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Who is in need of a rebuild?


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I don't know about assigning numerical needs to it, but I can come up with an easy five teams that, IMO, need a rebuild:


In no particular order:


1-- Buffalo Sabres

They got lots of young talent in there, they've already gotten rid of the big money major contracts that will NOT be part of the team when it contends...now it's a matter of figuring out who is for real on the team, who is a flash in the pan, who can pull their own weight, and who needs to take their lazy arses somewhere else.

Sprinkle in some needed goaltending, some top pair defenseman and the right bench boss to move all this along, and we have the makings of a full rebuild, that, if done right, COULD see this team be contenders sooner than later.


2-- Toronto Maple Leafs

Sure, they got Mike Babcock, Brendan Shanahan, and more than a few talented players on the team.

But really, something still smells "off" in Leaf-land. Something about the mixture of current players, coupled with some seriously hideous contracts, as well as the overall culture in the locker room that all needs to be fixed.


Sometimes that fix needs to be a total overhaul.  And if the Leafs want to be anything close to competitive like Babcock's previous Ducks and Wings teams where, then this current sad mixture of players and attitudes isn't going to cut it.

Time to throw out THIS baby with the bathwater and adopt a new kid.... lol


3-- Philadelphia Flyers

Yep. Fly Boys too.  New, potentially good coach, Hextall with a seemingly new vision for the team moving forward, some good pieces in the pipelins......but they too have some horrendous contracts, guys who don't exactly 'fit in', and guys on defense who are just absolute anchors to this team's chances of competing regularly for ANYTHING.


Don't know how, don't know when, but I am sure GM Hextall HAS to see this, and will need to find ways to rid himself of certain contracts, even if it means taking a loss on the return value.

Having those good players in the pipeline won't mean squat if they are blockaded by albatross vets and contracts on the current team.

Yea, time for Philly to take their medicine, take their lumps now, do away with the negative and the useless, and rebuild for a better, sustainable future.


4-- San Jose Sharks

These guys had been playoff contenders for many years. And now two of their biggest movers, Marleau and Thornton are aging, the coach that got them to all those playoff appearances is gone, and there are some questions regarding who can step up amongst the teams younger players to reproduce that aura of "playoff contender" once again.


And that search for guys to step up INCLUDES goaltending.

Perhaps the Sharks SHOULD look into possibly trading Thornton and/or Marleau while they still have value. Maybe even Brent Burns.

Sure, they'd have to convince them to go (I believe both guys have NMC contracts...but I could be wrong), but if they can, those guys could represent a tremendous return for San Jose from a team who is just a piece or two away from winning it all.


But the Sharks would have to do something like that soon...Marleau and Thornton aren't getting any younger, and their value will diminish significantly the longer they stay in San Jose while the Sharks try to find their playoff legs once again.

Starting from the ground up may be the Sharkies best bet....fresh blood, fresh perspectives, new legit number one goalie, and a man to see them through it all......but to do that, they may need to part with some players who, at the moment, may seem indispensable, but who, in fact, may offer the Sharks the quickest routes back to contender status simply by being dealt.


5-- Vancouver Canucks

A team that maybe, sorta can contend the way they are, but likely, won't win anything more than maybe a playoff series here and there...if they even get into the post season on some years...as currently contructed.

Much like the Sharks, they have some nice assets that aren't getting any younger, some questions in goal, and maybe a contract or two they'd be better off moving, and in their places, put in fresh, new, talented young players to move the team forward.


The Sedins, Burrows, Miller, just as examples...still viable players, but I think for this Canucks team, have done all they could possibly do for them...and it clearly isn't enough.

With hungry up n comers like Edmonton and Calgary, steady contenders in Anaheim and Los Angeles, and the VERY tough teams to contend with for Wild Cards out of the Central Division, the Canucks will look like they are standing still with the current roster....unless they take a big chance and see what returns they can get for some of their still valuable commodities.



My 5 for rebuilds, take'm or leave'm


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1. Buffalo Sabers - They are on the rise, but none the less, they need to work on their goaltending and defending to build on their offense that is becoming slowly stacked. No matter who they get in the 2015 draft they have a lot of young potential. They need vets to buy into their system and need a solid go to goaltender. There are a few good ones hitting the market and Buffalo will need to lay down the law. Their scouting team has proven well on defense, but not so well in goal and that will be their key mark. No goalie, some d and little o....means crap... Solid goalie, some d and some o will get you on the right path. Or they can wait and pull a NYI and have the team and then buy the goalie later. 


