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J0e Th0rnton

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Everything posted by J0e Th0rnton

  1. How do you lose 7 million dollars a game with no fans? I work in an arena and know how much It costs per game even letting 1000 fans in the building. Most of the costs are staff, ushers, concourse food court. With no fans, it was literally camera crew, ice techs and event techs and one security at the door on Carmichael Street. It costs between $10000 and $20000 a day to keep the chillers and brine system on and ice techs maintaining the ice
  2. Man this fight for the top 2 First round bi spots is going to be tight. Dumba and I are locked in Mortal combat with a close week while Yave seems to be cruising over this week to catch up
  3. Ekblad blew out his ankle or knee too. Sucks because he was having himself a year
  4. Depends on the goalie. Antti Niemi handled pucks like they were a live grenade and hurt thr sharks everytime he tried Martin brodeur did it so well they invented the trapezoid to stop him
  5. If you are looking for a defensively responsible guy, Burns is going to disappoint you tho. ill trade you coaches too. Guy has no idea how to use offensive defensemen as skilled as Burns or Karlsson.
  6. i'd take Jake for Burns. A change in scenery might do both well. Have you seen how bad our forward depth is? Promote Merkley to fill that #2 offensive D position behind karlsson
  7. I'd consider that too. im in blow it up mode with the sharks.
  8. If we can get him to waive his NMC, ill give you Marc Edouard Vlasic for JVR straight up
  9. It's not always a career killer. But it is a relearn how to skate surgery in more extreme cases like Kesler. Rinne came back from hip surgery in 2014 ok. Benn actually looked really good on his initial return. It was a year after that where I noticed he was avoiding contact more https://www.prohockeystrength.com/public/Predictors-of-Career-Length-after-Hip-Surgery-in-Hockey-Players.cfm
  10. Yes and I hate both in the hall. I personally feel the hall should be elite game breakers
  11. I think of Gartner when I think of Marleau
  12. Jamie Benn also had hip surgery right in his prime. Which tends to have some ramifications at lowering your career life expectancy drastically. A lot of players have had hip surgery and then came back looking good for awhile only to falter fast.
  13. No. its the hall of fame not the hall of very good. Marleau has never been on the radar for any major award EVER. He was just a solid dependable compiler who would get looks for the lady bing ever year for playing such a no touch game. A game which despite people lauding his playoff goals, was not good in the playoffs. Roenick had it right when he said "if he had half my heart or I had Half his talent, it would have been a top all time player" I don't even agree with Cam Neely being in there despite being the prototypical power forward who got hitting from behind its own penalty and he was my favorite player growing up. Thornton on the other hand is a lock for 1st Ballot even with his lack of playoff success. A top 6 finalist for the hart 5 times in his career, sometimes outscoring his next closest teammate by over 50%, turning chicken **** into chicken salad. if Thornton played in the 80's its highly likely he is 2nd in all time assists behind Gretzky. He lost a year and a half of his prime to lockouts and sits at 1098 assists in 7th place all time while doing it in mostly low scoring era and he never really had major injuries until the last few years when both his knees got blown out. Ron Francis is #2 with 1249 lol. He is also one of 3 players to ever hit back to back 90 assist seasons. The other 2 are named Gretzky and Lemieux lol Edit: jeez. he is even 14th in all time POINTS, despite playing in a mostly low scoring era.
  14. Things don't end well anywhere he coaches for some reason. He wins regularly and is loved by players but gets fired.
  15. Hes currently the kings head coach lol
  16. The honest truth is, they should hire a VETERAN COACH. Like Boudreau, or Gallant. Skinner didn't go from 40 goal scorer to nothing all by himself. Krueger's strategies and terribad coaching most certainly played a part. They need a vet coach to see if this mess is at all salvageable. Conor McDavid has more points than the entire Sabres team has goals as a team. that's like a record. Even in the darkest days of the golden seals, Bobby Orr didn't outscore an entire team.
  17. Leaf fans? I am pretty sure everyone is watching this in amusement. This reminds me of Boston right as they were about to trade Jumbo joe. Except that was a blindside out of nowhere. This one you can see coming a mile away
  18. DAMN! Rux, i need you to pull a rabbit out of your hat this week. Maybe if you trade me Tristan Jarry in NAHANA he will suddenly go on Covid protocol or break his femur and Yave owns him here? its currently a 3 way race for those 2 first round Bi spots. Dumba and I play each other next week in a pretty important match too since he is currently #2 and that can only help Yave, who is right there in 3rd.
  19. I'm chasing ya hard this week bud. Been just a sliver behind all week lol.
  20. Connor McDavid has 60 points on the season, and the Buffalo Sabres' entire team has produced 61 goals, but 59 scores not counting shoot-outs.
  21. Might as well sign him while his value is tanking I guess. Before he asks for real bank
  22. Little trade between rux and I. Since I had 6 goaltenders and one of his just went off with covid protocol Blackwood and Dahlin for Klingberg and Benn. Slightly ironic since I got Blackwood from him earlier in the year when I had a goalie problem and he immediately got put on weeks of covid protocol lol. I feel secure in goal now after a bunch of little moves(knock on wood) so may as well start trying to reload my forwards and defense.
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