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Flyers in on letang

Guest Jmdodgesrt4

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Letang is a point scoring machine on defense. Don't worry, we'd never trade him to you. I think this falls under the Flyers want everybody type stories. It was Eklund reporting it right? Isn't he one you guys are always saying gets it wrong?

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Yeah Eklund is the only one reporting this, and it's as a "could this happen" headline. What a toolbox. The Flyers DO want everyone, it's why the story has a modicum of plausibility......and it's why the Isles blog satire piece was funny.

Honestly after the $ Letang just turned,down, I'm not sure why anybody would be trading for his rights.

Letang is a point scoring machine on defense.

I prefer a human eraser at defense, but that's just me. I didn't like Paul Coffey's game either, so there you have it

Edited by sarsippius
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It's pretty obvious he's forgotten he hasn't got rid of it yet. Maybe he's too busy still trying to figure out an over 35 contract?

Bettman: "The Flyers are now on the clock for their 2nd round pick."

Holmgren: "Who? Us?"

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well played.

You think a "I know you are, but what am I?" response is well played?

The surety that Holmgren will sign another bad contract does not abrogate the certainty of Crosby whining. The former may be continual, happening maybe once a year, but the latter is continuous, happening throughout the season, every season.

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You think a "I know you are, but what am I?" response is well played?

The surety that Holmgren will sign another bad contract does not abrogate the certainty of Crosby whining. The former may be continual, happening maybe once a year, but the latter is continuous, happening throughout the season, every season.

What DOES abrogate it though... Crosby has won a Cup in his short career. What has Holmgren done for you lately? The irony of it all is Flyers fans have whined about Crosby's whining longer than Crosby did it in the first place. Ever get that urge to say "get over it" to that guy you work with who still complains about the sour grapes from his high school days? That's how Pens fans feel about Flyers fans who complain and call Crosby a baby. Get over it. He did. ;)

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Not just flyers fans bud. It's every team including a lot of penguin fans I know who can't stand crosbys antics .

He does nothing different than any other team's star players do. Except maybe play better. So you can tell those fans to get over it as well. We all agree he whined a lot his first two years... but since then, he's doing the same thing every other team captain does in talking to refs.


LOL Piksberg edumacation

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