2. San Jose Sharks - They  are falling apart and they are trying to get younger. They need to buy out or try very hard to trade out of Thornton or Marleau. Both can still produce, but they are not 25 any more. Heavy price to dump em on a buyout though, we will see. They really need to just sell off some guys and get some quality picks. Keep Hertl and sell Logan, he will get them the most and add the best aspect to rebuild (draft picks.)


3. Vancouver Canucks - Sedin's are the Marleau and Thornton ordeal. Yes they can still play.... but they arent young any more.... They have a lot of young talent in Shinkaruk and Horvat. They bought into Ryan Miller....which was very dumb in my personal opinion, but regardless, Vancouver needs some freedom from the same old record....


4. Detroit Red Wings - Just like Vancouver and San Jose, they are just old. The youth is coming up and making moves. They have the depth and deep talent... I may be jumping off a ledge here, but I cant see Detroit pulling off another appearance in the playoffs. Amazing talent, but unless Mrazek can be Mragic like he was last season, the Wings are slowly fading away... (This is not just because I love the Avs...) 


5. Arizona Coyotes - They started by getting Yandle out of there and picked up some vital picks. Shane Doan... the dude just needs to quit...he is NOTHING that he used to be and his used to be wasnt even that great. I hardly even knew about Shane Doan until their random playoff appearance a few years back. Their up and coming players are going to be a great addition. Max Domi, will be a solid player this coming season, I dont see him missing the roster this season. If Arizona can get something for players instead of letting them walk "Vrbata" then they will be on the up and up in time... Mike Smith, I dont see Smith staying in Az for more than this season. He wants a change in scene, you saw it this season, Az should move him and get some picks and maybe another young goalie or player.





I have more explanation for all 5, but I want to see any questions I obtain.  

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You know, I COMPLETELY forgot about the Coyotes (oh the irony in that, eh? :)  ....team out in the desert, forgotten? lol).

But yea, they could use a rebuild as well.


Ok, then, I will addendum that team to my post as honorable mentions, along with the Boston Bruins for teams needing rebuilds. :D

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I don't know about assigning numerical needs to it, but I can come up with an easy five teams that, IMO, need a rebuild:


In no particular order:


1-- Buffalo Sabres

They got lots of young talent in there, they've already gotten rid of the big money major contracts that will NOT be part of the team when it contends...now it's a matter of figuring out who is for real on the team, who is a flash in the pan, who can pull their own weight, and who needs to take their lazy arses somewhere else.

Sprinkle in some needed goaltending, some top pair defenseman and the right bench boss to move all this along, and we have the makings of a full rebuild, that, if done right, COULD see this team be contenders sooner than later.


2-- Toronto Maple Leafs

Sure, they got Mike Babcock, Brendan Shanahan, and more than a few talented players on the team.

But really, something still smells "off" in Leaf-land. Something about the mixture of current players, coupled with some seriously hideous contracts, as well as the overall culture in the locker room that all needs to be fixed.


Sometimes that fix needs to be a total overhaul.  And if the Leafs want to be anything close to competitive like Babcock's previous Ducks and Wings teams where, then this current sad mixture of players and attitudes isn't going to cut it.

Time to throw out THIS baby with the bathwater and adopt a new kid.... lol


3-- Philadelphia Flyers

Yep. Fly Boys too.  New, potentially good coach, Hextall with a seemingly new vision for the team moving forward, some good pieces in the pipelins......but they too have some horrendous contracts, guys who don't exactly 'fit in', and guys on defense who are just absolute anchors to this team's chances of competing regularly for ANYTHING.


Don't know how, don't know when, but I am sure GM Hextall HAS to see this, and will need to find ways to rid himself of certain contracts, even if it means taking a loss on the return value.

Having those good players in the pipeline won't mean squat if they are blockaded by albatross vets and contracts on the current team.

Yea, time for Philly to take their medicine, take their lumps now, do away with the negative and the useless, and rebuild for a better, sustainable future.


4-- San Jose Sharks

These guys had been playoff contenders for many years. And now two of their biggest movers, Marleau and Thornton are aging, the coach that got them to all those playoff appearances is gone, and there are some questions regarding who can step up amongst the teams younger players to reproduce that aura of "playoff contender" once again.


