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Oh Ek... you are soooo bad.

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Reading the hockey buzz today and saw this one :


On Yakupov...

Here come the Flyers. I am hearing of a possible deal that would send Travis Sanheim plus a draft pick to Edmonton for Yakupov...Montreal is still involved...and may still be the favorite.


if this happened to turn out to be this would literally place Hextall on the Homer spectrum.  


No f'ing way this deal should even be mentioned but then again  it is Ek....

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Damn ek is a freaking idiot. I mean this puts him in a whole new level of stupid WOW. Does he pay attention at all seriously and he actually makes a pay check? Fck me man what a world we live in Ek is like the weaher channel they both get paid to be full of ****.

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Good lord how stupid would that one be. He has to be sitting around his lonely apartment with no air conditioning and simply picks two teams out of the hat and randomly selects players to suggest traded for each other. I think he tries to be stupid, most fans tune into his crap to see what the latest absurdity is not to hunt for potential good old fashioned insight.

  I remember a few years ago when Toronto was out of it (like always) and the Kaberle rumors were going around, for a year he had him going everywhere and nothing happened. The following year, he listed Kaberle damn near every day going somewhere, and the day before the deal went down he said he had heard he was going to Boston.Well sure as shooting Kaberle was sent to Beantown and Ek beat the Hell out of his chest with an 'as reported here yesterday' quote which was nauseating.       The man is clueless. I would not take anything coming out of his mouth serious.

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2 hours ago, murraycraven said:

Reading the hockey buzz today and saw this one :


On Yakupov...

Here come the Flyers. I am hearing of a possible deal that would send Travis Sanheim plus a draft pick to Edmonton for Yakupov...Montreal is still involved...and may still be the favorite.


if this happened to turn out to be this would literally place Hextall on the Homer spectrum.  


No f'ing way this deal should even be mentioned but then again  it is Ek....



That dude is a pure joke. Yep that is what the Flyers need is another small RW.


What a moron that guy i feel bad because i/we shouldn't be even discussing this ....




.....but i guess what the hell we don't have anything else to talk about till the Sharks upset the Pens in their barn to win their 1st Cup to kick start the new year.

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3 hours ago, Philly29 said:

Damn ek is a freaking idiot. I mean this puts him in a whole new level of stupid WOW. Does he pay attention at all seriously and he actually makes a pay check? Fck me man what a world we live in Ek is like the weaher channel they both get paid to be full of ****.

Philly.... the reason I posted this is bc of the total stupidity of it

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46 minutes ago, murraycraven said:

Philly.... the reason I posted this is bc of the total stupidity of it

I do not blame you I would of done the same thing. Your better for doing it you bring the attention of the masses that eklund is indeed a freaking idiotic, moronic, jackarse that gets paid for being one. So for that you have my thanks!

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Yes, because who doesn't want a lazy player, who looks disinterested half the time. Besides which, we haven't had enough of those recently. NO WAY on Sanheim for Yakupov. Eklund is like the hockey rumor equivalent of the National Enquirer.

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4 hours ago, yave1964 said:

Good lord how stupid would that one be. He has to be sitting around his mom's basement lonely apartment with no air conditioning and simply picks two teams out of the hat and randomly selects players to suggest traded for each other. 


Fixed it for you, lol.

No way this guy lives in his own. He has to be the real life 40 year old virgin!

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LOL! That is about right!


I am telling you the whole Kaberle thing for a year and a half saying today is the day and every day a different team too, I dont know why I kept reading but I did, and the day before hearing that he heard Boston and sure as Hell it was indeed Boston after he was WRONG for 540 days or so, give or take but mentioning the damn guy in his headline at least three times a week, and then he boasted, Sami, he freaking BOASTED with, 'as read here first yesterday' I swear to God if I had a dog I would have kicked it just to take it out on somebody. I think it was three months before I visited that wretched site again, I try to avoid it still unless absolutely necessary. 40 year old virgin sounds right. The guy is hopeless.

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3 minutes ago, yave1964 said:


LOL! That is about right!


I am telling you the whole Kaberle thing for a year and a half saying today is the day and every day a different team too, I dont know why I kept reading but I did, and the day before hearing that he heard Boston and sure as Hell it was indeed Boston after he was WRONG for 540 days or so, give or take but mentioning the damn guy in his headline at least three times a week, and then he boasted, Sami, he freaking BOASTED with, 'as read here first yesterday' I swear to God if I had a dog I would have kicked it just to take it out on somebody. I think it was three months before I visited that wretched site again, I try to avoid it still unless absolutely necessary. 40 year old virgin sounds right. The guy is hopeless.

