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J0e Th0rnton

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Everything posted by J0e Th0rnton

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tsn.ca/jack-eichel-agents-buffalo-sabres-1.1675849%3ftsn-amp Ohhhh boy
  2. Less workload? His best years he was playing 65 games a year lol. His effectiveness dropped when equipment changed and he could not adjust Sharks fans just blew opened bottles of champagne because we signed James Reimer + hill and got rid of jones. Think about that lol
  3. I didn't even realize we bought him out? Nice! Enjoy LOL
  4. I'm happy as a pig in **** we got Eklund on the sharks. He looks to be the best player in the draft. Also he was a sharks fan growing up and is just over the moon to be drafted by the sharks Also if he wears number 1 through 5, the Eklund E5 jokes are sitting there waiting for us.
  5. Wtf Seriously. This is a steal. Does Yzerman have compromised pictures of thr Carolina GM or something?
  6. WTF lol https://www.tsn.ca/montreal-canadiens-carey-price-expansion-draft-1.1669047 I get that everyone thinks "nobody will ever take his contract" But the guy just had like a Cinderella clutch as heck playoff run and is in the conversation of "best goalies in the world" Seattle might just take him
  7. I'm surprised they bought out Suter. Not surprised with Parise. Suter isn't a superstar anymore but he is still serviceable top 4. Winnipeg should be offering him something for 3 years Edit. By the sounds of it, together in the locker room they were a problem? Any insight on this?
  8. Unless Keith morphs back to his form from a decade ago, wtf? Lol
  9. The 2006 Carolina hurricanes were worse simply because, Patrick Roy in god mode, one of the greatest goaltenders of all time.
  10. Look at who's left? Matthews, Nylander, marner, Reilly It's not like they were lacking young star power and good role players. Brodie, Hyman, foligno, and some veterans in Thornton, Spezza, etc Campbell went 17-3-2 regular season and then did well for the first 4 games. But when it came time to close the deal, they all perplexingly folded. It was very ......sharklike. The amount of meme's I have seen have been sensational lol.
  11. I'll admit I'm taking the piss out of a few of my buddies in halifax. They spent the last 2 decades telling me what a choker my favorite player is and how the sharks suck and can't get it done, ignoring the fact that they haven't won a series in longer than my kids have been alive. Hell. Thornton had only been in the league a few years last time they won a series and he was on the bruins If Marner is going to be getting the Thornton treatment moving forward and they deny how bad he has been thus far I am just going to salt the wound a bit They have plenty of time to turn it around, but I'm living in the moment lol
  12. I said that about the sharks alot Edit: holy crap. Thornton at age 41/42 had more goals in this year's playoffs than Marner
  13. Right or wrong, the Trotz defense first system and platooning with sorokin hurts him here. Fleury is also platooning but had way longer solo control of the net.
  14. Oh i never said hertl lol.
  15. I dunno what yall want from him, but he is 31 years old. It doesn't get better from here
  16. Lol. Eichel just intimated in an interview that "my body my choice " on having surgery dud not apply because of his contract and that ownership pressured him to keep playing. See ya jack. Better luck on another team. Reinhart is reportedly unhappy too. Ristolainen just gave an interview saying "playoffs next year or I am out" Circus organization hahaha
  17. Some of that had to do with Kane and Toews getting a touch of the greed. And Seabrook and Keith Aging like milk(Although on great contracts) At a time when Superstar players were signing for 8.5m a year(Crosby signed this in 2013 a year prior to them signing), they got together and reportedly both demanded 10.5 each for both or neither. Sign us both for the max or we test free agency together. At the time in 2014, I kinda mentioned how they boned the team in doing this and everyone assured me the team could adjust and keep winning cups as long as they had those two. Which they didn't since as soon as those contracts kicked in, they either got bounced 1st round or didn't make the playoffs. The Blackhawk sections of some forums went into meltdown when they saw how much they got. The fans of the team were certain they would take team friendly contracts and they felt absolutely betrayed. But they won the cup that year, so the fanbase sucked it up and forgave them. Rocky Wirtz was in a spot. The players knew the fanbase hated his lowballing father, Dollar Bill Wirtz and they knew he was handcuffed from allowing them to test free agency or the fans would rebel and consider it his fault. He had spent years reforming the image of the team from the frugal penny pinchers who ostracized former players like Hull and Mikita to the guy who changed the culture and welcomed the legends back into the fold. Him suddenly being the owner not willing to pay up his 2 star players would undo 6 years of hard work. Kane and Toews knew this and sacrificed the team stability for their personal fortunes. Neither of those guys deserved 2 million dollars a year more than Crosby. And it was annoying for a few years to see people making polls like "Crosby vs Toews" but Toews has 3 cups to Crosby's 1! At least Crosby won 2 more and shut them the hell up lol.
  18. Ok. But we are keeping the salary cap so teams can't overload up and have to consider their offers
  19. His accomplishments still pale in comparison to McDavid. If we are playing the pro rating game, McDavid is heating up end of season and on pace for 154 points, leaving Matthews well behind eating the air his dust was floating in.
  20. Its kinda gross. despite 2 shortened due to covid seasons in a row and him missing half his rookie year due to a freak accident breaking his collarbone, he's been something of an ironman otherwise. 6 seasons in and he nearly has 600 points.
  21. Anything would be an improvement over Bob boughner
  22. Lol. Dear players who are in a union so you have some semblance of control over your life. Someone on a forum suggested to remove your right to seek employment in a living area or even country of your choice and seeks to post you like a its a military assignment.
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