And that search for guys to step up INCLUDES goaltending.

Perhaps the Sharks SHOULD look into possibly trading Thornton and/or Marleau while they still have value. Maybe even Brent Burns.

Sure, they'd have to convince them to go (I believe both guys have NMC contracts...but I could be wrong), but if they can, those guys could represent a tremendous return for San Jose from a team who is just a piece or two away from winning it all.


But the Sharks would have to do something like that soon...Marleau and Thornton aren't getting any younger, and their value will diminish significantly the longer they stay in San Jose while the Sharks try to find their playoff legs once again.

Starting from the ground up may be the Sharkies best bet....fresh blood, fresh perspectives, new legit number one goalie, and a man to see them through it all......but to do that, they may need to part with some players who, at the moment, may seem indispensable, but who, in fact, may offer the Sharks the quickest routes back to contender status simply by being dealt.


5-- Vancouver Canucks

A team that maybe, sorta can contend the way they are, but likely, won't win anything more than maybe a playoff series here and there...if they even get into the post season on some years...as currently contructed.

Much like the Sharks, they have some nice assets that aren't getting any younger, some questions in goal, and maybe a contract or two they'd be better off moving, and in their places, put in fresh, new, talented young players to move the team forward.


The Sedins, Burrows, Miller, just as examples...still viable players, but I think for this Canucks team, have done all they could possibly do for them...and it clearly isn't enough.

With hungry up n comers like Edmonton and Calgary, steady contenders in Anaheim and Los Angeles, and the VERY tough teams to contend with for Wild Cards out of the Central Division, the Canucks will look like they are standing still with the current roster....unless they take a big chance and see what returns they can get for some of their still valuable commodities.



My 5 for rebuilds, take'm or leave'm


So I agree with much of this, but honestly, Toronto doesnt need to change a ton. They need faith, they have the skill, they have the D and they certainly have potential in goalie.... But there is no faith, I cant see Toronto "rebuilding" as much as altering small things and finding that "LEADER" that makes it all click. DP is just not as great a "C" as everyone though he would be. He cannot keep faith in these guys and they crumble.  Not shocked to see Philly, you think Philly more than Arizona? Philly is similar to Toronto minus DP.

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So I agree with much of this, but honestly, Toronto doesnt need to change a ton. They need faith, they have the skill, they have the D and they certainly have potential in goalie.... But there is no faith, I cant see Toronto "rebuilding" as much as altering small things and finding that "LEADER" that makes it all click. DP is just not as great a "C" as everyone though he would be. He cannot keep faith in these guys and they crumble. Not shocked to see Philly, you think Philly more than Arizona? Philly is similar to Toronto minus DP.

I honestly think they are more a mess than this post indicates. First, their goaltending is overrated. Second, it's not faith they are missing. They are missing men.

It's a team made up of fat selfish guys with no backbone who are constitutionally not equipped to be winners.

Kessel is not a leader nor a winner. He is an offensive machine who, on a team with four or so actual leaders, might be of some value. The problem is that his and DP's contacts preclude bringing that type in.

Babcock will not be successful unless he is not on the team. And it will take Toronto paying some of the salary for any trade to happen.

Phaneuf is similar but will probably be easier to move.

JVR is Kessel part deux. He's a talented but lazy and heartless (not in a good way) player. He's someone Babcock could possibly improve so I'm not arguing to ditch him.

So, they need a better goalie, need to dump their baggage in Kessel and Phaneuf and need help on defense and need at least backbone transplants in some other players. That's a rebuild.

Some of these are obviously in progress:

1. Buffalo

2. Arizona

3. Philadelphia

4. Toronto

5. Carolina

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To me there is a HUGE difference between REBUILD and BUILD. Teams like Buffalo, Arizona, Edmonton do not make my list because there is no 'Re' they have hit rock bottom and need to start over.

To me a rebuild is a team that ranks somewhere between 10 and 20, a playoff contender who might make the playoffs or might not but will be an easy out if they make it. And they are usually slipping further down the food chain. My top five:

VANCOUVER: The Twins aren't getting any younger and neither is Miller.

SAN JOSE: The inmates are running the asylum. Something needs to change.

PHILADELPHIA: They need something. I have no idea what, they are loaded with fun young forwards and a solid goalie plus Streit, but something is missing.

PITTSBURGH: A two man show they need an overhaul of the pieces around them.

