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You would think if any game can wake up the Flyers, it would be the one last night against their biggest rival. Some of their games have been epic over the past few years.

Instead, not only do they look listless and lose yet again, 4-1, but a 24 year old Austrian rookie, playing in just his 3rd NHL game (his 5th in North America), led the team in shots on goal with 5.

The rest of our forwards had 12 SOG combined.

Our fearless leader had 1 SOG.

Kinda disappointing, no?

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Our fearless leader had 1 SOG


Was this the fearless leader that made the bold, empty, prediction that this would be the game that would win the fans back?  Why?  Did they give something away last night (other than the game itself)?

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Or fearless leader needs to keep his stupid comments to himself until he looks like the 8M dollar player. I am disgusted with this team and can only hope this is not going to get worse - but it will.

Everyone on this team is on the trade market including G. Bunch of God dam pissies

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Well now they have a whole week to change the freakin' system and get back into game shape. I hope the chief works them until they drop EVERY DAY. The best players on the ice so far have been McGinn and Raffl. They looked like they were trying the first and second period but they could not carry the effort through the whole game. That is just embarassing. Newbury/Rosehill need to be in the AHL.PERIOD. They bring absolutely nothing to the ice and put the onus on the other three lines to pick up the  extra minutes. I want to see a 4th line that can contribute 8-10 minutes a game not a couple of meatheads that average less than 3 minutes of ice time a game......

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I agree that McGinn and Raffl looked like two of the best forwards, and I'd add B Schenn in there too. Of note, Rinaldo looked a little tentative, trying not to get penalties. Hopefully this was a fluke, and he's back to his medium-sized wrecking ball self next game.

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Seriously, Raffl looked like the best forward out there last night.

He really looked like the only one interested in playing last night.


I would start shipping players out of town for picks and prospects.  Seriously.  And I'd start with Luke Schenn and Coburn first.  Both have been horrendous and there is no reason to expect any improvements from either of them.

Edited by Mad Dog
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The best players on the ice so far have been McGinn and Raffl.


Do you think this is because the conditioning was different/better in Adirondack than it was under Lavi in Philly?   Or have they just not learned the bad Philly habits yet?

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Do you think this is because the conditioning was different/better in Adirondack than it was under Lavi in Philly?   Or have they just not learned the bad Philly habits yet?

I think it is because they actually belong on this squad....unlike Rosehill and Newbury.........I would agree about the conditioning being better too from having to skate under Murray.

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Do you think this is because the conditioning was different/better in Adirondack than it was under Lavi in Philly?   Or have they just not learned the bad Philly habits yet?

I am dumbfounded by all the talk about the team not being in "game shape" or "skating shape" what the hell was Laviolette doing during camp ?  isn't that when you "get into shape"? was he pulling a chevy chase in caddyshack II  ? popping his head in at Vorhees, saying how's it going ? good good, how bout you guys skate a little and uh oh look at the time, they're starting at Delaware Downs gotta go ?!?!


i mean really, what the hell was going on in September ? 

If I'm coaching this mess i tell them to get to stay away from the rink on Friday but be ready to skate until they throw up until i feel better ....



there was 8 minutes in the second period where they looked completely incompetent , keystone cops , pick something , but then without the benefit of a time out, which was mentioned on the dreadful root sports feed repeatedly , they got it back together and played well until the deflating third goal.


they are finding ways to lose now, no one has any confidence , it is 75% mental with this group , maybe if they feel fit some of their confidence will come back.

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I am dumbfounded by all the talk about the team not being in "game shape" or "skating shape" what the hell was Laviolette doing during camp ?


Yeah, me too and good question about camp.  Did Lavi simply lose interest at some point?  Like "you're just giving me **** to work with.  Screw it."

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Is it too soon to start holding the players accountable? I know some people aren't real big on that, but  I think it's kind of obvious they aren't losing games because of anyone who wears a necktie (not to say they aren't a problem too, but hey players play the games). I'm with Mad Dog, I would start shipping out some guys for prospects, picks, and young players. It's still early enough in the season where you could have almost a full year of young guys playing together and attempting to build something long term.


Question. Are there actually rumors they aren't in shape or did that stuff just start with this thread?

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Is it too soon to start holding the players accountable? I know some people aren't real big on that, but  I think it's kind of obvious they aren't losing games because of anyone who wears a necktie (not to say they aren't a problem too, but hey players play the games). I'm with Mad Dog, I would start shipping out some guys for prospects, picks, and young players. It's still early enough in the season where you could have almost a full year of young guys playing together and attempting to build something long term.


Question. Are there actually rumors they aren't in shape or did that stuff just start with this thread?


I don't have a link at the moment, but there were several quotes from players (most notably Timonen) that they weren't skating enough in practice and weren't really in game shape.  I think it was over this past weekend, but it may have been since.   It was said in a manner of positively contrasting Berube's practices with what was going on before.


If it were someone else (the article also quoted Rosehill, for example) I wouldn't pay it much mind.  But from Timonen I give it a little bit of credence.

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Is it too soon to start holding the players accountable? I know some people aren't real big on that, but  I think it's kind of obvious they aren't losing games because of anyone who wears a necktie (not to say they aren't a problem too, but hey players play the games). I'm with Mad Dog, I would start shipping out some guys for prospects, picks, and young players.


I'm not quite sure how much younger we can get... the starting line up last night had an average age of 25.6... or something. 


