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POLL: Greatest player in Capitals History


Greatest Capital ever  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the Greatest Capital player ever?

    • Alex Ovechkin
    • Nicklas Backstrom
    • Peter Bondra
    • Mike Gartner
    • Olaf Kolzig
    • Rod Langway

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m0gsle4msZAoWvKwyEMlsTw.jpg The choices for the greatest Capital player of all time are:


ALEX OVECHKIN: The Great eight ALREADY at the halfway point of his career or a little bit past has the all time record for goals by a Capital (475) and points (895). He won the Calder, has been a first team all star 7 times and 2nd team 3 times has won the Hart 3 times and been a runner up once and led the league in goals scored five times.


NICKLASmkQ729DL43QNSVWxD74IGRA.jpg BACKSTROM Ovie's linemate is the clubs all time leader in assists with 427 and is 5th all time in points in spite of being only 28 years old. Has had a 101 point season and has finished in the top ten in the league 4 times already in only 8 full years.


MIKE GARTNER: After a year in the WHA Gartner came to the NHL with the Capitals and for a decade was as steady as it gets, putting up 789 points in 10 years before being dealt to the North Stars bringing credibility to a team that was in desperate need after the laugh track that was the seventies for the Capitals.


PETER BONDRA The guy who Ovie passed for tops in points and goals in team history this year was the underrated Peter Bondra who had 472 goals and 825 points in his Capital career. He led the league in goals twice and in GWG's once with an insane 13 once.


RODmUuTmKNuNrhDP6yzK9VrK7A.jpg LANGWAY  If you are looking for Langway's nme at the top of the stat line dont waste your time but if you are looking for one of the all time best defensive d-men in the history of the game look no further. After coming over from Washington for Ryan Walter and Rick Green he won back to back Norris trophies and was a six consecutive season All Star.


OLAF KOLZIG Ollie the Goalie holds virtually every record for netminding in team history by a ridiculous margin, 711 games (number two is Don Beupre with 269) 301 wins, more wins than any other goalie has starts. Absolutely carried the team on his back to the 98 Stanley Cup finals,  won a Vezina.


WHO AM I?? msJ4EXCwFL1GlvZmlNQ0gcA.jpg checking the Immortal Don Murdoch down the ice.





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Ovechkin then Kolzig.

OV basically IS the Caps, which is what Kolzig was backinnaday.

Wouldn't surprise me if there were big OV Cap fans who don't know who Kolzig was.

Agreed, Ovie then Kolzig, I would have to go Langway a close third simply because he changed the entire way the organization was perceived almost overnight. After some of the worst hockey in the history of the NHL Langway came over and carried the team on his back towards respectability. The last real Norris winner who really won it strictly for his defense. And he earned it too.

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Ovie is one of the best left wingers in history. As great as Olie the Goalie was, even he can't really compete with that. I won't even rule out the possibility of Ovi reaching 700 goals or passing Gartner's total. He only needs to average 22.5 goals per year to reach 700 if he plays 10 more seasons. He has showed no signs of slowing down yet, so he may have a another 50 goal season or two still ahead, and then some 30's and 40's after that. It's a very reachable mark for a guy like him.


I'll take another stab at the picture too. This took some digging, but is it Yvon Labre?

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Ovie is one of the best left wingers in history. As great as Olie the Goalie was, even he can't really compete with that. I won't even rule out the possibility of Ovi reaching 700 goals or passing Gartner's total. He only needs to average 22.5 goals per year to reach 700 if he plays 10 more seasons. He has showed no signs of slowing down yet, so he may have a another 50 goal season or two still ahead, and then some 30's and 40's after that. It's a very reachable mark for a guy like him.


I'll take another stab at the picture too. This took some digging, but is it Yvon Labre?

TWO FOR TWO!!! Dang it i am gonna have to make these pics a bit harder, lol.

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@yave1964 Don't make them too hard or you'll price me out of business. Lol. So far, I've been able to find enough clues in the photos or accompanying comments.


@pilldoc After doing a Google search, I think you're right about Galley.

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 I would like to say Langway, my heart says Rod....but the OV's stats, you simply cannot ignore them. Begrudingly, OV....then Langway ....and a very close 3rd is Gartner.

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I have to say Bondra only because of where he was drafted and what his NHL expectations were to be. However, OV has a ton of gas left in the tank, so I think it's a no brainier that if OV plays another four or so seasons with the Capitals (Same as Bondra's 14) he will be very tough to not include in any conversation about the greatest all time Capital. 

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As much as I have been on him for his laziness at times on the ice, as well as the questionable hits, I can see no other answer than OV.   You can name any other Cap, and give good reasoning for their case, but OV is a generational type talent.   Not only can he put the biscuit in the basket like some of the all time best in the NHL, but he can flatten you with his physical play. 


Yes, he has unfinished business, but name any other Cap you would put up against him and so did they.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alex Ovechkin has been rightfully criticized as not stepping up in the playoffs, but there is no question he is the greatest offensive, and all-around best player in Caps history. He has also gotten better at not losing his composure and not taking dumb, or overaggressive penalties. All that's missing is a Stanley Cup, but he's just about a lock as a Hall of Famer. Bondra was a guy with great scoring touch as well, but not as complete a player as Ovechkin. Honorable mention for a player not listed should be Dale Hunter. He was a constant agitator, leader, and guy who scored some big goals for them over the years. I'll never forget how deflated I was when he knocked the Flyers out on a game-winning goal in Game 7 of OT in the first round of the 1988 playoffs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ovie, one of the best players in the game.

He is not only the best player on the Caps, but he is at least in the top 3 players in all of the NHL. He also could be put in the top 10-15 players of all time right now in his career in my opinion. By the time he hangs up his skates he could be in the top 5 all time.

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