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God, that sounds like a disaster of a line


I thought Umberger (as much as I have bashed him) had his best game as a Flyer tonight. That said, I think that Hartnell way outplayed him (not to mention the 12 min v. 20 min of ice time). Arggghhhhh

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Akeson did ok last night on that line he was hustling and getting to pucks making some nice plays but the problem was his stiffs couldn't keep up and doing anything to help him.


I can't remember Akeson doing anything that horrible but i admit i was watching RJ and VLC mostly and these two guys are just weighting this team down.


It is going to be hard for this team to play against most teams down 2 forwards.....that is what it looks like to me. Jezzz Hexy and Homer these two deals are killing this team.


Plus Coburn out there defending is another obstacle they have to overcome. He doesn't clear the zone, doesn't get to loose pucks, doesn't clear the porch, doesn't help the transition game doesn't get shots on net..........i know Schultz, Luke, Nick and Mcdud get a lot of flack on this team but i can't see how Coburn gets a pass every night some fan comes to his rescue to defend him with the blah blah blah he is the best Dman on this team crap.




Rant over.

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This line has to find ways to score, bottom line.  We are a 1 line/powerplay team right now as much as we ever were with Lindros et al...  We won't get far without a 2nd line.


If any team finds an answer for 'Claude-a-cek'TM we are easy to beat on any given night.

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Akeson did ok last night on that line he was hustling and getting to pucks making some nice plays but the problem was his stiffs couldn't keep up and doing anything to help him.


I can't remember Akeson doing anything that horrible but i admit i was watching RJ and VLC mostly and these two guys are just weighting this team down.


It is going to be hard for this team to play against most teams down 2 forwards.....that is what it looks like to me. Jezzz Hexy and Homer these two deals are killing this team.


Plus Coburn out there defending is another obstacle they have to overcome. He doesn't clear the zone, doesn't get to loose pucks, doesn't clear the porch, doesn't help the transition game doesn't get shots on net..........i know Schultz, Luke, Nick and Mcdud get a lot of flack on this team but i can't see how Coburn gets a pass every night some fan comes to his rescue to defend him with the blah blah blah he is the best Dman on this team crap.




Rant over.

it seems like whenever coburn wasnt playing, this team was playing better. i understand raffl getting injuried but berube is still messing up the chemistry.

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we might as well just role 3 lines and just skip that one. Well, ok.. maybe put them out there with the other 3 lines are sucking wind hard just to spell our real lines. 


Seriously, I wish Berube would spread out these liabilities a bit more, but maybe he's a mad genius and wasting them all on the same line is the way to go. Limit the damage to one line only. How many times were they pinned in our zone last night though? 


Umberger is just god awful... simply painful to watch. Vinny hasn't been horrible, not great, but he's not as glaring a weakness as Umberger. And Akeson seems to be playing like the inexperienced kid that he is. I don't know where mini-Giroux went, but we haven't seen him this year. 

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He looks like he is skating in sand...


I was joking in another thread that RJ should take over Hartnell Down in Philly. Watching him skate, and fall down, last night... It wasn't funny anymore. I think Hartnell is actually a better skater than RJ and that is very pathetic. 

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I thought Umberger (as much as I have bashed him) had his best game as a Flyer tonight.


I agree it was his best game so far. He had some speed through the N zone, buttonhooked and looked for trailers, even drove the net once (didn't get a SOG unfortunately). The problem was the first time he broke across the blue line he wiped out, lost an edge and gave away the puck. The other 2 times his trailers were nowhere to be found and the Jackets swarmed him, forcing TOs.

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Bellemare on this line instead of Akeson was better tonight.  The biggest issue with this line is Vinny is back on the wing, and we all know how effective that is.


Hextall really needs to make a trade for either Vinny or Umberger for a winger, unfortunately no other GM should be answering his calls.   :confused[1]:


edit:  @billmeltzer
In last night's game, Vincent Lecavalier attempted a dozen shots. One made it on Carey Price's net. Six got blocked. Five missed the net.
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Hextall really needs to make a trade for either Vinny or Umberger for a winger, unfortunately no other GM should be answering his calls.  


The problem is that any gm will try and fleece the flyers for prospects and / or picks to take out our garbage.Something I am not willing to do- as much as I hate the two players (actually Umberger has not looked too bad the last two games). 

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Hextall really needs to make a trade for either Vinny or Umberger for a winger, unfortunately no other GM should be answering his calls.   :confused[1]:

 I think as the year drags on, and the issue gains more and more negative press and heat from the fans on blogs everywhere. I'm thinking Hexy will have to start entertaining the thought of paying assets like mid-range draft picks. Of course, other GM's will want 2015 picks. In a great draft year with our 2nd rounder already gone....this is not a thought process I'd want Hexy to entertain at the present moment.  BUT....a 4th or 5th in 2016 I would seriously have to consider.....no one is gonna do us any favours here. I wonder if Philly has any "IOU's" from the Homer years....cause it would be a great time to cash in one of those."future considerations" deals.


  The perfect scenario is we unload Luke Schenn or Grossmann for a 2015 2nd rounder. We need to find a way back into the 2nd round of that sucker. Grossmann and 50 million cash (teams like the cash strapped Florida Panthers would be all in on this kinda pay out) would help out both the Flyers and a very poor squad in need of an immediate cash infusion. Not sure, but I think there is a clause in the CBA that prevents a huge amount of cash to exchange hands....there is a cash limit of some sort....and anyone confirm....jack, aziz?

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Not sure, but I think there is a clause in the CBA that prevents a huge amount of cash to exchange hands....there is a cash limit of some sort....and anyone confirm....jack, aziz?




Here is how it works: 


There are four golden rules that apply to retaining salary:

1. Teams can only have three contracts on the books where they’ve retained salary in a trade

2. Teams can keep only up to 15 per cent of the salary cap in a given year, meaning they would max out at $9.645-million under the $64.3-million cap that’s likely to be in place in 2013-14 and 2014-15

3. Only 50 per cent of a contract can be kept

4. A contract can only be traded in one of these deals twice 

So, Umberger could be traded with the flyers retaining 2.25M in cap on the books. 

Given that little jewel of information, couldn't we revisit the hartnell trade again?? Certainly we could have gotten a 2nd for him in retaining 50% of his salary. 

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