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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. Leave Risto be. He's helping us move up the draft board. For the next 5 years.
  2. So what is this group after with our once beloved Flyers? I am in the BI TFU camp, have been for 6 years. IMHO, healthy Couts and Ellis and Giroux resigning is still a bubble maybe playoff team with zero chance of advancing to a conference final. The prospect cupboard is barren of top 6 top pairing guys. Is this what Flyers fans want? If that's what you want, Chuck can surely deliver. Me personally, no thanks. What is the end goal? I ask with all due respect, we are all frazzled by the turn of events, I hope we can have a healthy debate without name calling .
  3. I'm not watching this year. I'll be watching next season with my medicine next to me.
  4. Not really, needs to be older with an injury history.
  5. Ellis was already broken when he arrived in Philly. That's not his fault. Poile wouldn't have given him away if it wasn't so. Just another day in Chucks life.
  6. We all want the same thing here, we are all a lot tired and frustrated with the state of the Flyers, we are all just venting our opinions and none of them really matter anyway. So you can come back, we are always welcome and open for business. Everything is just fine, Ferrari finished 1-2 today!
  7. Yep big win. 4 games. Atkinson for Voracek, saw off, one old guy for another. You can't retool an NHL team with 30 year olds and gifting draft picks. WTFU everybody. When every GM in the league is smarter than yours, there is no hope.
  8. Hope they meet the Bolts again. Last year was a battle royale!
  9. Idiots. Did they keep Atkinson, Brassard, JVR, Yandle, Jones, Braun, Brown out of the line up today for trade purposes?
  10. Considering the blow it up return from the Giroux deal I have no problem moving Atkinson. If you're gonna rebuild then go all in.
  11. Considering all his previous moves as Flyers gm , this is like a walk off grand slam in game 7 of the World Series. Did we ever expect more from Schmuck than this?
  12. Marlies. Toronto Marlboros, major junior franchise, feeder team to the Leafs prior to 1967, now a minor hockey organization in Toronto. Many many alumni in the NHL. Now the AHL feeder for the Leafs.
  13. Those are big IFS. I hope Ellis and Couts have great years next year, a savvy GM would fetch a nice return on both of them.
  14. Hard to quantify. More losses than wins. One taste of almost playoff success. I realize he is not the GM, yet still hard. The team he captained outright gave up multiple times. Hockey is about more than just numbers on a stat sheet. He has been a really good player, just no wins. Dave Poulin captained two over achieving teams to the SC finals, that alone puts him on my list.
  15. Brain dead Chuck thinks Couturier and Ellis are going to fix this mess. What a tool.
  16. I see Flyers with zero depth in their roster, so when Provorov, Sanheim, Koneckny are on the ice the 5 guys the other team has out there are significantly better and play better as a unit, and the Flyers end up turning the puck over. The other issue I have with the comments I made is that these guys and virtually every other prospect are soft and are easy to win puck battles against . And finally, the current Flyers are not great at playing without the puck, they are either lazy or lack hockey IQ, which is really hard to coach up. That comes with mediocre finishes in the standings and drafting good but not great players. The league is getting younger and faster, but not the Flyers. Sanheim and Provorov should be way more physical than they are, they don't earn space and time by showing an occasional nasty side, and eventually they get fed up getting hit and just give the puck away. The entire culture of the Flyers seems to be broken, there seems to be no incentive to excel, look at Hayes and JVR coasting about, no drive, no passion, the young guys see that without consequence and fall into the same state. I can go on and on, but the simplest truth is these guys other than Provy are mid to late round picks.
  17. I honestly don't believe the young players in the Flyers system have stagnated, as much as this is what they are, mid 1st round picks that develop or don't. It's the Flyer philosophy of being mediocre that has them here today. Signing and trading for relics, drafting mid round, striving for mediocrity is what got them here. Other teams have improved and past them in the standings while they go on and on with their arrogant, stubborn ignorant plan of sneaking in the playoffs. The NHL is a young man's game, not a broken 30 year olds game. As long as they see it their broken way this is what we will get. There is no quick turn around to this.
  18. Mojo, I agree with you that this is an opportunity to right the ship and acquire multiple top of the line up pieces. My fear is that Chuck thinks he can turn this around with a trade or 2 and be competitive next season. I just don't see it that way. I think the only way out of this is a gut where in 2 drafts from now the Flyers have 5 or 6 top of the roster pieces. We have seen what comes of being mediocre, just more mediocre and this season. Our beloved Flyers don't need a tweak, they need a purge, and let the young, incoming players set the tone and the culture of the team. As great as Giroux has been, his timing in Philly sucked, and the team has sadly regressed during his tenure. That's not on him, but he surely knows moving on is best for everyone.
  19. The 3 forwards on the ice when the Habs tied the game shorthanded couldn't collectively punch their way out of a soaking wet paper bag. That's on the coach, and on the gm for assembling a soft slow, heartless team. These results are inevitable.
  20. Any loss is a good loss. Move up the draft board. If only we had a GM with a brain.
  21. Risto and Yandle will be the shut down pair next season. Chuck's quick turnaround.
  22. At this point in history, I am totally confident Chuck gets fleeced in all his moves going forward, Giroux included. He has done absolutely nothing positive for this franchise, in fact he has only hurt.
  23. With every player currently signed and healthy, this Flyer team is mediocre, at best. It seems that is the goal.
  24. A month ago I was anxious to see what the trade deadline would bring. Now I anticipate it with a sense of foreboding. All the rumors and blogs I read say the same thing. Chuckles is looking for a quick turnaround. I will be stunned if he doesn't get bent over the back of the couch.
  25. I fear the only way any of these young men become bona fide NHL regulars is to trade them to other organizations. There is little evidence to prove otherwise. Dysfunction reigns supreme in Flyer junction.
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