BOSTON Aging team whose skill level is going the wrong way.

All these teams could make the playoffs any year but not a real serious cup contender as currently put together. Because it is about the cup, they need to make changes.

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To me there is a HUGE difference between REBUILD and BUILD. Teams like Buffalo, Arizona, Edmonton do not make my list because there is no 'Re' they have hit rock bottom and need to start over.

To me a rebuild is a team that ranks somewhere between 10 and 20, a playoff contender who might make the playoffs or might not but will be an easy out if they make it. And they are usually slipping further down the food chain. My top five:

VANCOUVER: The Twins aren't getting any younger and neither is Miller. Agreed...but they made a good start last year. 

SAN JOSE: The inmates are running the asylum. Something needs to change. Same old same old...literally.

PHILADELPHIA: They need something. I have no idea what, they are loaded with fun young forwards and a solid goalie plus Streit, but something is missing. The rest of a solid defence? It's coming, but if Streit is THE man on D...good luck.

PITTSBURGH: A two man show they need an overhaul of the pieces around them. A franchise with arguably the top 2 players should do better over the last 5 years. 

BOSTON Aging team whose skill level is going the wrong way. Not a horrible team but the best players aren't getting any younger.

All these teams could make the playoffs any year but not a real serious cup contender as currently put together. Because it is about the cup, they need to make changes.

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Good point on your 'build' vs 're-build', @yave1964


That honestly crossed my mind as well as I posted, but was too lazy to want to make the differentiation...but you are spot on in saying some of the teams mentioned are already scraping the sea floor and can only go up (build)...vs some other teams that kinda, sorta have something, but not really....those are the true RE-builds.

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  Just seeing us grouped in there with the Leafs and Sabres....Good Lord...that is sickening. I HATE YOU HOMER!!!


Not a good feeling, is it? 


Funny how years ago, some Flyer fans would make fun of the Lightning (not you guys, others I had posted with before), saying stupid things like "garbage franchise", "will never amount to anything", and "they don't have real players, coaches or management" as if any of that wouldn't ever change.........though admittedly, the Bolts WERE the joke of the league circa late 90's.


Still though, funny how some years, some draft picks, and a Homer GM for the Flyers later, the tables are turned and it's the Bolts flying high looking for that Cup, whilst the Flyers toil away trying to find relevancy in the post season once again....and being grouped with the bottom feeders of the league.


Just goes to show, while one can enjoy one's teams fortunes....be careful about hammering others for their love of theirs....for fate will see to it you are humbled.


Which, of course, means the Sabres, Leafs, and yes, Flyers may have their revenge on their hecklers yet..... ;)

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Interesting thread.  


I agree that some teams have already hit the bottom and are in the process of "building" their way back up.  Edmonton, Buffalo and Arizona are definitely slowly already on their way back up, and they shouldn't make these lists.  


Still in need of a complete rebuild......


1.  Toronto.  They HAVE to move Kessel, and hopefully two of Lupul, Bozak and Phaneuf.  If they do that, they will finally be demonstrating a desire to win one day.

2.  Philly.  They need a proper Goalie, a complete D-corps overhaul, because they are, sadly, wasting Giroux's talent.  Giroux will be in his 30's before they are rebuilt.....might be too late for him on that team.

3.  San Jose.  Big Joe can't win the big one.  And Marleau is old now.  Same with Neimi.  Blow....It...Up.  

4.  Boston.  They need to trade Chara, Seidenberg, Bergeron, Krejci, and maybe Lucic, and start over.  The skills are diminishing and they're all pretty much in their 30's.

5.  Vancouver.  The Sedins have been getting worse for years now, and Miller is 34!!  The D is getting old, too.  Jettison contracts while you can.

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Philly.  They need a proper Goalie, a complete D-corps overhaul, because they are, sadly, wasting Giroux's talent.  Giroux will be in his 30's before they are rebuilt.....might be too late for him on that team.


Honestly, they have it.  


Toronto, however, has two wannabes.  Maybe okay for the early rebuild but they're not going to actually win anything with either goalie.  Honesty, I'm not trying to be tit-for-tat.  I have zero faith in either goalie there.  I wonder about Bernier because he looked better in Los Angeles.  I don't know if he is a system goalie or if his goalie coach was better in LA.  But the goalie I see in Toronto is not a starter.  Same goes for Reimer.


