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our friend Bryz agrees to a one yr deal w the oilers


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I really thought he'd try to sign with the Stars

Was that a funny beings the team is called the Dallas   "Stars" and Bryz wants to be a space man. You think Bryz went to see the movie Gravity? I bet he wants to be George Clooney SO BAD right now.

Edited by Philly29
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Was that a funny beings the team is called the Dallas "Stars" and Bryz wants to be a space man. You think Bryz went to see the movie Gravity? I bet he wants to be George Clooney SO BAD right now.

Well, it was supposed to be a funny.

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here is some of the reaction from Oiler fans  enjoy...:


OHH BOYY.. hope he enjoys our winters and bears.


Time to buy a bear costumeicon1.png and some seats behind the Oilers net


When writing Bryzgalov into my iPhone, it auto-corrects to "Brush Slob".
From here on out, that will be his name.
(love this one...lol)
Bryzgalov reportedly had locker room issues with the young Flyers team.
Lol good luck, Bryz trying to contain the animals in the dressing room here.
Edited by pilldoc
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I fully expect the guy to help that team and play well since there will be minimal pressure and the lack of a cannibalizing media and fanbase like we have here. 

I wouldn't be to quick to say that if I where you.  Bryz was a distraction in the locker room and a slightly better than average goaltender who was making super star dollars here:  He has poor puck handling skills and marginal positioning.  He will not be missed.  FYI...Oiler fans seem to be as finicky as Flyers fans......


http://www.edmontonjournal.com/sports/hockey/edmonton-oilers/Edmonton+Oilers+Calgary+Flames+Ilya/9145210/story.html (read the fans comments)

http://www.edmontonjournal.com/sports/hockey/edmonton-oilers/Oilers+crease+gets+crowded+with+addition/9148631/story.html (read the fans comments)




Telling you right now, this guy will be no better than Dubnyk has been.  The pitchforks and torches will be out for him after 2 or 3 games.


We are screwed.  Can you imagine having your head buried so deep in the sand that you missed the last to miserable seasons this guy had in Philly.  Even the KHL didn't want this idiot.

Besides it is to cold here for him.  I may burn my jersey's finally.


daffy_duck, on 08 Nov 2013 - 7:35 PM, said:snapback.png

Is there another Bryzgalov?  I thought it was Ilya Bryzgalov that we signed.  If there is another one who is athletic and plays the puck then I am ok with that.  As long as it is not Ilya Bryzgalov.  

Well at least I'm willing to give the Bryz a chance.

No sorry just got the text it is Ilya Bryzgalov.  And he is not athletic, nor standup, he is butterfly and more accurately he lay on his lazy quantum singularity and collect a cheque


Bryzgalov is gonna be a thorn in dressing room but anything is better than dubynk


Oh boy. Walking into the OMB nowadays is like walking onto the site of a nuclear reactor meltdown.

This certainly doesn't help the cause any.



You get the point...I read ALOT more negative posts in regard to his signing than I read positive posts......

Edited by pilldoc
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