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Vinny just here for a year ?

Guest Jmdodgesrt4

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I had mentioned this yesterday after the signing. Just was thinking that toronto and Tampa had an arrangement of trade and buy out with vinny resigning for a lower cap hit already figured out with vinny. The league shot it down right away. Now after I said that on here I got a text message from my friend early this morning who's a family member of homer who I get a lot of insider stuff from when I actually get ahold of him. Apparently he is a member here but don't know his screen name. He won't tell me that. His message was to me was and I quote......."there is no policy in place in the cba blocking what you just said on hockeyforums.net. Wouldn't it be funny if there was already an agreement in place on return for vinny next off season?" I replied but haven't heard from him yet.

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"there is no policy in place in the cba blocking what you just said on hockeyforums.net. Wouldn't it be funny if there was already an agreement in place on return for vinny next off season?" I replied but haven't heard from him yet.

I am pretty sure the Evil King Dwarf would hammer both teams..there may not be a "policy" in place, but that sure as hell reeks of collusion, and skirts the "spirit" of the CBA"-- Which the King Dwarf will not like.

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Hypothetically, signing for five gives him better protection than just one and then trying to sign back with Tampa.

I was intrigued by this when @Jmdodgesrt4 mentioned this last night. Ultimately, I think it's probably unlikely but definitely possible.

The Flyers will still have to move people to account for both the cap hit and the roster spots for this coming season so even if it goes down this way, IMO the damage will already have been done and now you don't even have Vinny to show for it.

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Ruxpin. I really don't see a reason for any roster moves to comply with cap. Take five mil because of pronger and sign a goalie at a nice price of two mill to compete with mason. There really isn't a goalie market out there right now. B Schenn will not make more then his current cap hit of 3.1 with his next deal. Remember most is bonus money now. Coots depending on his season might get a slight bump in salary. Read is maybe the only question mark. You lose kimmo six mil and mez four mil plus the cap is projected to go up anywhere from 5-10 mil next year in the early reports.

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If Vinny does decide he'd like to go back to Tampa after this year (and if that was the plan, like others have said, he probably should have just asked for one year) I imagine it'd happen at the trade deadline, rather than in the offseason, If we kept him for a year and a half, rather than just a year, it'd be less likely to be called collusion.

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Ruxpin. I really don't see a reason for any roster moves to comply with cap. Take five mil because of pronger and sign a goalie at a nice price of two mill to compete with mason. There really isn't a goalie market out there right now. B Schenn will not make more then his current cap hit of 3.1 with his next deal. Remember most is bonus money now. Coots depending on his season might get a slight bump in salary. Read is maybe the only question mark. You lose kimmo six mil and mez four mil plus the cap is projected to go up anywhere from 5-10 mil next year in the early reports.

Well, we're over right now. When you take out Pronger's money we have some room, but we only have 12 forwards currently signed. Gagne is UFA and Gus is RFA. Gagne will be less than the $2M+ he was last year, but how much less? Gus might be 700K. Not a huge deal there. I see different numbers in different places. I see 300K over in some places and $1.25M on nhlnumbers.com (both including Pronger) so I'm not certain at this point which to go buy. If the $300K is closer to correct, it means even after Gags at 2M and Gus at 700K we still have roughly $2M for a goalie.

No winger. No upgrade on defense without moving people. It's doable, but once again it's tight.

My problem isn't cap. It's not even the amount or the years (although the years sucks) The cap will go up again after next season and, like you said, Timmo and Mez are off the books. Make it through tight this year and you should be fine enough to sign Giroux anyway.

I just don't like that the $4.5 was spent on something really not needed. To me, it's like Ruben Amaro looking at the Phillies and going and signing a free agent catcher. Actually, I wouldn't put that past Ruben.

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I had mentioned this yesterday after the signing. Just was thinking that toronto and Tampa had an arrangement of trade and buy out with vinny resigning for a lower cap hit already figured out with vinny. The league shot it down right away. Now after I said that on here I got a text message from my friend early this morning who's a family member of homer who I get a lot of insider stuff from when I actually get ahold of him. Apparently he is a member here but don't know his screen name. He won't tell me that. His message was to me was and I quote......."there is no policy in place in the cba blocking what you just said on hockeyforums.net. Wouldn't it be funny if there was already an agreement in place on return for vinny next off season?" I replied but haven't heard from him yet.