Mason had a really good save percentage and a pretty good season (save for the injury and the misuse by Berube).   If he was playing on a team with NHL defensemen the other categories would have shown what a great year he actually had.

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Honestly, they have it.  


Toronto, however, has two wannabes.  Maybe okay for the early rebuild but they're not going to actually win anything with either goalie.  Honesty, I'm not trying to be tit-for-tat.  I have zero faith in either goalie there.  I wonder about Bernier because he looked better in Los Angeles.  I don't know if he is a system goalie or if his goalie coach was better in LA.  But the goalie I see in Toronto is not a starter.  Same goes for Reimer.


Mason had a really good save percentage and a pretty good season (save for the injury and the misuse by Berube).   If he was playing on a team with NHL defensemen the other categories would have shown what a great year he actually had.


I agree that Mason is a good enough goalie for the Flyers, however, because the Flyers are in dire need of a rebuilt defense (and that may take a bit), Mason may be out of his prime once all that is in place.

Thus he may have to be moved at some point (or he decides to move on himself after his final two years contracted to Philly) and a viable younger goalie will need to be found.


As you know, sometimes its all about timing and unfortunately for Flyer fans and Mason, his prime (now) doesn't quite coincide with the Flyers ability to contend (still down the road a ways).


I suppose it is possible that the Flyers retain Mason's services past his current two years, they move quickly on the defensive rebuild and then in his early 30's, Mason will be able to backstop a contender.

But time and health may not be so kind to him.

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Honestly, they have it.  


Toronto, however, has two wannabes.  Maybe okay for the early rebuild but they're not going to actually win anything with either goalie.  Honesty, I'm not trying to be tit-for-tat.  I have zero faith in either goalie there.  I wonder about Bernier because he looked better in Los Angeles.  I don't know if he is a system goalie or if his goalie coach was better in LA.  But the goalie I see in Toronto is not a starter.  Same goes for Reimer.


Mason had a really good save percentage and a pretty good season (save for the injury and the misuse by Berube).   If he was playing on a team with NHL defensemen the other categories would have shown what a great year he actually had.


Yeah, but they won't be good for 3-4 years, if they go for the rebuild.  So what does it matter?  As long as they don't commit long-term to Bernier(who is better than you suggest......not great, but good) or Reimer(who sucks), they can be placeholders for those 3-4 years while some drafted Goalie prospect comes up.


Mason has never been that good a good Goalie, and Emery is done, IMO.  Same deal though.......if Philly rebuilds, they can keep their goalies, because it won't matter for 3-4 years.  They'll need a new one on the rise soon, though.

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I didn't specifically mention Boston in my top 5 rebuild list, but did add them in an ensuing post later on.


They are just slow and plodding overall these days.

They could use an infusion of speed and youth. I realize guys like Chara and Lucic are somewhat iconic to the franchise now, but if they could somehow move those contracts and replace them with younger and more mobile versions, the Bruins would be better off for it over the long haul.


Milan Lucic, attitude and all, would probably be the easier guy to move as there are bound to be some teams out there hoping to catch what made him good during the Cup run in Boston in a bottle.

Chara? Probably not so much. I think the Bruins are pretty much stuck with him, although, even having Chara on their blueline, if they can surround him with enough mobility, it could possibly mask his movement deficiencies.


If I am Boston, I'd like to keep Krecji and Bergeron, but if a team offered a nice package for either, I'd have to consider moving them as well.

Personally, I think both would still fit in well with any youth the Bruins already have....its more the defense I think that needs more of an overhaul....and backup goalie as well.

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Not a good feeling, is it?


 Well, no....of course not. The Flyers have the second best winning percentage of all time, so to see the franchise run down to this state, it is quite....I don't even have the word.


 I try to be respectful of other franchises, it's the fan bases that I have a problem with. Growing up in Ontario, you hear it all the time "WE GOT THE CUP"....it happens after many single victories. My buddies say it routinely when the Leafs are on a roll....basically, their fans are the most delusional group around....and the Sabres, I can't speak to their fan base personally....but Rick is *the* most delusional poster around....so that is why I mentioned those teams specifically....and I'm not talking about our current crop of Leaf posters, who all seem like great guys and very realistic...most of them anyways.


  I totally agree, belittling another franchise can be bad karma, and come back on you, but if you were exposed to the Leaf crap that fc and I take in on a daily basis, you would know why we need an outlet...lol.


