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Yes a great win


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@Jam1986  I'm disgusted with myself, forgot to look at the calendar and missed the whole game.....can anyone give me a synopsis....who played great, who didn't etc all I know is G scored with 5 seconds left? Yeah, I don't think you put Gus in now, you roll with the defensive pairing that have been getting the job done. Unfortunate from where I sit, but they would be crazy to change things up now.

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great win. was going to be happy with getting a point out of this game but we battled hard. got in a huge argument with a guy at the bar who was watching basketball and looked up at the flyers game and saw Simmonds fighting and said, "Who's that, Simmonds? He's a p*ssy." Ended up buying the guy a shot after we won just to show I'm a benevolent master. Lots of hard work tonight and a good win.

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@Jam1986  I'm disgusted with myself, forgot to look at the calendar and missed the whole game.....can anyone give me a synopsis....who played great, who didn't etc all I know is G scored with 5 seconds left? Yeah, I don't think you put Gus in now, you roll with the defensive pairing that have been getting the job done. Unfortunate from where I sit, but they would be crazy to change things up now.


They were really shaky the first few minutes, then came back and dominated the rest of the first period. The second and third were pretty even with a slight edge to the Flyers. Hartnell's first goal was a fluke bounce off a Hawks defenseman, his second was a snipe from a great feed by Giroux (who got the puck behind the net after great work by Read). Couturier had another great game, he basically shut down Toews for the entire game. I'd say the whole team played well, Giroux was definitely the star and the best player on the ice. MacDonald was good again, also thought Coburn had a very strong game. Emery was shaky early but battled back well. They basically shut out the Hawks for the last 60 minutes of the game.


Sad to say you missed a really, really, good hockey game. I would have been happy with one point (figured the Flyers would have no chance in a shootout) but obviously Giroux had other ideas. Video of the game-winner:




Phenomenal shot.


Oh yeah, the Flyers also hit four posts.

Edited by JackStraw
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@Jam1986  I'm disgusted with myself, forgot to look at the calendar and missed the whole game.....can anyone give me a synopsis....who played great, who didn't etc all I know is G scored with 5 seconds left? Yeah, I don't think you put Gus in now, you roll with the defensive pairing that have been getting the job done. Unfortunate from where I sit, but they would be crazy to change things up now.


Hartnell was stellar (aside from G). I thought Lecavelier had his best game as a Flyer I have seen. MacD was a stud again (despite the inadvertent penalty). I also though both Schens played very well. I would be remiss if I did not mention Emery. The second goal he let in was horrible, but after that he shut the door on many terrific chances by the hawks.  

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@Jam1986  I'm disgusted with myself, forgot to look at the calendar and missed the whole game.....can anyone give me a synopsis....who played great, who didn't etc all I know is G scored with 5 seconds left? Yeah, I don't think you put Gus in now, you roll with the defensive pairing that have been getting the job done. Unfortunate from where I sit, but they would be crazy to change things up now.


Whew I just got back from the game!  1stly the fans were awesome tonight.  People were cheering and paying attention to the game and there was a playoff feel in the building.  The game started out horribly.  B. Schenn tried a drop pass to nobody that led to a rush up the ice for the Hawks.  They didnt score on the inital rush but on the ensuing forecheck they found the back of the net.  Soon after Duncan Keith took a slapshot from the point that went right through Emery (5 hole) and we were in an early 2-0 hole.  About 2 mins later Hartsy shot from behind the net and banked it off a Hawks defensemen and through the goalie to cut the lead to 1.  This seemed to wake the Flyers up and they quickly tied it using a nice forecheck...Read won a battle behind the net who passed it to G who found Hartnell in the slot.  Hartsy burried it with a nice one timer snap shot.  After that the game settled down but the Flyers began to dominate in both the offensive and defensive zones.  The forecheck was hemming the Hawks in all night and in the defensive zone we were winning the battles to the puck for the most part.  Our PP was pretty good but did not generate any goals.  We hit like 4 or 5 posts tonight as well. PK was great tonight too as the Hawks didnt really press us too much on their PP.  We made a big push in the 3rd and looked like we scored but it was waived off due to VLC deflecting the puck with a high stick that went right to B Schenn who tapped it in.  The Hawks threatened a bit in the last 2 minutes of the game and Emery lost his stick behind the next and had to fight off a few shots without his stick.  Obviously we survived.  OT was back and forth with few good chances.   As you know we won it in OT on a miracle shot by G (using Keith as a screen) with less than 5 seconds to go.  Other items of interest were that we had 2 fights Rinaldo and Simmonds.  Rinaldo got some good shots in during his fight but Simmonds got pasted and had to come off the ice for 7 mins as the combatants got 2 for slashing in addition to the 5 for fighting.  He didnt return until there was 1 min gone in OT.  I felt he was goaded into that one a bit to get him off the ice.


