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Final ISS Rankings

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I'll be happy with any of those top 14 players. MacKinnon blew Jones away in the Memorial Cup, so he deserves the top nod IMO. Of course that will be Colorados decision, and I doubt they could go wrong with either. Horvat really caught my eye in the OHL finals and Memorial Cup. Funny Ristolainen ends up ranked right where we pick.

Hopefully Homer makes the right decision....oh gawd!

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I think i'd rather go with Pullock or Ristolienen , than Zadarov for the reasons Pods mentions.

I'd like for the Flyers to have a guy that can really skate and has good offensive instincts somewhere in the system, that is what Pullock brings according to my limited knowledge, the positional play can be taught. If he's not there and Ristolienen and Zadarov are i'd rather Risto; more polished and probably closer to helping the NHL team.

Edited by mojo1917
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I'm not so sure abouot Zadorov. I love the size and ove how he hits. But he's raw. And his skating is not great. He's also often out of position. He's a bit of a project, in short.

honestly, that sounds like a young chara, really. not a great skater, positionally suspect, but freaking big and knows how to use that.

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I'm not so sure abouot Zadorov. I love the size and ove how he hits. But he's raw. And his skating is not great. He's also often out of position. He's a bit of a project, in short.

ugh...i did not know about the skating issues..thanks for the update....

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.i did not know about the skating issues..thanks for the update..

Don't quote me, lol. I've done a 180 on him kind of. Loved him when I saw him play a few times, 'cause of the physicality. But I remember also liking Denis Gauthier for the same reason the first time I saw him play. So there's that thing called reality out there for D-men.

The only scout I know has a brother with London, so some of the critique comes from a discussion with him. And I trust him. But I'm trying to get a better read on his skating and hockey IQ. I trust ISS though and they have him at #8. What I don't have is the full ISS report and it's most recent assessment of Zadorov. It's expensive! Sometimes I get bootlegged copies, hopefully I will again this year.

Edited by Podein25
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Do we in our heart of hearts think this organization and fan base will patiently let Zadarov develop into Chara 2.0 ?

My money is on No.

Does the team have the luxury of taking on a "project" with great upside, because there's great organizational depth on defense?.

Do we have guys on the roster with Zadarov's skill set ? Yes, Grossmann and L Schenn.

I would love for this draft to produce a Rico Dejardains type player, very good all around and able to play 24 mins a night , I don't think Zadarov is that guy, at all. Maybe Ristolienen or with some simmering in the A Pullock could be that type player.

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On Zadorov, from a poster on another less cool discussion board,

He was one of London's worst ayer in an 8-1 loss in Windsor on Sunday. Poor skating (REALLY poor), piss poor decision making, and the direct result of 2 goals. His lack of mobility was consistantly exploited, and he looked awful.

Again, just one negative post among many positive, so grain of salt. But the positive posts about him are almost all about his physicality and big shot.

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Watched him, Stolarz, Horvat, Domi and Maatta closely in the Barrie series. Zadorov is definately a project. There wasn't one game where he stood out. Considering his size i was very underwhelmed. It was a rare occasion he got his shot off. A couple big hits but considering the draft ranking, meh. Ekblad was 10X the player, at a year younger. Horvat was the best Knight in that series and it wasn't close. Stolarz was terrible. Maatta had some nice offensive plays but is weak defensively. Domi looks like a small version of JVR. Skate fast around the perimeter. He was a zero factor until the last game when Barries entire top line was basically out (Hall played a few shifts, badly hurt) Oh and Bostons pick, Griffith, looks like a good player.

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Yeah it does kind of.

I saw Chara play in Hershey when he was with the Kentucky Thoroughblades. First, he looked like a giraffe on skates, he was so tall and skinny. Second, he skated like a giraffe on skates. Talk about awkward.

I'd say he developed a bit since then. ;)

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Cheers for that. Exactly what I expected to hear. Except for maybe the Maatta stuff. Did he just have a bad playoffs?

Maatta wasn't bad. He's just a little soft in front of his own net. He's pretty good with the puck. Pittsburgh is loaded at D with him, Pouliot and Harrington...and Despres.

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