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Hextall: press conference thoughts

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Well, after Hexy said he was gonna build from within, Snider had a stroke. That's the only thing to explain him not talking much. Other than that, it was a great presser. (tattoo on the ass, now that was a classic)

Snider looked like the guy at the old age home being visited by family. He was sitting there, not sure why, just thinking of tapioca pudding.

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Who is "fearing" the Hextall regime? I don't see anything about "fearing" the Hextall regime anywhere, from anybody. Here, Twitters, Facebooks - no where do I find anyone "fearing" the Hextall regime.

Fearing is MY word. What I mean is that people are ALREADY concerned if Homer and Snider will be pushing the buttons behind the scenes. They are upset about calling players out at the presser. All I'm saying is just give it time to work out. This was good news today but by my observation it's been about 60% negative response,,, Call me crazy but that's sad.

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Snider looked like the guy at the old age home being visited by family. He was sitting there, not sure why, just thinking of tapioca pudding.

It would have been classic if hextall leaned over and gave him a spoon of pudding....

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Almost all of the reactions I have seen have been positive. Virtually unanimously so. Strange to see someone so virulently upset about fan reaction that, quite frankly, one has to strain to even begin to see.


I wasn't able to watch the presser, so the idea that Simmonds was seen as a potential problem (as it was presented) was curious to me. So I asked a question about it. I clearly agreed that the Schenns and Coots needed to continue to develop. The young core is a solid one and - VLC aside - seems to be moving in the right direction.


Are the concerns about having Homer and Snider still involved? Sure. And the same things were said about Clarke still having "a role" in the organization. Not out of the blue, not specific to Philadelphia. And the concerns about every Flyer management move having to involve a former Flyer* are long standing and certainly not limited to this situation.


My basic take is that this is a very positive step for the organization, but where Snider is involved we need more "Ed" (the guy who brought hockey to Philly and is in the HHoF) and less "Dan" (as in the Redskins owner meddling in every deal).


Some people, it seems, would just like to bash other people's opinions. Which is fine. If a little - what's the word? - unbelievable.


Carry on.





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I'm thoe one who started the deal about Homer and Ed in the background, pulling Hexy's strings. To reiterrate, I am happy hexy is GM. I hope he is the guy we were looking for. But I won't overlook the obvious and until i see a positive result, i will remain skeptical....much like I was with berube

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Wants to develop youth and build from within.


His first move traded Morin, Hagg and Ghost for him...the future is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Cup here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :ph34r:

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Good hire! Glad Homer is staying in management. Say what you want about Homer, and some signings, he's brough lots of young talent to the system through the draft. That ability is valuable to keep

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

The only nerve that seems to have been stepped on is yours.


Almost all of the reactions I have seen have been positive. Virtually unanimously so. Strange to see someone so virulently upset about fan reaction that, quite frankly, one has to strain to even begin to see.


I wasn't able to watch the presser, so the idea that Simmonds was seen as a potential problem (as it was presented) was curious to me. So I asked a question about it. I clearly agreed that the Schenns and Coots needed to continue to develop. The young core is a solid one and - VLC aside - seems to be moving in the right direction.


Are the concerns about having Homer and Snider still involved? Sure. And the same things were said about Clarke still having "a role" in the organization. Not out of the blue, not specific to Philadelphia. And the concerns about every Flyer management move having to involve a former Flyer* are long standing and certainly not limited to this situation.


My basic take is that this is a very positive step for the organization, but where Snider is involved we need more "Ed" (the guy who brought hockey to Philly and is in the HHoF) and less "Dan" (as in the Redskins owner meddling in every deal).


Some people, it seems, would just like to bash other people's opinions. Which is fine. If a little - what's the word? - unbelievable.


Carry on.





Rad, you have ALWAYs been negative . How you are a mod is beyond me so flame or ban me if you wish. I do agree with your general premise and it's always good to have different opinions. But.... sometimes it helps to keep them to your self. The world is difficult enough with out worrying about everything. I come here to feel good, not be depressed. As my grandmother long passed said "don't borrow trouble " It will find you in due time. I helped this site beyond anything you have done. You take the fun out of this site for me and others I have had conversations with. I'm in contact with 20+ people who want to join but can't stand the negativity. They already have enough. HF101/Dig, I will take my next ban with dignity. (but I will still try to grow the site). I will say no more on this matter. Ever...

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

Are you sure you're a Flyers fan? :huh:

I bleed orange. From the first time they won the cup. I remember listening to it on the radio on my dad's set and just thrilled. NEVER doubt whether I'ma fan... I have spent to much time and money and on this site to be doubted. You should not question people in such a way... 

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

I bleed orange. From the first time they won the cup. I remember listening to it on the radio on my dad's set and just thrilled. NEVER doubt whether I'ma fan... I have spent to much time and money and on this site to be doubted. You should not question people in such a way... 