 EDIT...for the record...the second the Bolts hired Stevie Y I said...:"mark my words, that team is gonna get good...real fast".

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2. Philly. They need a proper Goalie,


 Really?  A goalie with a CRAP defense in front of him has a 2.25 GAA and a .928 sv%....and we need a proper goalie? Do you watch hockey, or are you just winging this, cause that comment, it's off the charts wrong. When is the last time a Leaf goalie had a 2.25 GAA?? Mason...not part of the problem, part of the solution.

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I agree that Mason is a good enough goalie for the Flyers, however, because the Flyers are in dire need of a rebuilt defense (and that may take a bit), Mason may be out of his prime once all that is in place.

Thus he may have to be moved at some point (or he decides to move on himself after his final two years contracted to Philly) and a viable younger goalie will need to be found.


I disagreed with this at first, but while checking Mase's stats for the other post, I found he turns 27 this week. So yeah, we MIGHT be able to eek some years out of his prime with our "new" defense in place, but chances are, it won't last long...ie him being in his prime. Hard to tell, some goalies are good till they are 35ish....some show slowing down much earlier.

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I disagreed with this at first, but while checking Mase's stats for the other post, I found he turns 27 this week. So yeah, we MIGHT be able to eek some years out of his prime with our "new" defense in place, but chances are, it won't last long...ie him being in his prime. Hard to tell, some goalies are good till they are 35ish....some show slowing down much earlier.


That's why I said it's all about timing.

Nothing wrong with Mason's play, but 27-33 or so is considered a goaltender's prime years, no?

Which he has entered now.


Flyers would still be trying to sort things out or, at best, just THEN start to have pieces in place.

By then of course, Mason will start moving downward on his career path as far as performance....IF his health allows him to continue to play at a high level.


This could all be moot if Hextall finds a way to get a good defense sooner than later in place, as well as some good supporting forwards for Giroux and Voracek...but chances are pretty good that the Flyers will need a good young 21 or 22 yr old goalie to see them through to real SC contention when THAT goalie hits the prime that Mason finds himself in now.


And as a trade piece, as much as most Flyer fans like having him, Mason could get quite a nice return in speeding up the rebuild process.

Key, IMO, is WHERE is that goalie that can step in?

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 Really?  A goalie with a CRAP defense in front of him has a 2.25 GAA and a .928 sv%....and we need a proper goalie? Do you watch hockey, or are you just winging this, cause that comment, it's off the charts wrong. When is the last time a Leaf goalie had a 2.25 GAA?? Mason...not part of the problem, part of the solution.


And the year before he had a very average .917%, and the year before that it was .944 for 7 games, but .899 for the 13 games before that.  And it was .894 the year before that, and then .901.......


He's never exactly dominated at any time in his career, has he?  Not consistently.  He's an average talent.


If you rebuild and suck for 4-5 years, is Mason the guy who will bring you a cup, when he's 32, and with those career numbers?  Do you think a rebuilding Philly team will be any better than what he had in Columbus?   His numbers will likely be way worse.

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And the year before he had a very average .917%, and the year before that it was .944 for 7 games, but .899 for the 13 games before that.  And it was .894 the year before that, and then .901.......


He's never exactly dominated at any time in his career, has he?  Not consistently.  He's an average talent.


If you rebuild and suck for 4-5 years, is Mason the guy who will bring you a cup, when he's 32, and with those career numbers?  Do you think a rebuilding Philly team will be any better than what he had in Columbus?   His numbers will likely be way worse.

I hate to disagree with you, but I watched a lot of Flyer games in the past 2 years. Mason saved their bacon on dozens of occasions. He is a really good goalie, and the Sharks would love to have him

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You people are crazy. The sharks rebuild is done as soon as hey get a competent goalie and one more Dman. Niemi and defense depth is the reason we failed in the past.


How on earth can you say that the Sharks rebuild is "done" when they still have 35 year Joe Thornton and 35 year old Patrick Marleau on the books for two more years, and add 30 year old Joe Pavelski for 3 more years as well.  That's over 19 million bucks on three "older" guys.  In fact, the Sharks have NINE guys who are older than 30.


The Sharks also have the 24th ranked farm system, according to hockeysfuture.com.  "Rebuild complete" means the farm has been restocked...........no?


They are in need of a rebuild.  


They are not in the middle of one.

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