 We deserved to win as we carried the play most of the night after the inital screw ups in the 1st period.  If we can somehow keep up this level of play into the playoffs we will be a dangerous.  Also Ronald McDonald is looked really good back there on D.  Read, Hartnell, Cooter, G looked great on offense tonight.  VLC and Simmer looked pretty good.  I thought B Schenn was so so as was Emery although he did tighten it up after a Bryz-like goal against.  Otherwise great game overall by the team.  Keep up the good work!

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The last two games have been incredibly fun to attend.  Overall the crowd was awesome except for the one Hawk fan sitting behind us who continued nonstop with his loud, obnoxious play by play of the Hawks.  Ugh


But the game was great.  I have to say though I wasn't impressed with Vinny's game tonight compared to Sat.  MacDonald had probably his best game as a Flyer and yeah I agree Giroux, Couturier, Hartnell played really well.  It was great watching Couturier played well against Toews and Simmonds probably shouldn't have dropped the gloves. Sure was glad this game was won in OTas No one wanted to witness Emery in a shootout.

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Whew I just got back from the game!  1stly the fans were awesome tonight.  People were cheering and paying attention to the game and there was a playoff feel in the building.  The game started out horribly.  B. Schenn tried a drop pass to nobody that led to a rush up the ice for the Hawks.  They didnt score on the inital rush but on the ensuing forecheck they found the back of the net.  Soon after Duncan Keith took a slapshot from the point that went right through Emery (5 hole) and we were in an early 2-0 hole.  About 2 mins later Hartsy shot from behind the net and banked it off a Hawks defensemen and through the goalie to cut the lead to 1.  This seemed to wake the Flyers up and they quickly tied it using a nice forecheck...Read won a battle behind the net who passed it to G who found Hartnell in the slot.  Hartsy burried it with a nice one timer snap shot.  After that the game settled down but the Flyers began to dominate in both the offensive and defensive zones.  The forecheck was hemming the Hawks in all night and in the defensive zone we were winning the battles to the puck for the most part.  Our PP was pretty good but did not generate any goals.  We hit like 4 or 5 posts tonight as well. PK was great tonight too as the Hawks didnt really press us too much on their PP.  We made a big push in the 3rd and looked like we scored but it was waived off due to VLC deflecting the puck with a high stick that went right to B Schenn who tapped it in.  The Hawks threatened a bit in the last 2 minutes of the game and Emery lost his stick behind the next and had to fight off a few shots without his stick.  Obviously we survived.  OT was back and forth with few good chances.   As you know we won it in OT on a miracle shot by G (using Keith as a screen) with less than 5 seconds to go.  Other items of interest were that we had 2 fights Rinaldo and Simmonds.  Rinaldo got some good shots in during his fight but Simmonds got pasted and had to come off the ice for 7 mins as the combatants got 2 for slashing in addition to the 5 for fighting.  He didnt return until there was 1 min gone in OT.  I felt he was goaded into that one a bit to get him off the ice.


 We deserved to win as we carried the play most of the night after the inital screw ups in the 1st period.  If we can somehow keep up this level of play into the playoffs we will be a dangerous.  Also Ronald McDonald is looked really good back there on D.  Read, Hartnell, Cooter, G looked great on offense tonight.  VLC and Simmer looked pretty good.  I thought B Schenn was so so as was Emery although he did tighten it up after a Bryz-like goal against.  Otherwise great game overall by the team.  Keep up the good work!



I hope the missus drove you home. :-) Joking. Nice write up. 