I think they need to learn to play together, we're seeing what happens when you "go with youth"  there is a reason Snider is averse to it.

It sucks to watch.


My hope is that the players are not all "overrated"and really suck; but are good players who are struggling, slumping whatever you want to call what's going on ; and that they will find a way through this adversity and be able to use it for personal and professional growth and to pull from it's experience down the road.  this is where and how people grow up and learn about themselves, by facing tough situations.  This is my hope.

they cannot all be as bad as they've shown this year, they simply cannot.

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I'm not quite sure how much younger we can get... the starting line up last night had an average age of 25.6... or something. 


I think they need to learn to play together, we're seeing what happens when you "go with youth"  there is a reason Snider is averse to it.

It sucks to watch.


My hope is that the players are not all "overrated"and really suck; but are good players who are struggling, slumping whatever you want to call what's going on ; and that they will find a way through this adversity and be able to use it for personal and professional growth and to pull from it's experience down the road.  this is where and how people grow up and learn about themselves, by facing tough situations.  This is my hope.

they cannot all be as bad as they've shown this year, they simply cannot.


Between this and the 06-07 season, I don't disagree with you. You can't just draft a bunch of young players and hope for the team to get good because it's got a lot of youth. I was actually this close to creating a thread the other day pointing out how well going young has panned out for them recently. I'm a firm believer that if you go young, you have to surround the young core with veterans to usher them along.


That being said, there's guys on this team right now who serve no purpose. I love Timonen, but the guy will be of no use by the time (if that ever happens) the youth comes together. Do him and the team a favor and trade him to a contender for someone that can take some of the pressure off of the health and hopefully help them grow too. The same could be said about LeCalvier around the trade deadline if they are still this bad. By younger I don't only mean go after 20 year old kids. I'd like to stockpile some of them too, but I mean guys who are like late 20s or right around 30 and might actually still be able to play in a few years (when some of the kids would hopefully grown into their skates).


Edit: Thanks to everyone's favorite grump I just read in an article that we're actually one of the oldest teams in the league with an average age of 28.

Edited by fanaticV3.0
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Not much to disagree with there.

Although I think Vinny will still be able to contribute positively for much of his contract,  he does fit the idea of what you're saying, even if he's 33 and not 30, I can see him filling  the Andreychuk role on this team at 36-37...


Agree 100% on Timmonen.


youth without direction = Edmonton and i don't think any of us would like that scenario to play out with the Flyers.

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Although I think Vinny will still be able to contribute positively for much of his contract


I honestly don't think he even contributes positively NOW (I don't mean now that he's injured).   This was just a horrific signing after amnestying two other horrific signings.

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Stems from this (there may be others, but this is the article I was referencing):   http://articles.philly.com/2013-10-16/sports/43069557_1_the-flyers-jay-rosehill-kimmo-timonen


Some of the quotes in that article - particularly in the beginning of it - make me want to puke. I can't stand that cheerleader crap whenever something changes. Oh we got a new coach and everything is all honky dory now. He makes us work so much harder and it's going to turn the season around. Sorry, I'm not dismissing what Timonen said. I actually wonder what the hell they were doing in practice under Lavi if not skating, but that crap the say whenever there is a change is all the same. The specifics might vary, but it's always some positive bullshit spin. And not to completely ignore what he's saying - because if training camp doesn't get them in shape that's a problem - but if you don't feel like you are in good enough shape get off of your ass and work out. The days of camp serving the purpose of getting you into shape are long gone, guys should come into camp in shape now.

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Not much to disagree with there.

Although I think Vinny will still be able to contribute positively for much of his contract,  he does fit the idea of what you're saying, even if he's 33 and not 30, I can see him filling  the Andreychuk role on this team at 36-37...


Agree 100% on Timmonen.


youth without direction = Edmonton and i don't think any of us would like that scenario to play out with the Flyers.


I'm only giving up on Vinny this quick if the team is really bad somewhere between mid-season and the trade deadline. If they are a PO team or even right on the cusp of making it, I'm not jumping the gun. I agree that theoretically, he can be that kind of player.


I agree. If you are going to go young, do it with a nice supporting cast of veterans. I think it benefits the youth, plus that's just the kind of situation that that can be right for a run in the POs (I don't mean this year, I mean in general).

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I honestly don't think he even contributes positively NOW (I don't mean now that he's injured).   This was just a horrific signing after amnestying two other horrific signings.


Dude, come on. He's not setting the world on fire, but he's 2nd on the team in points and one of the only guys who is showing signs of life at the moment. Him and Schen are the only guys upfront worth a damn right now.

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Dude, come on. He's not setting the world on fire, but he's 2nd on the team in points and one of the only guys who is showing signs of life at the moment. Him and Schen are the only guys upfront worth a damn right now.

He's looked good in the few games that he's played.

But, in terms of the veteran presence thing, wouldn't it have made more sense to go after Clowe or Clarkson or another veteran winger? Not that I want any part of their contracts, but if you're going to give a bad contract out, wouldn't it be best served in a position where you need one AND where you're not disrupting the young guys on your team that you're supposedly trying to develop?

Let's say Homer tried to sign Clowe or Clarkson... and it didn't work out. Isn't ok to stop there and look inside the organization (or even to a guy like Gagne who can provide that veteran presence on the cheap)?

Instead, Homer has to go out and get the big name regardless of need or position he plays.

It's the continuous shooting in the foot that is hard to take as a fan.

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