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Fred Shero statue - what are your thoughts?

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No disrespect to the man, but does this mean anything to anyone? Is there a reason they are doing this and now (as opposed to 20+ years ago)? This would have made sense if he recently died or even a few years ago, but why now? Did they just need another reason to talk about Snyder's beloved Bullies again? Does anyone know the rationale behind it?


I don't know about anyone else, but I could go the rest of my life without hearing that era of "Flyers hockey" mentioned ever again.

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I think @fan4ever hit the nail on the head. He was finally inducted into the HHoF .  He was an innovative coach and a good hockey man.  One of the first guys to use an assistant coach, study video and incorporate the good parts of the Euro game into the North American game.


I don't begrudge Snider or the Flyers for wanting to honor Shero.

There should have been a statue of him in front of the Spectrum 20 years ago...



That said, I agree it would be nice to live in the "now" so to speak and not look back 40 years to the last championship.

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  The only way to describe that statue is "stoic". It's a wonderful tribute to a great innovative coach who was years ahead of his time. I love the fact it's there and do agree it was the HOF entrance which spurred the project, although it should have been done long ago anyways. We should not need recognition from any outfit to honour our greats...just my take.

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This would have made sense if he recently died or even a few years ago, but why now? Did they just need another reason to talk about Snyder's beloved Bullies again? Does anyone know the rationale behind it?


Snider had an Alzheimer flashback while looking at his bank account.

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Apart from the success that he brought to a city that was sorely lacking in it at the time, Shero was one of the most innovative coaches in the NHL. He took several pages from the Soviets' book- employing a "system", using video tape, weight training (during the season), hiring an assistant coach, these were all Shero innovations. The statue is well-deserved and long overdue (as is his HoF induction).

Edited by JackStraw
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I think @fan4ever hit the nail on the head. He was finally inducted into the HHoF .  He was an innovative coach and a good hockey man.  One of the first guys to use an assistant coach, study video and incorporate the good parts of the Euro game into the North American game.


I don't begrudge Snider or the Flyers for wanting to honor Shero.

There should have been a statue of him in front of the Spectrum 20 years ago...



That said, I agree it would be nice to live in the "now" so to speak and not look back 40 years to the last championship.


The timing makes sense given the HOF thing.


I'm very sick of that era though and I wasn't even around to see it though. I understanding the timing and can forgive that, I just don't want to hear about those teams multiple times a year though.


I also agree this should have happened years ago.

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It beats the heck out of a statue of an actor...and a lousy one at that.


Personally, movies stick with me a lot longer than a single season by a particular sports team. I think they have a much wider reach too. More people remember a (nearly) 40-year old movie than they do a team's run from roughly the same amount of years ago.

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 You want to put up a statue of a great actor, that makes sense. Sly Stallone? If he's in a movie, i can't stomach it.


 I wouldn't call what Shero did "a single season". He put the Flyers on the map for good. They still get called the BSB decades later. He was also an innovator - from game planning to watching film assistant coaches etc etc, I don't live there, so I can't say for sure. But IMO Shero deserves a statue a heck of a lot more than a really bad actor.

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 I'm clearly biased, I love the Flyers and just not a Stallone fan.


I don't have a problem with the Rocky statue. It was a gift to the city so it's not like it came out of taxpayer $$$.


As for the Shero statue, maybe people who became Flyers fans in the '80s and '90s don't realize it but hockey was not popular in Philadelphia in the beginning. There are probably a lot of people who are Flyers fans today, including people on this board, who would not be Flyers fans (or hockey fans) if Shero's teams hadn't put hockey on the map in Philly. In the early '70s the Sixers, Phillies, and Eagles were all horrible. The Flyers rose to the top at the perfect time to catch on in a city that many around the country referred to as "the City of Losers" and it really is because of those teams that the city became one of the best hockey towns in the US.

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 I agree with what you say. I became a Flyer fan because of Clarke. And I just stayed. But if those early teams didn't have success, NHL hockey may not have stuck around Philly.


Even if it did stick in Philly, it might not have been as big or important. It might have been like, oh... Pittsburgh for instance   :ph34r:

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the statue is a real fitting tribute to a Philly legend - and it is very well done...probably the best one in the stadium area,,, looks just like him and it is huge.. 

i like the Championship ring on the hand...very cool


Congrats Flyers and Mr. Snider.... well done


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