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Emery to Philly | 1 year / $1.65M

Guest Jmdodgesrt4

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It's gonna be quiet until tomorrow because with these guys, I think it would be tampering. The Flyers can talk to him but aren't allowed to offer a deal until tomorrow (wink wink, nudge nudge), so neither side can talk about it.

The league actually sent out a memo to all teams about this earlier today.

The bought out guys were exempt from that.

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This is GREAT news if true. Now we can have a legit goaltending duo for the first time in eons. Emery would be a perfect fit, he must work hard cause he's already been here, so if his work habits were not up to par, he would not be asked back. He's also a mature goalie at this point of his career, he played better than Crawford at many points last year....but yet we heard not a peep when he was asked to take seat to a seemingly inferior goalie. I would love to see a 50/50 split, but if somebody plays outstanding, they take the reigns. Perfect situation for the Flyers. How can this be announced right now, he did not get bought out. Did homer bid against himself and give him to much I wonder. Interested in the term and cap hit. If I had to guess, I'd say 3.5 mill for 2 years, taking into account he was a UFA. Anymore money or term would be an overpayment in my estimations.

Edited by jammer2
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This is GREAT news if true. Now we can have a legit goaltending duo for the first time in eons. Emery would be a perfect fit, he must work hard cause he's already been here, so if his work habits were not up to par, he would not be asked back. He's also a mature goalie at this point of his career, he played better than Crawford at many points last year....but yet we heard not a peep when he was asked to take seat to a seemingly inferior goalie. I would love to see a 50/50 split, but if somebody plays outstanding, they take the reigns. Perfect situation for the Flyers. How can this be announced right now, he did not get bought out. Did homer bid against himself and give him to much I wonder. Interested in the term and cap hit. If I had to guess, I'd say 3.5 mill for 2 years, taking into account he was a UFA. Anymore money or term would be an overpayment in my estimations.

agree.i will be happy with this. although I had him going at 1.5 mil yr for 2 yrs. Regardless 1.5 -1.75 mill / yr is a good number.

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"I am not claiming to break this one—it's kind of old news—just confirming with a source close to the Hawks that it appears Emery will go to UFA tomorrow and sign with the Flyers."

How in the hell would he call this "old news" as of this morning everyone (including me) expected him to be resigned!!!!!!!!!!!

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@Vincent05 Soooo, Homer wowed him with an offer so big, everyone else does not even get a shot?? Is Homer negotiating against himself again?? I love the fact he is here, but either the term or money, or both....might just suck if this is being announced so soon. Colour me scared....lol.

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Maybe Emery wants to return and sees an opportunity?

That's a good way of looking at it. I doubt Emery finds a team as talented that has no established starter. He's got his ring, but a compititor like Emery wants another one and wants at least a shot at starting.....so 1 of 2 aint bad. :)

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