...buuuuut your dog knows more about hockey than Eklund does. Don't take it out on him/her.

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7 minutes ago, yave1964 said:


LOL! That is about right!


I am telling you the whole Kaberle thing for a year and a half saying today is the day and every day a different team too, I dont know why I kept reading but I did, and the day before hearing that he heard Boston and sure as Hell it was indeed Boston after he was WRONG for 540 days or so, give or take but mentioning the damn guy in his headline at least three times a week, and then he boasted, Sami, he freaking BOASTED with, 'as read here first yesterday' I swear to God if I had a dog I would have kicked it just to take it out on somebody. I think it was three months before I visited that wretched site again, I try to avoid it still unless absolutely necessary. 40 year old virgin sounds right. The guy is hopeless.


Sorta like some fans round these parts who keep saying their team is gonna be good....then, six or seven years later when they finally are, they say, "See, I have been saying it all along!"....haha

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4 minutes ago, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:


Sorta like some fans round these parts who keep saying their team is gonna be good....then, six or seven years later when they finally are, they say, "See, I have been saying it all along!"....haha


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In all seriousness, I don't see how a guy like Eklund can be taken seriously by anyone...even his own colleagues. I mean, to be wrong as often as he has been...at some point, I would think he just becomes background noise.


Or worse yet, teams, agents and other media people "say things" that are unfounded around him, on purpose, because they know he has a propensity to make a big "breaking news" story out of it.

You know, for chits n giggles....kinda like pranking jobs at any other work place.

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Just because there isn't much to talk about i'll play....



....i would trade maybe Hagg or Yakupov (underachiever for underachiever)....but that is about it...but like i said we don't need another RW.


They are set at RW for awhile. Jake, Simmmer, Read, Aube-Kubel, Straka (RFA) so really not a lot of need there at the moment.


If he could play LW i'd be more interested maybe but this guy is nowhere what the Flyers needs.

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3 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

Just because there isn't much to talk about i'll play....



....i would trade maybe Hagg or Yakupov (underachiever for underachiever)....but that is about it...but like i said we don't need another RW.


They are set at RW for awhile. Jake, Simmmer, Read, Aube-Kubel, Straka (RFA) so really not a lot of need there at the moment.


If he could play LW i'd be more interested maybe but this guy is nowhere what the Flyers needs.

Isn't much to talk about??  Just think, in a couple of days we'll be talking about how the Penguins blew a 3-1 series lead and lost the Cup to the Sharks. That's a whole summer's worth of fun.  In addition, July 1st is right around the corner.

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3 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

Just because there isn't much to talk about i'll play....



....i would trade maybe Hagg or Yakupov (underachiever for underachiever)....but that is about it...but like i said we don't need another RW.


They are set at RW for awhile. Jake, Simmmer, Read, Aube-Kubel, Straka (RFA) so really not a lot of need there at the moment.


If he could play LW i'd be more interested maybe but this guy is nowhere what the Flyers needs.

Read and Straka?  ...seriously?


I wouldn't trade Sanheim either for Yak but I'd at least talk to Edmonton about what it might take.  There's a reason the guy went in the first round.

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12 minutes ago, Poconono said:

Read and Straka?  ...seriously?


I wouldn't trade Sanheim either for Yak but I'd at least talk to Edmonton about what it might take.  There's a reason the guy went in the first round.



And so did Sam gagner

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You guys are forgetting about Eklund's verification system that ensures his rumors are legit.


Let's use (e5) for example. The "e" stands for emaginary, yes Eklund thinks it's spelled with an e. The number following it is for the number of "emaginary" friends or stuffed animals that agree with his rumors. This is an upgrade from his previous system where the number stood for the number of people in his grandmother's bridge club that agreed with him.


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22 minutes ago, Samifan said:

You guys are forgetting about Eklund's verification system that ensures his rumors are legit.


Let's use (e5) for example. The "e" stands for emaginary, yes Eklund thinks it's spelled with an e. The number following it is for the number of "emaginary" friends or stuffed animals that agree with his rumors. This is an upgrade from his previous system where the number stood for the number of people in his grandmother's bridge club that agreed with him.


I thought he just used a rumor dartboard. 

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9 hours ago, Samifan said:

You guys are forgetting about Eklund's verification system that ensures his rumors are legit.


Let's use (e5) for example. The "e" stands for emaginary, yes Eklund thinks it's spelled with an e. The number following it is for the number of "emaginary" friends or stuffed animals that agree with his rumors. This is an upgrade from his previous system where the number stood for the number of people in his grandmother's bridge club that agreed with him.




You know when **** hits E4 things get legit!   Lol

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