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Bryz is the difference

Guest caluso

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He's making the saves he should be, managing rebounds better, and playing a little bigger in net. Glad to see some improvement from the five day practice.

And before I post he lets one in, though at least it wasn't soft at all.

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I thought Bryz was winning the game for you. Obviously the 5 on 3 wasn't his fault, but even after that he played very well. The shots were closer than the scoring chances. I felt the Pens had some really good chances that he stopped.

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We would be down 4 goals tonight if it wasn't for Bryz.

Let's hope he has one more period in him.

Crucial, crucial game.

I'm just curious how this is a crucial, crucial game? This team doesn't have a chance in hell of making the playoffs, they'd basically have to win out at this point...on a team that hasn't strung 3 wins together all season,

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I rag on the guy all the time...so...

Bryzgalov played really well last night. He looked like a guy who's on top of his game. He made some brilliant saves and didn't spray rebounds all over the place. The Pens didn't get a lot of 2nd chances - a few but not a lot.

On a related topic - Tyler #$%!# Kennedy scores on the Flyers again, the GWer in OT no less. This guy has quietly become a legitimate Flyers-Killer. I don't think he scores much against other teams but he sure knows how to beat the Flyers. Okay Homer...you know what to do: 3 year contract at 3x his market salary. Get it done.

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I rag on the guy all the time...so...

Bryzgalov played really well last night. He looked like a guy who's on top of his game. He made some brilliant saves and didn't spray rebounds all over the place. The Pens didn't get a lot of 2nd chances - a few but not a lot.

On a related topic - Tyler #$%!# Kennedy scores on the Flyers again, the GWer in OT no less. This guy has quietly become a legitimate Flyers-Killer. I don't think he scores much against other teams but he sure knows how to beat the Flyers. Okay Homer...you know what to do: 3 year contract at 3x his market salary. Get it done.

Don't forget to add the NMC while you are at it! ;)

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Kennedy has five goals this season... Four are against you.

Oh good lord is that really his numbers? For real? Jeezus H. Ka-rye-st. I knew it, I fkn knew it. Unreal.

I thought of you last night when he scored - I remember last Pens/Flyers game we were talking (or, I was complaining) about how Mr. Kennedy always scores on us - and of course he did that night. But last night - OT GWer - it doesn't get more "FU FLYERS" than that!

gotta hand it to him, it was a helluva shot - a real "laser" as they say. Ain't no way in the world - unless it's dumb luck - a goalie is stopping that one from going in.

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As well as Bryz played, he went down FAR to early on the last 2 goals....esp the overtime winner. All he had to do was stand there, take the appropriate angle and let the puck hit him...instead, he goes down early, leaves the whole top of the net exposed and WHAM...that is the exact spot the game winner gets depoisited....sickening.

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As well as Bryz played, he went down FAR to early on the last 2 goals....esp the overtime winner. All he had to do was stand there, take the appropriate angle and let the puck hit him...instead, he goes down early, leaves the whole top of the net exposed and WHAM...that is the exact spot the game winner gets depoisited....sickening.

But still, he only let in two goals against Pittsburgh. I ain't expecting the moon with this guy, so for me, this was one of his better games. Like someone else said, can't win with just one goal. I'm actually more disappointed in the offense. Bryz didn't win this game, but he gave the offense a chance to. They just didn't take it.

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