comarades on D to bail them out or give them a helping hand when the going got ruff they got going to a greater extent. That along with non stop injuries and once again off pairings and players being put in must excel positions, that caused us to focus on D only. If we had, had better team defensive coverage and better Team defensive breakouts, it wouldn't of gone down like it did, and that's for sure, no if's ands or butts. But our 5 on 5 WAS a big question mark but all the smoke was pointing to our defensive debacle and a goalie that wasn't reliable on breakaways or being 82-100% effective in bailing out defensive breakdowns in our own end. When a play of the year video candidate is of Brayden Schenn saving Bryz from a sure goal by using his stick to clear the puck from crossing the goal line, you know you have Team Defensive problems.( Not knocking B. Schenn for his heroics, because that was awesome, that he did it, especially when that is a part of his game he knows he has to improve on and was not known as a game saver defensive forward). Shore up our D this year and we would be complaining that we can't score enough and loose games because of it. Our d had some 2nd/3rd line issues and sometimes 1st line issues due to injuries. If we play better team D it wouldn't of been as overblown as we see it today and in the offseason checklist. Sorry bout' the length and breathe of this post, but it was more involved than just focusing on our D only and people where head scratching on why this pickup happened for length and NMC.(I know cost per year realistically wasn't an issue here) I like this more than a Ryan pickup, and I Would LIKE a Ryan pickup, but OUR team needs this artisan a little more, due to what he brings to the table. Still would like to see Ryan here. (Would make all the Scottie Upshall fans feel comforted and be able to find closure. Unless they start thinking of Hyka.) I am not sure there are more moves in the making (besides getting a backup tender) and I don't really see this move as a catalyst for others. I see it as a fix for a problem we had last year, but weren't able to see it due to overwhelming circumstances. That's not to say that Mez or Coby aren't being shopped around, because they are but I think this was an isolated "look someone dropped $100.00 on the floor" aquisition.( you reach for it)
  15. Good pick, value is seen in the eye of the beholder.....BEHOLD! ...Value.
  16. An offensive uppercut in a tussle should produce 10 to 25 stitches at least and this kid will avg 2 majors and 10 fights WHEN he makes it to NHL.
  17. If we sign Bob for this coming year, next year we will be having to sign a new backup.....two piranha's in one tank equal one Characidae. Mason will relive his nightmare and might loose his wheels on this move, causing him to plummet to an even deeper chasm. Rhemembu he left Columbi for a reasigh... That would be torture, that would be Stalin.
  18. @radoran, on Jun 26, 2013 - 06:11 AM, said: this is a group that covers sports like an over-sugared teenager reading Tiger Beat. - Totally agree. Those punk ass *******, need to get bitch slapped, for how they handle themselves in front of the camera or on the mike. Where's John Mcenroe when you need him...Im not a violent person, but I'd put some violence on those ass clowns for what they do. It was nice when Prongs would put some of those pencil stick reporters on point. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vIwkefOb3o They just did him wrong. I don't mind him being taken out, but just don't act like a bitch when you do it. And for what it is worth, Bryz was speaking in general about poverty and the fact that people get lazy and get accustomed to living on welfare, he wasn't referring to the working class that got lay'd off(lost in translation). I know a bunch of fools who like living the Kmart lifestyle and don't want to quit it, but get wit it and I know a lot of hard working people who went to school, got there degree and dont got dick to show for it. Alot of these people don't have anymore the asperations to be better or improve there lot in life, it is what it is. The media spun it around and made Bryz look like he was talking about Philly personally. I use to study some Russian back in the day and I know how words can get twisted up to mean something else.(Same thing with the Stalin media "blurp"...controlled chaos is better than Chaotic chaos in a society. Ask any longterm victim of abuse...at least you know)I'm not advocating it. I travel often back and forth coast to coast East and West, and fell into the L.A. riots unknowingly long time ago. When your leaving a friends and all of a sudden you have people pulling guns on you out of no where, the **** gets real. I can't imagine living like that every day and Bryz meant that Stalin although evil put some control over the chaotic evil that was happening day in day out. THAT! is what in essense I believe in Russian he was communicating to the Russian media, and piss poor ***** reporters started salivating and got there panties all wet to put an ignorant spin on there tabloid. I call bullshit and give a shout out to a bitch slap. I don't blame our team for buying out Bryz and Danny, that's what happens when you play in the big leagues. They GOT PAID! I would of liked to see the tandem of Mason and Bryz as a final indication of giving him his last shot....it just doesn't make business sense in this economy with the cap limit. So it was a SOUND business descision and I back that up 100%. I also think that Holmgrem announced the buyout to show he was serious to wheel his deal to other GM's and know he's serious about negotiations. Overall the mood is good and pleasant today in these forums, that's great to read. Some are a little sad, just a little. What I'm looking forward to is that nice feeling when I see Mason wristing out a breakout pass to his defender or forward as they breakout on a 5 on 5 (hopefully Streit and Gus doing the same). Not the static noise feeling of seeing our team last year doing a rendition of Laurel and Hardy's breakout routine.
  19. Flash! This just in..........Flyers aquire rights to 28 Mii's.
  20. All these post reminds me of ravenous, hungry wolves hanging over a live pig roast waiting to eat there friend porky. Then after the deed is done, they all talk fond memories of the little swine, saying "ya we're gonna miss porky, he was such a ham, was great pal around spring time. Too bad we had to eat him. I understand with the cap drop, and the signings he was the big cap hit sticking out, but you Need a player like his caliber in the playoffs. Ya this year was a down year. If he would of underperformed for two/three years than ya the boo birds have a say, but having one bad year and a half, doesn't equate to getting rid of someone. Now if Hartnell produces another bad regular season and playoffs, than you can call him out after multiple seasons. Danny will be missed, his leadership, his way of talking to teammates to give them perspective on the game, his after hours duties to our young players. His clutch will to score, when it counts. His straight talk to the media. That's a lot of tangibles that we're going to lose over the summer. On the other hand this opens up doors of opportunities to our young players to start spreading there wings and Fly, so even though I'm disappointed, I can also see the window of opportunity this will give to our forward youth to step it up and start rolling. I would of liked to have seen a line of Simmonds Briere Jake on the second line, and Gagne G Ryan on the first line, that would of been a 1-2 bombardment and Hartnell Cooter Schenn on third line. and Rinaldo Talbot and Read on 4th. That would of been a very powerful lineup, wave after wave every line could score and defend.
  21. We know Briere is going to be bought out, who else around the NHL is going to be bought out? NYR: Richards PIT: Letang/trade. PHI: Bryz? .... Any other rumors?
  22. If we give up Coby and 1st pick for Ryan, how about Anaheim's 1st and 3rd come back our way for compensation.
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