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Important End of Season Message - Please Read


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@Math @yave1964  @Jagged Ice @Mad Dog @Hale @bbgarnett @hf101
@TropicalFruitGirl26 @Ladyneat @J0e Th0rnton @ruxpin @Brewin Flames @molonosoff


Good Morning,


First of all I would like to thank everyone for a tremendous FHL season.  It has been an exciting year.  The final playoff spot was decided on the last day of the regular season.  It is also great seeing new blood in the semi-finals this year.  Congrats to @Math for winning the President's Cup this year.  What an absolutely fantastic season!  Good Luck to the Final Four GM's as we begin finishing up the season.


With that being said,


Now to pass on the news that is the real intent of this post.  After giving it much thought and consideration over the past few weeks, once this season concludes, I have made the painful decision to step down as the League Commissioner for the HF.net Sweet 16 FHL.  In addition, for the time being, I will also not be participating in the the Sweet 16 FHL next year as a GM.


Rest assure, this painful decision was not taken lightly.  I enjoy the sincere friendships I have with many of you on here.  I have been competing against most of you for almost a decade now.  It has been a blast.


As I mentioned to a few of you privately, I simply do not have the time right now to fully commit to this League.  Due to such a busy home and work life right now, I am missing out on starting players and goalies.  I don't have the time available to really research players in order to make my team better, as I have done in years past.  Its not fair to me, its not fair to my opponent, and it certainly is not fair for this League. 


I have been a part of this League and League Commish for nearly 10 years now and and as much as it pains me for stating this, but for the time being, I feel I need to step away for a bit.  Again, this was an issue I wrestled with myself for several weeks now.  Simply put, this was not an easy decision to make.

Rest assured, for those whom I compete with in NAHANA, I will remain an active GM in that League.  However, for the time being, I simply cannot devote the time or energy for 2 FHL's right now and I had to make a choice.  For me the choice was clear to stay active in NAHANA for the foreseeable future.


Therefore, effective May 1st, I am looking for a volunteer who would like to take over the reigns as the Sweet 16 FHL League Commish.  I can certainly help answer any and all questions to provide a smooth transition.  I also have a list of all GM's both past and present along with their e-mail address's which I can forward to the new League Commish.


Thank You everyone for your understanding,



HF.net Manager

HF.net Sweet 16 FHL soon to be former League Commish



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1 hour ago, pilldoc said:

@Math @yave1964  @Jagged Ice @Mad Dog @Hale @bbgarnett @hf101
@TropicalFruitGirl26 @Ladyneat @J0e Th0rnton @ruxpin @Brewin Flames @molonosoff


Good Morning,


First of all I would like to thank everyone for a tremendous FHL season.  It has been an exciting year.  The final playoff spot was decided on the last day of the regular season.  It is also great seeing new blood in the semi-finals this year.  Congrats to @Math for winning the President's Cup this year.  What an absolutely fantastic season!  Good Luck to the Final Four GM's as we begin finishing up the season.


With that being said,


Now to pass on the news that is the real intent of this post.  After giving it much thought and consideration over the past few weeks, once this season concludes, I have made the painful decision to step down as the League Commissioner for the HF.net Sweet 16 FHL.  In addition, for the time being, I will also not be participating in the the Sweet 16 FHL next year as a GM.


Rest assure, this painful decision was not taken lightly.  I enjoy the sincere friendships I have with many of you on here.  I have been competing against most of you for almost a decade now.  It has been a blast.


As I mentioned to a few of you privately, I simply do not have the time right now to fully commit to this League.  Due to such a busy home and work life right now, I am missing out on starting players and goalies.  I don't have the time available to really research players in order to make my team better, as I have done in years past.  Its not fair to me, its not fair to my opponent, and it certainly is not fair for this League. 


I have been a part of this League and League Commish for nearly 10 years now and and as much as it pains me for stating this, but for the time being, I feel I need to step away for a bit.  Again, this was an issue I wrestled with myself for several weeks now.  Simply put, this was not an easy decision to make.