Tell Homer he is a moron and needs to step down. I am serious.

Or, set up a meeting and I will tell him myself.

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Well, we're over right now.

I don't think so. Aside from the fact that teams are allowed to go over by 10% during the off season, and that $4.9mil will be recouped by pronger's LITR...most of those sites are still listing bonus eligible players with their full bonuses. That accounting was unique to last season, the bonus cushion is back as far as I know. E.g., schenn is a cap hit of $760k, not $3.1mil. Couturier $925k, not $1.375mil.

Check that, cap geek looks right, showing the flyers over by $318k. With 8 one way defensive contracts, and 14 forwards. That leaves something like $6.1mil in additional off season overage allowed, and pronger's $4.9mil once the season starts. Laughton back to junior gets them back above even right there. If gagne wants $2mil, won't be a problem.

Cap hit isn't your biggest concern, but then we're back to whether lecavalier was a good idea at any price...and it looks like there is going to be widespread disagreement on that, sooo. I am glad for a high skill vet presence on the team, I think it was something lacking last season.

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Tell Homer he is a moron and needs to step down. I am serious.

Or, set up a meeting and I will tell him myself.

yes... I am sure Homer will care what of chatroom posters think... :D Good luck in the meeting as I feel you might be overmatched. Homer, as dumb as he may be, is a pretty intimidating dude in person.

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I don't think so. Aside from the fact that teams are allowed to go over by 10% during the off season,

Let me rephrase because what I said was clumsy. Right now, we're over what the salary cap will allow once the season starts (I did make the caveat about the fact that includes Pronger's money--which it wouldn't when the season starts). I'm aware of the 10% thing, but I wasn't talking about "today, we're over what we're allowed TODAY." I know, I wasn't clear.

Bottom line is there is maybe $4.6M or so to play with (Pronger's money - the $300K we're "over" at the moment). After Gus and Gags, there's still roughly $2M to go get a goalie--which really should be plenty, actually.

But yeah, we're basically at whether it was a good idea at any price. I just think the money AND roster spot could have been better spent vis-a-vis our actual needs.

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I get that. I guess it's just that the more I think about it, the better I realize I feel about having someone in that role for next season. As in, i'm thinking it was a need. Not lecavalier himself, but a 30ish top 6 forward who can be counted on for 60-70 points. A maturity-anchor that hartnell can't offer and Giroux is still learning how to be. And that gagne is too passive to fill. A need that wasn't obvious like a backup goalie, but will go a long way towards stabilizing the offensive character of the team.

I think. I hope.

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I am glad for a high skill vet presence on the team, I think it was something lacking last season.

I'm with you. You NEED vets on the team + he is high skill. It was missing last year. I don't think we are in as nearly as much cap trouble as some are making it out to be and our only REAL need is another goal tender, especialy if we bring Gags back for one more year on wing. Another option is to unload one defencemen and spend that 4+ mil on either a winger or a better d-man... The hysteria will continue no matter what though.

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I get that. I guess it's just that the more I think about it, the better I realize I feel about having someone in that role for next season. As in, i'm thinking it was a need. Not lecavalier himself, but a 30ish top 6 forward who can be counted on for 60-70 points. A maturity-anchor that hartnell can't offer and Giroux is still learning how to be. And that gagne is too passive to fill. A need that wasn't obvious like a backup goalie, but will go a long way towards stabilizing the offensive character of the team.

I think. I hope.

actually, that's a fairly good point. I wish that person could also have been a "natural" winger, though (whatever the hell that means).

It is what it is. No sense me continuing to whine about it....until later this week when the other shoe drops.

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After one year Homer will trade Vinny back to Tampa for Matt Walker, who will be immediately signed to a 7 year deal with of course a full NMC!

I was gonna "like" this post but don't want to out-vote my own brilliant posts in the brilliant posts rankings :P

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