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Lots of good UFA defenseman available this summer.


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I was looking at the list of UFAs for this summer and there is quite a list of good defensemen, there is also some real good RFAs that may get traded if teams can’t sign them. Of course we are up against the cap and probably can’t afford any of them unless we unload someone like JVR, who is probably our most tradeable guy with a big contract. With the flat cap and most teams maxed out, players are not gonna get huge deals or long deals like in the past. So maybe we can get a guy for a short deal.. So I wouldn’t give up valuable assets when we can possibly sign an UFA. The other thing is can we buy someone out and what’s the cost to buyout Jake if he’s not claimed by Seattle.

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16 minutes ago, RonJeremy said:

I was looking at the list of UFAs for this summer and there is quite a list of good defensemen, there is also some real good RFAs that may get traded if teams can’t sign them. Of course we are up against the cap and probably can’t afford any of them unless we unload someone like JVR, who is probably our most tradeable guy with a big contract. With the flat cap and most teams maxed out, players are not gonna get huge deals or long deals like in the past. So maybe we can get a guy for a short deal.. So I wouldn’t give up valuable assets when we can possibly sign an UFA. The other thing is can we buy someone out and what’s the cost to buyout Jake if he’s not claimed by Seattle.

If we can get him to waive his NMC, ill give you Marc Edouard Vlasic for JVR straight up

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47 minutes ago, J0e Th0rnton said:

Do you want to get rid of JVR or not?

We'll take that -8 of Burns, off of your hands...if we can somehow afford him.

Edited by FD19372
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7 minutes ago, J0e Th0rnton said:

i'd take Jake for Burns. A change in scenery might do both well. Have you seen how bad our forward depth is? Promote Merkley to fill that #2 offensive D position behind karlsson

Their salaries are similar. I'm all for making that deal.

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1 minute ago, FD19372 said:

Their salaries are similar. I'm all for making that deal.

If you are looking for a defensively responsible guy, Burns is going to disappoint you tho.


ill trade you coaches too. Guy has no idea how to use offensive defensemen as skilled as Burns or Karlsson.

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On 3/25/2021 at 9:18 PM, J0e Th0rnton said:

If you are looking for a defensively responsible guy, Burns is going to disappoint you tho.


ill trade you coaches too. Guy has no idea how to use offensive defensemen as skilled as Burns or Karlsson.

Jake makes $8,250,000.00 per year for the next 3 years where Burns makes $8,000,000.00 for the next 4 years so if they were be traded for each other, then the Sharks would have to add something.

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On 3/27/2021 at 10:26 PM, Lindbergh31 said:

Jake makes $8,250,000.00 per year for the next 3 years where Burns makes $8,000,000.00 for the next 4 years so if they were be traded for each other, then the Sharks would have to add something.


Burns isn't going to help anyways.


They need a guy who is very good in his own end so he can help teach the kids.


Burns is not that guy.

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6 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:


Burns isn't going to help anyways.


They need a guy who is very good in his own end so he can help teach the kids.


Burns is not that guy.

True ,but getting rid of that annoying tool Jake would be so satisfying. I have never seen anyone rush the length of the ice and never get a shot in net as much as him. He usually gets stripped at the blue line or skates it all the way in , only to be taken out on the end boards. He passes when he should shoot and he holds on to the puck for too long when he should pass. That was his rap coming into his draft year and he still hasn’t changed his ways. I want punch him in his goofy red headed face. The team should keep him on and the new Gritty and have the fans throw beer on him.

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6 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:


I understand.


But there has to be another way.

The sad part is, we are gonna have to give up a good pick or prospect for someone to take that loser. The other thing is we still will have JVR and Hayes huge contract, and Coots is probably gonna go from 4 million to 8 million . So at best we might be able to dump one contract.  I sure hope we stupidly don’t renew G at all. Either way, after next season, we will have Hayes, Coots and either JVR orJake still with big contracts. There is no way to pay Giroux, even if they wanted him, which I hope they don’t. Another thing is Coots and Hayes are similar players , decent size and very slow. 

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2 hours ago, RonJeremy said:

The sad part is, we are gonna have to give up a good pick or prospect for someone to take that loser.


Not if they pick up some of his salary maybe.


Say you pickup 3 mill up.


Then it could free up 5 mill +.


2 hours ago, RonJeremy said:

The other thing is we still will have JVR and Hayes huge contract


I'm hoping JVR at least gets picked up by the Kraken.


2 hours ago, RonJeremy said:

Coots is probably gonna go from 4 million to 8 million .


Coots raise will be offset by Giroux not making 8 mill+ either at what Coots is making now or straight gone as a whole.


And Gus' 3 mill will be off the books too.

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Best case scenario is , we trade JVR , maybe a second round pick or prospect.  Bribe Seattle with some sort of asset and also picking up salary to take Jake and do not re-sign Giroux. If we can do this , then we have only Hayes and his bloated salary and Coots big new contract on the books. Of all of them ,I want Jake outta here the most. We have to be in a position to at least get a shot at any young impact UFA s or RFAs who may be dealt over the next couple of years. The thought of having to watch Jake for four more years has me on suicide watch.

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5 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:


Burns isn't going to help anyways.


They need a guy who is very good in his own end so he can help teach the kids.


Burns is not that guy.


I'm in complete agreement with you. The biggest inefficiency in the NHL:

1) Players get paid for points
2) Many players who get points contribute to their teams getting outscored despite their point totals


Finding the players who help the goal share while not getting enough points to move the salary dial is the golden ticket when filling out the roster, and Brent Burns is literally the opposite of that.



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