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What does it mean when a teammate taps your shinguard with his hockey stick?


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I'm not sure if I posted this question in the right section but I wanted to know what does it mean when a teammate taps your shinguard with his hockey stick?

I've had a teammate do this to me a couple of times before games and during the games like during the play.

I'm still fairly new to hockey since I started playing it in January last year so I don't know.

Btw, I play inline hockey if that makes any difference.

Thanks! :)

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   In Philadelphia, it means "I just did your wife"....in all other instances, it's anything from "tough break/don't worry the goals will come/nice hustle/...in other words, it can mean almost anything depending on the circumstances.

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I would interpret it as: Good play or he wants to sleep with you. Take your pick, but if you just started to play last year,  I am going to lean towards the later of the two..... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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In Philadelphia, it means "I just did your wife"....in all other instances, it's anything from "tough break/don't worry the goals will come/nice hustle/...in other words, it can mean almost anything depending on the circumstances.

I like it. Well done, my friend.

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In Pittsburgh it means one of three things.

1. Good job

2. Don't let it bother you.

3. At least you're not a Flyer.


4. We have to move the team and play in another city....there's no superstar on the team so the team doesn't exist.

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In Pittsburgh it means one of three things.

1. Good job

2. Don't let it bother you.

3. At least you're not a Flyer.

4. We have to move the team and play in another city....there's no superstar on the team so the team doesn't exist.

5. Hey, Mario's place again? But this time I want the Little Bo Peep outfit. And could you shave this time?

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I'm hoping the OP has as sick of a sense of humour as our board does.


The OP has gone conspicuously (inconceivably?) quiet. I hope you sick buggers haven't scared them away....

You'd think they'd be wanting to know the answer to their question from people who have played the game extensively. And, as far as questions go (at least on this site), it's hardly the worst.  I'm starting to wonder if it is an alter ego of Rick taking the piss as it were....

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The OP has gone conspicuously (inconceivably?) quiet. I hope you sick buggers haven't scared them away....

You'd think they'd be wanting to know the answer to their question from people who have played the game extensively. And, as far as questions go (at least on this site), it's hardly the worst.  I'm starting to wonder if it is an alter ego of Rick taking the piss as it were....


It's funny you say that about the OP.  I had a mortifying thought: that what if it's some poor 12 year old kid.  We just scarred him for life.

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Haha, if you're talking about me then it's okay. It's the internet, so I don't expect serious answers all of the time and I'm not a kid :))

It's funny you say that about the OP.  I had a mortifying thought: that what if it's some poor 12 year old kid.  We just scarred him for life.

Haha, if you're talking about me then it's okay. It's the internet, so I don't expect serious answers all of the time and I'm not a kid :))

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...what if it's some poor 12 year old kid.  We just scarred him for life.


Nah, we've done him a huge favor!

Of course you're talking to a guy who let his then 10 year old daughter watch The Big Lebowski.....

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Haha, if you're talking about me then it's okay. It's the internet, so I don't expect serious answers all of the time and I'm not a kid :))


Haha, if you're talking about me then it's okay. It's the internet, so I don't expect serious answers all of the time and I'm not a kid :))



WHEW!! Crisis averted....you'll find most people here are good-natured, have fun, and occasionally know and talk hockey.  


Me, not so much.  I'm  just here cause they haven't banned me yet.

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