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Giroux snubs media


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For that I thank them... for everything else I agree.  


Just so it is known the league mandates that certain players communicate w/ the media... coaches too.


What is that mandate? 


I remember reading at one point that the team had to make at least 3 players available. 

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  The fact this thread reached 6 pages is just sad, I guess it is noteworthy that G walked out without talking to the media, but I HATE the Philly press. They are like vultures swirling around a rotting carcass. Everything overblown, just shoddy journalism at it's finest. I don't blame us the fans for discussing it, it is news, but it would not have been had the Philly press passed up a chance to add salt to the wounds. Yeah, G has sucked, and his play with and without the puck has not been stellar, but human beings have breaking points. Who among us would want to talk to these turds every day with no real news to report except the same old tired cliches being tossed about like a midget on a velcro wall?

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honestly, i could care less if Girous snubs the asshole philly media


Why does that matter?


im sick of the media create drama; its all part of the loser sports culture in Philly.  And the fans suck it and then villify the players the media tells them to hate.  ITs absurd


The Flyers have done a poor job of selecting captains since Lindros.


ITs not Giroux's fault, its the crappy Flyer organization that is hurting him


Watch him thrive elsewhere.

Dumb Philly fans will get their wish and see him traded and watch him become a perennial all star. 


But we're philadelphians so we need a good ole witch hunt

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@magnumpi  My Leaf fans buddies are all drooling of the thought of having the Flyers making yet another reactionary move and dealing him away. If he ever became a Leaf it would do damage to me that could never be repaired!!  All the Leafs need is 3 or 4 more pieces to really contend. Acquiring G would send them over the top.....I shudder at the thought!!!!!

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Giroux definitely added fuel to the fire by walking out, but I think the media in Philly just creates an environment where the players deep down simply resent their approach. After a while they become sour playing here and dealing with this same crap every night.

LA was perfect for Richards because there are so many distractions going on over there that most people can just enjoy the games and get their drama from the Lakers or what stupid sh#t people are doing in Hollywood....and more importantly Richards and Carter don't have to repeat the same cliches every interview.

I seriously think Toronto, Philly, and New York are the hardest cities to play for when you factor in the constant media scrutiny.



Nice post. Montreal would be #1 worst IMO.

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The news is the flyers held a meeting it was closed door, afterwards Claude Giroux left and was seen talking to Ed Snider.

that is the news. He did not talk to the media


"Whatever the reason, the Flyers' captain walked out of the WFC and refused to talk to the media after the Flyers fell to 4-10-1.

Instead, the captain left it up to his teammates to explain another dreadful performance, one in which they barely tested 41-year-old goalie Martin Brodeur.

Good captains don't do that"


what i have copied here is editorializing.

to me this is unnecessary ,  Sam does this all the time.  I don't care for it.  He spent the prior paragraph making suppositions regarding what Claude was thinking, again , not the story.


So keep rolling with what works for you.  I think most of the philly beat sports writers are salacious gossips, and this instance does nothing to change my perspective.


I really don't care that he skipped the informal ad hoc questions after the meeting without offering some vanilla comments about "we're going to keep it private".  I don't like that when he decides to skip that 10 minutes of "fun" i see headlines saying he abandoned his team, read suppositions about what he's thinking and see the beat writer scold him in print like he's a bad puppy.  it is making a story where there isn't a story, really Giroux not speaking to the media is not a story.





I think it is both a story and an overblown one at that. I don't see anything wrong with reporting on it and what not, but some of the language in the article just makes it seem like the writer is butthurt.

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I think it is both a story and an overblown one at that. I don't see anything wrong with reporting on it and what not, but some of the language in the article just makes it seem like the writer is butthurt.


Yup, there's a whole lot of editorializing.


I don't know, I'm not a fan of the increasingly casual tone that writers take these days. It's fine on Twitter, personal blogs, etc, but as a feature article in a major daily, it lacks professionalism. 

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because I think captains are required to talk to the media after every game. I wish I knew for sure; I wish I knew where to find the rule but I'm pretty sure it exists because I've heard of captains being fined for doing what Giroux did.


If Sam Carchidi or the other guy had done a good job on the story, the way reporters are supposed to (as opposed to "bloggers") they would've included information about the rule, the fine, who's broken in the past, when it was enacted...etc. The requirement that captains address the media, the history of captains blowing off the press, the fine, who pays it, etc...that would've been interesting. Unfortunately all Sam could come up with is "Good captains don't do that."

