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Prospect A. Stolarz

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Top o' the morning all,

I was reading an article ( http://www.csnphilly...ready-wild-ride ) from TP this morning and came across n quote from an unnamed scout regarding Stoalrz:

"The philosophy is win now, and they always try to win every year,” he said. So, you’ve got this terrific potential stud goalie prospect in Anthony Stolarz, who won’t be ready for likely three years"

I know FC and Pods have watched this kid play so my question is Stolarz really that good of a goalie prospect? I know the kid has good size (6-5) which projects him the be a stud "since when do smaller goalies play well in the NHL." :D Looking at the scouting report on Hockey's Future they have him rated as a "7" and have his "Probability of Success" rated as a "C" which seems pretty average.

I have not seen the kid play but wanted to see if this kid is a viable prospect as a NHL starter. Any input would be greatly appreciated...

Take care,


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I'll guess Pinnocchio has never seen him play.

I saw him live about 6 times this year, and on TV about the same. He played for a stacked team. I thought he was good in a game or two, ok in a few more, and absolutely terrible for a majority of them. He's big. That's all I got for positives.

In all fairness, EVERY time I saw John Tavares play here he was terrible. But I also saw him be incredibly good many, many many other times.

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I have not seen the kid play but wanted to see if this kid is a viable prospect as a NHL starter.

Actually he is the top goaltending prospect for the Flyers...however leaving college to play in juniors was a good choice...i didn't get a chance to watch any OHL games cause i don't get it anywhere down here yet i did watch everyone of his games that the NHLnetwork showed (some i caught on the rerun) and he played well at times...

...and then in some games he struggled fought the puck, slow post to post and put out a lot of juicy rebounds...i'm not sure what was the reason for the change in his game from game to game but he has something going on weather it was fatigue or his head wasn't on straight for whatever reason...like i said there was some thing he did well but the biggest thing he struggled with was be consistent in net...erratic at times even.

But it is something almost all kid his age go through it builds character and he will learn and get better i imagine he will play one more season for the Knights and then polish up his game head to the Phantoms for a couple years with spot call up time sprinkled in.

Now hope that answers some question yet for a deeper view you'll have to ask the guys here who have a chance to follow jrs. more than i (fc, jammer and claude monet)...good day.

Edited by OccamsRazor
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who the heck knows with goalies, he has some decent physical tools but the games i saw in the memorial cup he looked lost, maybe he was worn out from playing more hockey than he had before in his young life, but he looked slow and stupid. He was replaced for good in the tournament after giving up 3 or4 goals in a period vs Barrie all of which were stoppable shots, you want to talk about a group of kids that just stopped skating for their keeper that was London after that fiasco. The young fella failed my eyeball test miserably when i saw him. (parts of two games)

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Thanks all...

I have heard he is a decent prospect and our top goalie prospect but the quote in the article kind of threw me off... I have never heard the term "terrific potential stud goalie prospect" used to describe Stolarz. As mojo said there are no guarantees with prospects and moreso with goalie prospects.

Considering the Flyers stellar record of developing goalies and would assume this kid will not turn into anything. Then again crazier things have happened.

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4 rounds of best of 7...THEN the Mem Cup.

Yeah ya have to admit that seems grueling especially after never going through it before...also as BIG as he is too has to be hard...that 5 hole is huge.

He'll learn from this, but it's so hard to judge prospects and goalie has to be the toughest to evaluate...good thing is London usually ices a solid team so he'll grow with the team...him being part of the return for Bob ain't going to help from a pressure stand point...comes with the job and twice as hard in Philly.

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I'd cut him some slack due to playing OHL for the first time. He wasn't there all season, so it's not like he was playing 90 games. But he probably wasn't used to an NHL type playoff format... 4 rounds of best of 7...THEN the Mem Cup.

Give him a full year in the OHL and see how he does. He didn't look too great in the Memorial Cup but time will tell.
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Stolarz was also one of 4 goalies recently invited to attend USA's Junior Camp, Hopefully he will get a chosen to represent team USA in the World Juniors next December.

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Yeah ya have to admit that seems grueling especially after never going through it before...also as BIG as he is too has to be hard...that 5 hole is huge.

He'll learn from this, but it's so hard to judge prospects and goalie has to be the toughest to evaluate...good thing is London usually ices a solid team so he'll grow with the team...him being part of the return for Bob ain't going to help from a pressure stand point...comes with the job and twice as hard in Philly.

London might be better next year than this. And they're hosting the Memorial Cup...

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I only saw him on tv, a few times in the regular season, few times in the playoffs and the mem cup. I'd say the perfect discription of his play was fighting the puck. When he was on, he looked very capable and respectable, but when he blew a tire, he really blew it. I saw a few regualr season games where he played great, made some incredible saves and then brief lapses in judgement allowed him to give up horrific goals. I suspect the Knights will move in anothe direction rather than put all their eggs in the Stolarz basket. He's got promising size and quickness, but is still raw and was obviously not ready for the OHL finals or the following Mem Cup. Maybe to many pressure packed games in a row for a kid that was just not used to it. I don't think he will turn out to be much of anything, but I've been wrong before. All signs point to bust for me....hope I'm wrong.

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