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Guest MaineFlyFan

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Alright everone. Two games in....a LOT of folks (including myself) ready to step off the ledge already...We've gone from lossing to a very good team after putting in a very good effort (TOR), then we lost to a pretty good team with a mediocre at best effort (MON)....now we're facing a mediocre team (at best)....So what will the effort be? Or more importanlty, the outcome.


I think this game is gonna be a huge one for the players and org. Think about it....Slow start to last season. EVERYONE said that is exactlly what they were trying NOT to do this year. The pre-seaon was a diaster IMO, now the potential for 3 losses to open the season including the 3rd to the Canes??


Call me crazy, but we loose tonight AND come out flat.....we see some waves. BIG waves.


As a fan, we loose tonight with a sub-par effort and I'm seriously thinking about questioning this team and it's "core".....




My prediction?? Flyers win 6-1. A Trouncing. :)

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Alright everone. Two games in....a LOT of folks (including myself) ready to step off the ledge already...


I understand i have been a Flyer fan a long time, there is a lot of talent on paper here yet it's not won on paper...the actually work will get it done.


Step back off the ledge my there is plenty of time for that if things don't turn around...........so let's do the hardest thing and that is remain positive and let them work this out...they have the guys to do it....


...no more Bryz to place blame else where or add fuel to the alreay blazing fire, mom and daddy ain't coming to save anyone...they have to put on their big boy pants and figure it out from within.


It will start today....



I'm voting this as the new Flyer goal song what say you???????





...it certainly fits!!!!!!!!!!!

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Listen....I've been trying NOT to get "negative" too fast this season.....but SERIOUSLY? They have to figure this out??


I thought last season was supposed to be the "lesson learned"....I thought we would have figured this out by now?? I'm kinda done "giving the lfyers time" to figure stuff out.


I HATE how Lavy is juggling the lines right now!! Leave things a lone for a game or three JEEZ! Loosing puck battles along the board to the Habs....no offense. Taking bad Penalties......GOD....(Phew....that felt good!!)


Like I said at the end of my post. I really think the Flyers come out and chase a goalie from the crease tonight! 6-1 win for the flyers.....If we play like we did against TOR we will destroy this team. Their D is EMPTY.

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Listen....I've been trying NOT to get "negative" too fast this season.....but SERIOUSLY?





You think you're actually displaying that????


Really two games into the season and then you claim...



"I've been trying NOT to get "negative" too fast this season"



...so like a crime scene investigator you're actions ain't lining up with your words so i got a call BULLSCHITT!!!!!! :ph34r:


But carry on.

Edited by OccamsRazor
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At some point, someone in the GMs office, is going to figure out this is more than just about the players we have here.  How many guys had "down" years last year? Granted we no longer have that guy who goes into the zone, circles around and lets lanes open, and then makes a play in Jagr, but an offense cannot be what it is right now.  


I see people talk about "Jam" or whatever Lavy calls it, but we are NOT a feared forechecking team despite having a bunch of guys sold out on doing just that to the point that we expose the D to issues.  


I am sorry, but the issues are the system, not the players.  Look at his stint in Carolina:


Took over mid year....went with what he had gradually adding his system.

Year 2...added his system and won a cup.

Year 3....missed playoffs.

Year 4....missed playoffs.

Year 5....didn't complete, fired.




Took over mid year....lost in Finals

Year 2....2nd round loss

Year 3....2nd round loss

Year 4....missed playoffs

Year 5.....


You see where this is headed?  

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At some point, someone in the GMs office, is going to figure out this is more than just about the players we have here.  How many guys had "down" years last year? Granted we no longer have that guy who goes into the zone, circles around and lets lanes open, and then makes a play in Jagr, but an offense cannot be what it is right now.  


I see people talk about "Jam" or whatever Lavy calls it, but we are NOT a feared forechecking team despite having a bunch of guys sold out on doing just that to the point that we expose the D to issues.  


I am sorry, but the issues are the system, not the players.  Look at his stint in Carolina:


Took over mid year....went with what he had gradually adding his system.

Year 2...added his system and won a cup.

Year 3....missed playoffs.

Year 4....missed playoffs.

Year 5....didn't complete, fired.




Took over mid year....lost in Finals

Year 2....2nd round loss

Year 3....2nd round loss

Year 4....missed playoffs

Year 5.....


You see where this is headed?  

To Lavy looking for a new job before Turkey Day or sooner?  Seriously...nice comparison and eerily very similiar looking. 


OK...so Lavy goes....who in the bloody hell is out there?

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At some point, someone in the GMs office, is going to figure out this is more than just about the players we have here.  How many guys had "down" years last year? Granted we no longer have that guy who goes into the zone, circles around and lets lanes open, and then makes a play in Jagr, but an offense cannot be what it is right now.  


I see people talk about "Jam" or whatever Lavy calls it, but we are NOT a feared forechecking team despite having a bunch of guys sold out on doing just that to the point that we expose the D to issues.  


I am sorry, but the issues are the system, not the players.  Look at his stint in Carolina:


Took over mid year....went with what he had gradually adding his system.

Year 2...added his system and won a cup.

Year 3....missed playoffs.

Year 4....missed playoffs.

Year 5....didn't complete, fired.




Took over mid year....lost in Finals

Year 2....2nd round loss

Year 3....2nd round loss

Year 4....missed playoffs

Year 5.....


You see where this is headed?  


Yeah, I mentioned in the past that the 2010 run to the SCF seemed like a perfect confluence of events. Stevens is fired after his latest cake didn't rise, then Lavy takes over. The coddling is over, yet the team still has Stevens' fingerprints all over it. I always felt like the defensive part of Stevens' system and the new fire and offense injected by Lavy was a great combo. Granted, they barely - *barely* - made the playoffs. But once they did, they didn't squander the opportunity.


Now 3 seasons and a few roster turnovers later, this is entirely Laviolette's system, and it doesn't seem to be working for some reason. Not based on 2 games, but based on a season and a half's worth of "why do we always start slow?" and "how many times is this team going to let winnable games slip away" and "why oh why do we keep taking stupid penalties" and on and on. 

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You think you're actually displaying that????


Really two games into the season and then you claim...



"I've been trying NOT to get "negative" too fast this season"



...so like a crime scene investigator you're actions ain't lining up with your words so i got a call BULLSCHITT!!!!!! :ph34r:


But carry on.




You think you're actually displaying that????


Really two games into the season and then you claim...



"I've been trying NOT to get "negative" too fast this season"



...so like a crime scene investigator you're actions ain't lining up with your words so i got a call BULLSCHITT!!!!!! :ph34r:







There is your "bullschitz" buddy......now why don't YOU "Carry on"...... :ph34r:


Edited by MaineFlyFan
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Jesus OR... Step away from the ledge and relax... LOL! . No reason to get nasty...


Mass Hysteria indeed......and for good reason. This team SUCKS and "Kool-Aid" fans aren't helping the situation.....


"Just relax"......it's only (enter excuse here).........How's that working for everyone this morning??

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I gotta admit I'm pretty surprised.  Holmgren is an idiot.  Having said that I still think a lot of you guys are seriously panicking way too soon.  Now we'll never know if it was the coaching or just getting the team moving.  Last year you guys had a real bad start and a good finish.  Three games in??  :wacko:

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