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Riddle Me This fellas....


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Can anyone explain to me why Kimmo is on the first PP unit? Why is Streit not playing the point? I really don't get it... Better skater... Way better shot and a better passer. It makes not sense to me...


Another one - why Schenn gets 15 min a game and Coburn 24+  :D

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The best news of the night, or one of the brightspots as we all have been saying, is Kimmo being hurt. He flat out cannot play anymore. Luke Schenn needs to go to. He just stands around and waits for the puck to come to him. Gus looks like a child among men. He was pushed off the puck and manhandled so many times last night it's not even funny. 


It's a shame that Mason is playing well and they cannot even do **** to put up points. 


Major shake will happen before next weeks game.


L. Schenn should be one of the names that goes out.

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The thing about making major trades this early in the season is finding trading partners that are 1) willing to shake up their own lineup and 2) have the cap ability to do it.


Flyers have their own problem trading due to cap issues, and I would imagine smarter clubs (all 29 of them) would be cautious due to guarding against possible injury(ies) later in the season.


You might see A player shipped out and someone brought in, but I don't expect it to be anything major.  I also don't expect it to be anything any of us will end up being happy with.

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The thing about making major trades this early in the season is finding trading partners that are 1) willing to shake up their own lineup and 2) have the cap ability to do it.


the other thing is:  what is the point?  i don't mean that in a cynical they-shouldn't-do-it kind of way, but what would the flyers be trying to accomplish with trades right now?  win games soon?  the average age of the skaters last night was 26.7 y/o.  is it about getting even younger?  people keep talking about rebuild, but a (very) bad stretch has them looking for mid-season trades to...what?  presumably it is to solve a problem, but what problem?  do we want them to fix what they have, or do we want them to not pay so much attention to the immediate, and instead look down the road?  if the latter, why do anything at all right now?  10 skaters last night 25 or younger, 11 players including mason.  what is it people want to change?


luke schenn is a great sums-it-up of the issue.  people are fine with the theory of rebuild, the theory of getting kids on the ice and playing, understanding they aren't necessarily going to be all that great right now.  people are ok with the idea of patience, but...when presented with a 23 yearold whose game is incomplete and decidedly immature, he is on the shortlist of players to be moved.  which is it, guys?  youth and patience, or immediate results?  what would you want to accomplish with a trade?

Edited by aziz
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The best news of the night, or one of the brightspots as we all have been saying, is Kimmo being hurt. He flat out cannot play anymore. Luke Schenn needs to go to. He just stands around and waits for the puck to come to him. Gus looks like a child among men. He was pushed off the puck and manhandled so many times last night it's not even funny. 


It's a shame that Mason is playing well and they cannot even do **** to put up points. 


Major shake will happen before next weeks game.


L. Schenn should be one of the names that goes out.


I hope you realize that Meszaros will take his place.

Edited by krasy
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@krasy not necessarily. Oliver Lauridsen may see the big time. This gives the opportunity to move Gus into Timonen's role. I truly think that Meszaros is in the dog house and probably won't see the light of day until he is playing for another club. Don't forget they still have Gill in the cupboard. Not that he is the savior, but it's something.


Timo would be effective as a 3rd pairing. Nothing more. He has nothing left in the tank.  

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imo would be effective as a 3rd pairing. Nothing more. He has nothing left in the tank.  


His play has dropped off like a 30 year old NFL running back, he was fine and then... nothing, no burst, unable to use his brains to cover for the lack of a burst.  wow,  the decline wasn't steady it was off a cliff.

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I'd like to state for the record that I do not have bertmega's password.

Having said that, I think outsiders could see Timonen trailing off last season. I'm almost sorry to hear its worse this year. I liked the guy in his prime... Still like him actually. But all things end.

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I would be fine if his play was the same as last year's, you can reduce his minutes , put him in situations where he can succeed if he's playing to last year's level.  but wow, he's done some god awful stupid **** this year, been out skated by average guys even before last nights, keystone cops second period.


the spirit is willing the body not so much.

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I would be fine if his play was the same as last year's, you can reduce his minutes , put him in situations where he can succeed if he's playing to last year's level. but wow, he's done some god awful stupid **** this year, been out skated by average guys even before last nights, keystone cops second period.

the spirit is willing the body not so much.

. Thanks to coaching, I was forced to listen to the game on radio, and really only the end of the second and then third periods. I did see the first ten minutes of the first as well. It sounded like the Flyers really pressed in the third and played well. Was that right?

The first period the Pens seemed to have free reign, not counting the power plays. And yes I saw the thread some guys were posting blaming the officials as usual, but the Pens just looked dominant to me. It sure sounded like the Flyers returned the favor for most of the third though.

If that's the case... What changed? I know Timonen was out by then... So was it Streit stepping up into the #1 role? Or did things just seem to click all of the sudden?

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