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I think they are a little more exciting than last year...but not much.

The thing that is really frustrating is that the guys that we expect to do well, the guys that are going to be the core when the young guys come up, arent even playing well. You can blame the reads, umbergers, lecaveliers, schenns, and mannings all you want. Its the girouxs, voraceks, simmondss, couturiers, and masons that arent doing anything.

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Not without a trade and/or pick swap... this team is bad, but not that bad.  The very definition of "mediocrity".



Yes i'm afraid you're right......if anything we've learned from the last couple years is they can't even suck right!!!

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Not without a trade and/or pick swap... this team is bad, but not that bad.  The very definition of "mediocrity".



Yes i'm afraid you're right......if anything we've learned from the last couple years is they can't even suck right!!!


For those keeping score at home the Flyers have 10 pts and would draft at #13.  Toronto, Columbus, and Anaheim all have 4 pt and are tied for last.  Remember the top 3 draft spots are now lottery picks.

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For those keeping score at home the Flyers have 10 pts and would draft at #13. 

Yep just 2 games ago they have a wild card spot. And just like that down to 13....they need to get their schitt in gear before they fall behind i don't see Hexy standing pat and watching the playoff slip away....he will do something....and i'm torn on which way i want to go on that...

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Stay clear of Ben Franklin Bridge homie I think it's crowded with 76'ers fans.


I don't know about that. The future looks pretty good for the Sixers. Okafor was great in his NBA debut, Noel looks like he's going to be a monster on D and not bad on O either. And they're loaded with draft picks this year. It'll take a little while but they're headed in the right direction.

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My deep concern is that Voracek and G may be at the end of their primes by the time we build a good surrounding cast.  





Yes that well be the case as Rad pointed out this morning G's points have been on a decline for the past 4 years.....

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I don't know about that. The future looks pretty good for the Sixers. Okafor was great in his NBA debut, Noel looks like he's going to be a monster on D and not bad on O either. And they're loaded with draft picks this year. It'll take a little while but they're headed in the right direction.

I dont want to make this a sixers discussion but I cant respect anyone who is in favor of how the sixers are rebuilding. I understand the league is star driven and the only way to get a championship is to get a star, but any team that purposely puts a team out there that is set up to fail, I cant respect. I hope it fails and it sets that back another 10 years.

If the flyers could get to the ECQF every year with a couple ECF appearances with absolutly no chance to win it all for the next ten years, I would take that over watching a team that is almost guaranteed to be in the bottom 5 for 5 years.

I think people place too much importance in winning a championship. A NHL or NBA finals series is only 7 games at the most. Id rather have consistant fun hockey for 82+ games each year than tank for 5 years to one day win a championship.

The draft lottery system for both leagues is majorly flawed, but until it changes, I want to see the best team possible out there every night...even if that lessens the chances at a championship.

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I dont want to make this a sixers discussion but I cant respect anyone who is in favor of how the sixers are rebuilding. I understand the league is star driven and the only way to get a championship is to get a star, but any team that purposely puts a team out there that is set up to fail, I cant respect. I hope it fails and it sets that back another 10 years.

If the flyers could get to the ECQF every year with a couple ECF appearances with absolutly no chance to win it all for the next ten years, I would take that over watching a team that is almost guaranteed to be in the bottom 5 for 5 years.

I think people place too much importance in winning a championship. A NHL or NBA finals series is only 7 games at the most. Id rather have consistant fun hockey for 82+ games each year than tank for 5 years to one day win a championship.

The draft lottery system for both leagues is majorly flawed, but until it changes, I want to see the best team possible out there every night...even if that lessens the chances at a championship.


I'm not sure how old you are...but I enjoyed the Flyers being competitive for a long, long time. Being competitive just isn't cutting it anymore. I want to see them win a championship. If they have to suck for a few years to accomplish that, I can wait. There are no guarantees, but the old way of going for it every year sure as heck isn't working. 

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I think the NHL and NBA should give the #1 pick to the first team to miss the playoffs (17th best team). The 17th best team is a team that tried hard to make the playoffs but just missed. They should be rewarded. The #1 pick could propell them to be a top team. The second pick goes to #18 all the way to #30 getting 14th pick. The 15th pick goes to the last team to make the playoffs (16th best team) all the way until the champion picking 30th.

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I'm not sure how old you are...but I enjoyed the Flyers being competitive for a long, long time. Being competitive just isn't cutting it anymore. I want to see them win a championship. If they have to suck for a few years to accomplish that, I can wait. There are no guarantees, but the old way of going for it every year sure as heck isn't working.

I am 35. The flyers have been good for a long time. I think they're still 2nd in winning % behind the canadiens. Im proud of that and I always use that against pens fans in arguements. The pens were bad for a long time, they got 1 championship, and now they're sputtering again. Crosby and Malkin will get old, and they'll go back to stinkin.

The phillies are the same team in a different sport.

I like Hextall's plan so far. He's still putting a team on the ice that should compete, but yet there's promise of young talent.

If anyone wants to go the sixers route, Im sure we can get some picks for giroux, voracek, and simmonds. Then the team will be bottom 5 for a few years so they can pile up top 5 picks. They could compete in 5 to 7 years.

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