Rest assured, for those whom I compete with in NAHANA, I will remain an active GM in that League.  However, for the time being, I simply cannot devote the time or energy for 2 FHL's right now and I had to make a choice.  For me the choice was clear to stay active in NAHANA for the foreseeable future.


Therefore, effective May 1st, I am looking for a volunteer who would like to take over the reigns as the Sweet 16 FHL League Commish.  I can certainly help answer any and all questions to provide a smooth transition.  I also have a list of all GM's both past and present along with their e-mail address's which I can forward to the new League Commish.


Thank You everyone for your understanding,



HF.net Manager

HF.net Sweet 16 FHL soon to be former League Commish



I absolutely understand life comes a million miles an hour and you have to decide on priorities. You have rocked it as the commish and my hat is off to you ..

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You were an excellent commissioner for so many years, and what you did and the time you spent, didn't go un(or under)appreciated or unnoticed. But life and work comes first without a doubt.  Good luck, man, and thanks for all your work with this league!

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On 4/2/2024 at 10:29 AM, pilldoc said:

@Math @yave1964  @Jagged Ice @Mad Dog @Hale @bbgarnett @hf101
@TropicalFruitGirl26 @Ladyneat @J0e Th0rnton @ruxpin @Brewin Flames @molonosoff


Good Morning,


First of all I would like to thank everyone for a tremendous FHL season.  It has been an exciting year.  The final playoff spot was decided on the last day of the regular season.  It is also great seeing new blood in the semi-finals this year.  Congrats to @Math for winning the President's Cup this year.  What an absolutely fantastic season!  Good Luck to the Final Four GM's as we begin finishing up the season.


With that being said,


Now to pass on the news that is the real intent of this post.  After giving it much thought and consideration over the past few weeks, once this season concludes, I have made the painful decision to step down as the League Commissioner for the HF.net Sweet 16 FHL.  In addition, for the time being, I will also not be participating in the the Sweet 16 FHL next year as a GM.


Rest assure, this painful decision was not taken lightly.  I enjoy the sincere friendships I have with many of you on here.  I have been competing against most of you for almost a decade now.  It has been a blast.


As I mentioned to a few of you privately, I simply do not have the time right now to fully commit to this League.  Due to such a busy home and work life right now, I am missing out on starting players and goalies.  I don't have the time available to really research players in order to make my team better, as I have done in years past.  Its not fair to me, its not fair to my opponent, and it certainly is not fair for this League. 


I have been a part of this League and League Commish for nearly 10 years now and and as much as it pains me for stating this, but for the time being, I feel I need to step away for a bit.  Again, this was an issue I wrestled with myself for several weeks now.  Simply put, this was not an easy decision to make.

Rest assured, for those whom I compete with in NAHANA, I will remain an active GM in that League.  However, for the time being, I simply cannot devote the time or energy for 2 FHL's right now and I had to make a choice.  For me the choice was clear to stay active in NAHANA for the foreseeable future.


Therefore, effective May 1st, I am looking for a volunteer who would like to take over the reigns as the Sweet 16 FHL League Commish.  I can certainly help answer any and all questions to provide a smooth transition.  I also have a list of all GM's both past and present along with their e-mail address's which I can forward to the new League Commish.


Thank You everyone for your understanding,



HF.net Manager

HF.net Sweet 16 FHL soon to be former League Commish



I totally feel you mate. I usually spend time getting all ready for playoffs and check 3 times a day. This year I just clicked autofill rosters for the last month and looked at it every few days because of the junos, even after they were over. 


Used to be work to live. Now it's live to work......


You are awesome and we're a great Commish!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

In the spirit of this thread, this was my final season in Sweet 16.   The Hell Bears are moving to Salt Lake City to take up pipe organ lessons from Richard Elliott.

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On 4/19/2024 at 9:55 AM, ruxpin said:

Congrats to Gulliver @yave1964 on his 23rd consecutive Lilliput Hockey Championship.



Can't be 23 in a row. 2018 yo!


That joke is losing steam fast though. Was good for the first few years, but now it's like "that was 7 years ago koji"

Edited by J0e Th0rnton
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