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habs sign Semin

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Honestly, good signing by the Habs.


First off, it is well documented they need scoring.

Say what you like about Semin and his work ethic, but he DOES provide that, if nothing else.


Secondly, $1.1M, on a one year deal? WTG, Marc Bergevin...THAT'S the way to dangle a carrot and keep a player 'hungry' for more.


Third, Max Pac-Plekanac-Semin?

That's a hell of a line....and that leaves youngsters like Galchenyuk and Gallagher and maybe Smith-Pelly to comprise a pretty good 2nd....or some mixture of those 6 players.



The trick will be gauging how much "heart" Semin has left for the game at the professional level.

Hard to judge him in Carolina as they entire team was woeful in offense and he was being highly paid there to be one of the "go to" guys.


Semin seems to be the type player who NEEDS to have great linemates and a great center in order to be successful.

Good players help prop up Semin, NOT the other way around.

If paired with the right guys (IMO, the aforementioned Max Pac and Plekanek), he can do well.


And if Montreal can accept his 'warts' (poor defensive game, and sometimes 'floaty' attitude on the ice), then all should be good, especially at the bargain rate of just over a mil.

Thing is, if Semin's defensive liabilities overshadow his offensive abilities, then the Habs simply bury him somewhere, ride out the season, and say "Adios".....or in their case, "Au revoir" :D


But throwing out last season's dismal performance (again, remembering the Canes overall were just terrible on offense), one can see that Semin still has put up decent numbers.

In Washington, with the up tempo offense and players like Alex Ovechkin and Nick Backstrom, he was usually a PPG guy.


If the Habs can duplicate that up tempo style with some of their other gifted offensive guys, Semin may see those days again.........plus the fact that he will be playing for a contract yet again, should keep him focused on the task at hand.


Definitely a low risk, high reward situation for the Canadiens.

And this season may represent Semin's last real chance to remain among the more sought after players in the league.

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  Hey, the Habs *HAD* to add goals, but this bum is not the way to do it. I was robbed of the Kessel vs Babcock side show, but this will be a wonderful replacement.


Hey, give the guy due credit. He's certainly good for at least five goals next season. Lol

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If the deal is for $1.1 mil, it's a steal. This guy will score 20 goals with this team. He is not the player he once was, but he is a decent enough player to make the deal work. Remember, he had a terrible year last year playing with some underachieving and bad players on a poor team.


If the deal is for $4.3 mil, it's a stretch. If he can reach 30 goals, it might make the deal worth it. I don't buy it. Semin is capable of 20 goals with the Canadiens player makers.

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@teenagemutantninjahertl  Semin scored 13 goals in 44 games 3 years ago, very respectable stats. 2 years ago, he had 22 goals in 65 games, a considerable drop in production. Last year, he scored 6 goals in 57 games, basically fell off the face of the earth productions wise. These paltry 6 goals were scored while playing on the top pp most of the year....with Eric Stall as his primary center...hard to not notice the goals started to decrease when he turned 29, less at 30 and almost done at  31....he has lost a step, he's not as fast as he once was, so a goal scorer who is now having trouble getting to the spot he needs to get to in order to score....not good. His work ethic has always been disgraceful, one of those guys who plays for the money and not the love of the game, if he could make more money bagging groceries, he would leave the NHL tomorrow. He WILL NOT score 20 next year, he will not score 20 ever again. His work ethic is SO BAD, that he will be denied the playing time needed to produce, at least....that's how I see it.

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This past season may even mark the end of his double-digit seasons.


 I was thinking the *exact* same thing, it just did not make it into my post, ha ha....funny stuff!

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No risk here by the Habs.

Either the Habs reap the (cheap) rewards of a talented but lazy player out to prove he doesn't suck or they simply added another subpar floater to their stable who, if he doesn't produce, will take off his shirt and ride his horse back to Russia to hang out with the other loser fat lazy players on the Russian national/Olympic team.

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No risk here by the Habs.