No offense meant, I know that you're a fan. It was meant in jest. Thus the smiley.

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

No offense meant, I know that you're a fan. It was meant in jest. Thus the smiley.

My apologies! I know you know. Just got my dander up is all. Sometimes it makes you wonder why your a fan or why anyone comes to a posting site like this. It's the best I'v seen but darn the negativity can bring you down. Well, I'll put my "big boy" pants on and move on!!! :o (and a diaper so when i crap myself)

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

What amazes me are the people already fearing how the Hextall regime will do and the guy has officially had the job for less than 2 hours. Have Flyers fans gone nuts. Just wait and see. It's not like we can do anything about it anyway.


Calling out players??? I have no problem with it. 


If anyone of you have worked in a corporation (and I'm sure most do ),  but in a leadership role, then you DON'T tip your hand. Paul was justified in saying what he did last week.


I guess NO MATTER what you can't make people happy. They wanted Homer out, He's out. They want players held accountable, they where (Simmonds aside). They wanted Hexy in, He's in. Still a bunch of bit ching and moaning. Unbelievable.


you haven't been here long... have you? oh wait.. seems you have. this is pretty much par for the course here. there are a lot of posters here in need of a nice blankie and warm bottle of milk. 

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

you haven't been here long... have you? oh wait.. seems you have. this is pretty much par for the course here. there are a lot of posters here in need of a nice blankie and warm bottle of milk. 

Been here from pretty much day one... But dahm, a blankie and warm milk sounds really nice. I NOW have my evening planned out. I'm not joking!  :P

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

there are a lot of posters here in need of a nice blankie and warm bottle of milk. 


and stuff.

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

Same answer applies. Did you watch the PC? He clearly said "we weren't ready to talk about it" (Hextall as GM). It's not in any way shocking that an announcement like this should be held off on until a proper press conference.


I realize that it's fun to come up with conspiracy theories when talking about the Flyers front office, but this move was coming from the day they hired Hextall and everyone knew it. And like I said, if you saw what Snider said last week, it was clear that they knew this was going to be announced, when they were ready to announce it. Which is the right way to do it imo. The press is always looking for a scoop but it's the team's business and prerogative to announce this kind of thing in their own sweet time.




I think it is pretty clear from the PC this was in the works for quite a while.  

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

What amazes me are the people already fearing how the Hextall regime will do and the guy has officially had the job for less than 2 hours. Have Flyers fans gone nuts. Just wait and see. It's not like we can do anything about it anyway.


Calling out players??? I have no problem with it. 


If anyone of you have worked in a corporation (and I'm sure most do ),  but in a leadership role, then you DON'T tip your hand. Paul was justified in saying what he did last week.


I guess NO MATTER what you can't make people happy. They wanted Homer out, He's out. They want players held accountable, they where (Simmonds aside). They wanted Hexy in, He's in. Still a bunch of bit ching and moaning. Unbelievable.



Wow... is it bad weather in Idaho or something?  Chill out dude... I think most people are excited about the notion of Hexy in the driving positions.  If you listen to the PC he did not call out the Players.   It was more of a compliment to the young players on the Team - he likes the young kids and expects them to grow?


About reservations - anyone should and could have reservations about change.  It does not mean they are not for the change.  It simply means there is an unknown.  Using your corporate example - if a CEO leaves a company there is usually reservation about what comes next - realigment of business units, jobs, etc...


Not sure why it is so "unbelievable" that people have reservations.  I think if you reread the posts here you will find most (>85%) are for the move and not against it.

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

this is pretty much par for the course here. there are a lot of posters here in need of a nice blankie and warm bottle of milk.


I think someone needs a hug in Idaho :)

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

Wow... is it bad weather in Idaho or something?  Chill out dude... I think most people are excited about the notion of Hexy in the driving positions.  If you listen to the PC he did not call out the Players.   It was more of a compliment to the young players on the Team - he likes the young kids and expects them to grow?


About reservations - anyone should and could have reservations about change.  It does not mean they are not for the change.  It simply means there is an unknown.  Using your corporate example - if a CEO leaves a company there is usually reservation about what comes next - realigment of business units, jobs, etc...


Not sure why it is so "unbelievable" that people have reservations.  I think if you reread the posts here you will find most (>85%) are for the move and not against it.

Wow myself, putin the lay down on old Idaho. Fine. We will meet again.... I wish I had more time....

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

Wow myself, putin the lay down on old Idaho. Fine. We will meet again.... I wish I had more time....



No lay down meant Idaho honestly... Just thought you are being a little rough!  LOL!


I can give you a hug any way you like - soft, bear hug, snuggle or a cuddle!   All up to you man!

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Posted · Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by hf101, May 8, 2014 - off topic

Dahm, now that's a choice.... I'm gonna go with the Bear because it seems like the most manly. But you gotta give the digital version ( god knows what that looks like). Scary!

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