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I have to say though I wasn't impressed with Vinny's game tonight compared to Sat.  


I wasn't there, but really? I thought he played a great game. In fact, I would have put him in one of three stars (G, Hartsy leading the way). 

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I wasn't there, but really? I thought he played a great game. In fact, I would have put him in one of three stars (G, Hartsy leading the way).

I don't think he was horrible, but I also didn't think he was particularly good.

You know how there are some players you're kind of excited to see step on the ice and others are kind of like a workers comp lawyer commercial interrupting your favorite show?

Vinny has sadly become the latter for me. I didn't see anything negative from Vinny worth pointing out last night, but I thought he was kind of meh.

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Now THAT was a statement game.


Beating up on a beaten up Pens squad is one thing...beating up on the champs is a whole 'nother. And even though it went into OT, I thought the Hawks were lucky to come out of there with a point. Both goals Emery let in were bad. He rebounded well though and I'm glad Chief left him in. Four posts at the other end (2 by Giroux) kept it a close game. Yes Hartnells first was flukey. Schenn also came within a hair of ending it. Giroux was an animal out there.


 That's playing with the big boys.

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I wasn't there, but really? I thought he played a great game. In fact, I would have put him in one of three stars (G, Hartsy leading the way). 


I felt the same way. Thought Vinny played a solid game. 


The one thing I notice with this team over the past week is that they are ALL working their butts off. The hustle and second efforts are coming from just about everyone on the squad, and that's the sign of a team that's committed to one another and that wants to win.

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We seem to have a knack of beating these guys at home with last second goals.  Remeber in 2010 during the regular season during our playoff push this little number that Pronger scored on them at the end of the game?  As I was leaving the game last night I had flashbacks to this goal here




Not that I actually believe in this but maybe this means we will face the Hawks again this year in the final and have a chance to redeem ourselves! :ph34r:

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Vinny has sadly become the latter for me. I didn't see anything negative from Vinny worth pointing out last night, but I thought he was kind of meh.


I am on the bash band wagon for him, but I thought his game / play last night was very good. If not for the Chi's goalie, Vinny could have had 2 and blown the game open. 


That said, he should have gone to the Canadians- where frogs go to sleep. Him and Briere would be a great tandem. (to my French Canadian brethren, I am using the frogs comment only as a joke). 

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I wasn't there, but really? I thought he played a great game. In fact, I would have put him in one of three stars (G, Hartsy leading the way). 


I wouldn't say he had a bad game it just wasn't as good as his game against the Penguins on Saturday where his effort was stronger along the boards, whether it be via hits and / or puck battles.  Vinny made at least one poor pass which resulted in a turnover and a scoring chance for the Hawks.  He also had some strong moments as he set up Schenn. My  3 stars were Giroux, Hartnell and Couturier.

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I am on the bash band wagon for him, but I thought his game / play last night was very good. If not for the Chi's goalie, Vinny could have had 2 and blown the game open. 


That said, he should have gone to the Canadians- where frogs go to sleep. Him and Briere would be a great tandem. (to my French Canadian brethren, I am using the frogs comment only as a joke). 



I agree he was better last night than most.  Actually, if he played exactly like last night on a regular basis I'd be fine with him.   I mean, it still wouldn't be worth the contract, but at least he'd be contributing in a positive way.  Hopefully, it continues.

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I was pulling for Hartnell to pot the winner with a hat trick, but that goal by G was pretty awesome!


The Flyers are gelling at the right time.


Cooter is getting better & better.


And all of a sudden Luke Schenn doesn't look so lost out there anymore.

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We seem to have a knack of beating these guys at home with last second goals.  Remeber in 2010 during the regular season during our playoff push this little number that Pronger scored on them at the end of the game?  As I was leaving the game last night I had flashbacks to this goal here




Not that I actually believe in this but maybe this means we will face the Hawks again this year in the final and have a chance to redeem ourselves! :ph34r:


I'm thinking Flyers vs. the Ducks in the Finals.


Of course, no way I can afford to go to one of those games, but I'd sure try.


Seeing the Flyers play in the Finals/Hoist the Cup in person is near the top of my bucket list. Actually, I have no actual list, so that might just be it.  :)

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