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Yup, there's a whole lot of editorializing.


I don't know, I'm not a fan of the increasingly casual tone that writers take these days. It's fine on Twitter, personal blogs, etc, but as a feature article in a major daily, it lacks professionalism. 


I agree. I don't even mind someone giving their opinion in a piece, but the way a lot of them do it nowadays is catty. It's like "Snub me, huh? I'll make you regret that in my next story!" If the writer truly believes him snubbing the media is something a captain shouldn't do, that's perfectly fine. But it's the delivery that comes off as petty. It seems like they're not concerned about the team, just that he didn't talk to them. That does lack professionalism. Completely agreed on that. It does seem to me that sports media has gotten rather gossipy in recent years.


There was something like this just last week on Mike Missanelli's show. I didn't hear the interview live, but Missanelli kept replaying it over and over, so I heard it then. He kept talking about it for the next hour or two, clearly trying to create some kind of story of it. It got picked up http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/11/08/shawn-andrews-was-disgusted-by-treatment-he-received-from-donovan-mcnabb/ but no major story came of it. Personally, I think it's because everyone knows it was an attempt by two individuals to get attention. If you listen to the interview, it was fairly obvious Andrews was lying. He was grasping for things to say and was very clearly making it up off the top of his head. As pathetic as that was, it was even worse to listen to Mikey Miss try and sell that story. It was one of the least believable sales pitches I ever heard. Not many of the callers were buying it and some just came right out and said they think he was making it up and Missanelli was in on it. It was funny, because he was getting all upset about it, which that itself didn't even seem genuine.

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Hadn't they jut had the players only meeting? I'm sure that wasn't pretty. If Giroux had to take a night off and get his head right after that atrocious debacle of what may have been the worst performance nice seen in decades, then I'm fine with it. He came out a different player against Edmonton. We'll see I he can keep it up.

But hell I was always against him being captain anyway. Good guy. Quality. But even when they were still good I wanted him focused on scoring goals and setting up others. If much rather have him thinking about that than clouding his mind with whether some idiots in the media give a crap about him addressing them after a terrible terrible game.

I dont think the press is destroying him honestly. At least on twitter they are not... they are simply stating he would not address the media.

I think Giroux needs to be the person that addresses the media after the game. Like it or hate it that is part of the job. After another bad loss and nearly rock bottom I dont think it is asking too much for Giroux to speak.

And yes, they are a joke but so its this Team and it's Captain.

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Well ... The truth is ...

~Start a positive topic about how Giroux had a good game and it gets 2 'posts'

~Start a topic about how Giroux snubs the media and it goes 6 pages ...


A little disingenuous.


The implication is that people are more likely to criticize than to praise.


But a large amount of this criticism in this thread - what in many ways accounts for it being longer - is criticism of the media, not the player,


And, for that matter, Giroux having a good game shouldn't be that remarkable of a thing that it requires a special post in its honor.

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A little disingenuous.


The implication is that people are more likely to criticize than to praise.


But a large amount of this criticism in this thread - what in many ways accounts for it being longer - is criticism of the media, not the player,


And, for that matter, Giroux having a good game shouldn't be that remarkable of a thing that it requires a special post in its honor.

You are right Rad that this thread is more about the media than Giroux.

My point is no one wants to talk about a good game because there is no 'drama' in that...and that's the same thing as the media making mountains out of molehills.

I'm guilty of it, as are most of us... But I'm just saying....

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You are right Rad that this thread is more about the media than Giroux.

My point is no one wants to talk about a good game because there is no 'drama' in that...and that's the same thing as the media making mountains out of molehills.

I'm guilty of it, as are most of us... But I'm just saying....


I think beating up on Edmonton is a gnab gib (the opposite of a big bang) - especially after the failure with Carolina.


Playing a good, solid game against Ottawa and people will start getting back on the bandwagon. The damn thing's still up on cinder blocks, the seats are unpadded and the engine had been removed for a refit but there's a lot of room available...

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I started the post because as I said in the post, I'd been really hard on Giroux (I.e. excessively negative) and thought it would only be fair of me to compliment him when he looked better.

It was about me and my values more than about Giroux

A little disingenuous.

The implication is that people are more likely to criticize than to praise.

But a large amount of this criticism in this thread - what in many ways accounts for it being longer - is criticism of the media, not the player,

And, for that matter, Giroux having a good game shouldn't be that remarkable of a thing that it requires a special post in its honor.

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