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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. I read a blurb on getting rid of body checking in pee wee 11/12 year olds, not sure that"s what he's referring to though
  2. Wasn't a game 7, but the Caps were up 4-1 on the Flyers in '88 (I think it was 88) with 9 minutes left in game 4 and ready to tie the series. Flyers score 3 to tie the game, and Murray Craven bangs in the winner less than 2 minutes into OT. Of course that would be a much happier memory if not for the Caps winning the next 3, including Dale f***ing Hunter's OT winner in game 7.
  3. They had a picture of Chara on the board during the playing of the anthem? I find that a little difficult to believe...again I don't really care who was booing what, but lame excuses from the tv stooges is just......well, lame
  4. Yeah I agree with hf, pens probably win 7 - zip......they might as well not even play the game....ya Isles have no shot Edit- @nossagog extra points for working in an Olivia Newton John reference, well done!
  5. I got a $20 that says it does. At least by a small contingent. Because there are idiots everywhere. Playoffs and everybody's all juiced up, rationalizing it as ok because they did it first. Hope I'm wrong
  6. "To even put him in the same sentence as MVP --unless MVP stands for Mucus-filled Vag1nal Pu$s-- is simply mind-numbing." OutFreakinStanding! Bravo!
  7. I'm kinda wondering the same thing, something's gotten into his head. I wonder how he'll handle sitting game 5, because I agree they should seriously consider sending in Vokun.
  8. Roy Halladay knows a good one......wait, nevermind....
  9. I'm more than a little shocked, that was a helluva 3rd period too. Nice brawlski at the end, everyone leaving game 5 calling cards. A little closer than you'd like it I'm sure, but some fun eh?
  10. The first I remember that happening was after the start of the Gulf War part duex.....and of course fans in the US returned the favor by booing the Canadian national anthem. Which goes to prove that idiocy knows knows no nationality, race, creed or gender
  11. Yeah. But that Pens series last year was about as much fun as spectating gets. THAT I miss.
  12. Did Babcock really claim that was shoulder to shoulder? I musta watched the wrong video....
  13. Yup, too much room for manipulation by aggrieved team, especially where a star player injures a marginal player. And what do we do where a player misses 20 games due to injury....or has a career ended?
  14. @yave1964 Kinda like a red card in soccer, except in terms of games not minutes. Not a bad idea. @flyerrod the only problem I have with linking it to the time the injured player misses is that it brings us back to Shanny penalizing the injury, not the act.
  15. Calling it like you see it, I appreciate your objectivity. That said, I still think this will go lightly punished, relative to the Gyrba hit, based on the level of injury....which shouldn't matter but now I'm just repeating myself. I guess we'll see later today....can't wait for Shanny's video nonsense explanation!
  16. Leaves his feet and clearly targets the head, textbook example of the kind of play the league is trying to eliminate. But the end result doesn't look as bad as the Gyrba hit and we all know Shanny dishes out suspensions based on blood and broken bones. 2 games. Probably should be 3, but it won't be.
  17. Oh preach brother. I hate Comcast for more reasons than I could possibly count. Start with it sickens me that this oversized corporate monolith of greed and consumer enslavement with no competition owns my hockey team!
  18. I have never been able to figure out why this country's institutions are so uptight about sex. I was in Paris on a school sponsored trip in 1983, and right there in a major department store perfume counter, big color poster with even bigger bare boobs on it. To the best of my knowledge their society hasn't collapsed under the weight of such public "indecency". Here? Somebody would be getting brought up on charges or facing a civil suit from some undersexed parent claiming their children went went blind from looking at it.
  19. God forbid the word sex is uttered, might be kids watching and they'll be irreparably damaged. But run all the graphic violence you can find WTF
  20. Old guy rant: Who came up with the word 'meme' ? It's a goddam picture with humurous wording on it, its been around since the birth of photography, did we need an internet dork to invent a freakin word for it? I'd like to strangle that little bastard!
  21. Sounds like being desperate enough to overpay....again. Here's hoping Homer doesn't read Carchidi.
  22. Nice double OT goal vs the Caps a few years ago
  23. I gotta call you on that one, I don't have statistics in front of me but I know for a fact the late 80s, when Gretzky was having those ridiculous seasons, was the highest scoring era in league history. And if it did drop off after that, it was certainly still higher in Mario's cup years than it was when Orr was in his prime. As far as goaltending being weaker, I dunno man, I think if you're going to stay with your statistical argument and look at GAA that's not going to hold up.
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