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Homer would not sign DiPietro would he?

Guest ctid

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Saw that DiPietro was bought out and thought nothing more of it and eventually went to bed. However, I couldn't sleep last night...stayed up and was nervous and scared all because of one question that kept bothering the heck out of me:

Would Homer have interest in DiPietro?

I mean he has made some dumb moves (and some clever ones as well) but he seriously wouldn't pursue this would he? All reasoning says no...but then I think about it, and if Thomas doesn't sign here and with the goalie market shrinking, Homer may convince himself that a one year deal for DiPietro would be worth pursuing.

Guys, please just tell me I'm completely nutz and Homer is not that stupid! The thought of DiPietro scares the ****e out of me.

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@ctid I can envision the press conference now by Homer..."this is a guy who is a legit starter in this league, we believe he has put his injury woes behind him, he will make a fine partner for Mason and we expect a a big bounce back year from him" .....this is *exactly* the type of guy who homer will go after. What a tool Homer is!!!

3.5 mill for 3 years or something horrid like that. It's not a bad cap hit for a real goalie, but this bum has been injured every year, multiple times forever.....I'll be so pissed if Homer goes anywhere near this stiff. He would get hurt fast, and Mason will get burnt out...then we miss the playoffs when Heeter gets smoked in NHL action.....pfffftftttt.

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@peter puck


in the words of Master Jedi Yoda: "If with the Flyers, Dipietro signs, be very afraid for our sake I would. Yes, hmmm"

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This is a thread that I wish I hadn't read. I'm going to have nightmares now. DiPietro in an orange sweater signed for 8 years $51M and a NMC. It's scary because it sounds like a Homer move.

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@doom88 That's the way I see it also, 1 or 2 years, with the outside chance he gets 3 years, but at much less cap hit. He's not in a strong bargaining position, so a 1 year deal at slightly increased money might be possible. Homer would probably be the only dummie to consider more than 1 year....ha ha! Either a 1 deal at 2.5-3.3 mill, or a multi year deal at 1.8 or so.....somewhere in and around there anyways.

Edited by jammer2
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(chuckling to myself)...look what I have started...laughing at all the Yoda-ism's. keep em coming..they are all good.

On the bright side...we may not have to worry about Mr. DiPietro much longer if the Emery rumors are true!


Strong with Emery, the force is. Back to normal, his health is".

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@pilldoc Can't take credit for this...off anothe board, but made me laugh outloud....

"Yoda: "Fear leads to anger.. Anger leads to stress.. Stress leads to doobies.. Doobies lead to twinkies.."

ROFLMAO.......that's awesome jammer...totally awesome....of course I have to admit...I was waiting for Bryz's name to be mention at the end....... :)

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I can't see it. I don't think even Holmgren is crazy enough for that.

and, really, I can't see dipietro doing it, either. I have to think he retires. as much fun as it has been to laugh at the isles over that whole thing, it has to have been seriously rough on him. yes, paid tons of cash, but the ups and downs and what has to have been crushing disappointment again and again. I don't see why he's want to expose himself to more of it. he's just secured a very nice annual salary for a long time, time to see what else life has to offer.

'course, now I see the twitter thing where he still wants to play. glutton for punishment.

anyway, he isn't going to get anything more than 2 years at league minimum, so if the worst of the worst happens and Holmgren signs him, won't be a big deal. I guess.

shame, I have always really liked him as a goalie, when he was able to play. jonathan quick is the only goalie who could skate anywhere near as well as dipietro. a seriously gifted goalie who got every single piece of the tough luck shaft.

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@aziz I think vet minimum is a bit low, no? Horrid inury problems aside, he does have respectable numbers for a below average Islander team for most of his career. Maybe vet minium with cash incentives if he stays injury free or more money when he reaches the 30 games plateau, 40 games etc.

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bonuses are not allowed on non-ELC, non-35+ contracts.

league minimum...I think any sane GM is going to look at him and say, "hey, given your history, we have to operate under the assumption you are going to miss a lot of time. we're willing to take a risk, but only so much of a risk. one year at this rate, and if all goes well, we talk next spring."

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@aziz Oh, forgot no bonus can happen. In that case, a vet minimum might be all he can get. I still think someone slightly overpays. These agents are skilled at developing a market where none exists.

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