 I would not say no risk, limited risk, yes. Semin could easily be a locker room cancer, drive a wedge in the team....plus, the Habs used valuable cap space on someone who may not produce. Yes, it is only one year, but another year taken out of Price's prime years. Perhaps the team loses faith in their GM for this decision....if this turns out to be the cluster**** I think it will be, the media and fans will also have a field day....and in Montreal, public opinion matters there more than anywhere else. We are talking about a team that was forced to fire an English speaking coach for a French coach, all part of the unique public pressure that the fans in Montreal are capable of. Backlash for a bad decision is 10X more severe in Habville than the average NHL city. There could indeed be repercussions for this signing.

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If the deal is for $1.1 mil, it's a steal. This guy will score 20 goals with this team. He is not the player he once was, but he is a decent enough player to make the deal work. Remember, he had a terrible year last year playing with some underachieving and bad players on a poor team.


If the deal is for $4.3 mil, it's a stretch. If he can reach 30 goals, it might make the deal worth it. I don't buy it. Semin is capable of 20 goals with the Canadiens player makers.


He was playing with underachieving and bad players? Who else got bought out on that team? He IS the epitome of an underachiever. He plays for money. Once he gets it, there s no effort.

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He was playing with underachieving and bad players? Who else got bought out on that team? He IS the epitome of an underachiever. He plays for money. Once he gets it, there s no effort.

Keep signing him to 1 year deals lol

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@J0e Th0rnton


That's the only way you can get him to do anything. Paying him first, then asking him to prove his worth has been a waste of capspace. Bad signing by the habs.

Not really bad signing. They can send him down and it will cost next to nothing against their cap.


1.1 million is near league minimum and up near 900k goes off the cap when sent down. Low risk signing with potential for reward.

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@flyercanuck  This is a very informative article on the whole situation. It appears, from the way it was written that it was 1.1 mill....but I'm still not sure.  A few other factors found in this article that no one has written about yet....Semin MUST take a top 6 forward position to be effective at all, which blocks one of Montreal's young up and coming talents from being a top 6 guy....so essentially, a more talented player will be held back, placed on a lower line to accommodate this has been. Stunting the growth of a young up and comer for this tool is a real, real bad move.



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@jammer2@J0e Th0rnton


They signed him for 1.1 dude.


The 4.3 initially reported was wrong.


Ok, then you're right, it's not a terrible signing. I've come to trust what I read on this board so I took the 4.3 as gospel. At that hit, it was an awful signing. At 1.1, it isn't so much of a waste. How motivated will he be at that price though? 

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@jammer2@J0e Th0rnton



Ok, then you're right, it's not a terrible signing. I've come to trust what I read on this board so I took the 4.3 as gospel. At that hit, it was an awful signing. At 1.1, it isn't so much of a waste. How motivated will he be at that price though? 

How motivated would I be if I knew I could perform well at work and quadruple my income next year?

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I would not say no risk, limited risk, yes. Semin could easily be a locker room cancer, drive a wedge in the team....plus, the Habs used valuable cap space on someone who may not produce. Yes, it is only one year, but another year taken out of Price's prime years. Perhaps the team loses faith in their GM for this decision....if this turns out to be the cluster**** I think it will be, the media and fans will also have a field day....and in Montreal, public opinion matters there more than anywhere else. We are talking about a team that was forced to fire an English speaking coach for a French coach, all part of the unique public pressure that the fans in Montreal are capable of. Backlash for a bad decision is 10X more severe in Habville than the average NHL city. There could indeed be repercussions for this signing.

Limited, of course, but I think inconsequential. At $1.1M, it's really not much more than they'd have to pay someone off the street. So financially no (limited) risk (the first thing I saw when I opened this thread was $4.3M. Someone should have been waterboarded and shot if that were true!).

I'm not as concerned about the cancer thing. At & 1.1M and only one year, he's not a cog or a leader. The worst case in my mind is that he's simply ANOTHER underachieving lazy ass in that room.

I have zero faith in the Habs to begin with. I think they're pretenders. So, coming from that angle, they either get lucky with this or they really lose nothing because they weren't going anywhere to begin with.

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@ruxpin  Literally, all the Habs have to improve on is goal scoring. They have the defense and goalie.....and they have great work ethic and some nice grit also. If they can acquire more goals through trades in the coming season, they will be dangerous.

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