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Bryz doesn't care if he's bought out


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I'm not pissed off that it doesn't bother Bryz. I'm pissed off that Philly has run yet another player out of town, and this one in LESS THAN TWO SEASONS. That's just unbelievable to me. It really is a goalie graveyard here.

the infamous Sean Burke quote is in full effect.

Honestly, if there weren't the compliance buy outs, there wouldn't be a talk about a buy out at this point. We'd just hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth for the next five years before both sides walk away from the last two years of the deal.

The idea of signing Tippett for next season is an interesting one. Could a more defensive system work better with Bryz and in the league?

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Oh my God, Digity. He's a foreign hockey player answering a question in a second language. He's not an orator and it wasn't a prepared speech.

If I had a dollar for every time a north american professional player said something to the effect "I can't worry about that right now" or "that's not in my control; that'll take care of itself" or "I just play the game; we'll worry about that in the offseason" I'd be rich enough not to have to work in the festering cess pool of hell that I currently do.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a north american professional player say something similar to the above, I couldn't buy myself lunch.

He simply stated he doesn't --probably meaning he CAN'T--care about that right now. There are more pressing issues. I don't only excuse the answer, I applaud it.

Look at the full quote again:

"To be honest, I don't care," he said. "Really, I don't care. I have no control on this, so why should I care?"

He said "i don't care" three times in three short sentences. I don't agree that this is a language issue. He sees the writing on the wall, he knows how rabid the fan base is and how Philly is a goalie graveyard. Heck, they even asked him about it when he signed, and he joked about that too.

Those three sentences sound to me like a guy who's mentally checked out. He's annoyed, sick and tired of the crap lobbed at him (regardless of whether said crap lobbing is deserved) by the fans, by the hockey world (Milbury, anyone? Other analysts have been on that wagon too, saying he's not worth it), the media, and maybe even some of his teammates.

Nah, this ain't no language issue.

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the infamous Sean Burke quote is in full effect.

The idea of signing Tippett for next season is an interesting one. Could a more defensive system work better with Bryz and in the league?

Oh really? Is that an option? I haven't heard that yet. I like it!

Is that in addition to Laviolette or as a replacement?

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Oh really? Is that an option? I haven't heard that yet. I like it!

Is that in addition to Laviolette or as a replacement?

It was kicked about on a thread or two. Concept was that Lavy knows he's cooked and that Tippet was looking to leave Phoenix.

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What bothers me the most about this, is a team that's going to admit a $23M mistake AND keep the same people who made the mistake in charge of fixing it.

Exactly...this is the same group that had a shot of bringing Emery back after he poved himself after playing well in Anaheim before he signed with Chicago and also that traded Bob away and went with Bryz to boot...then to make matters worse bring Boosch and Leighton back into the fold!!!!

What a joke!

Edited by OccamsRazor
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Nah, this ain't no language issue.

I actually don't think it's a language issue. I think the language is fairly clear. I just fully disagree with the interpretation on this thread. Actually, if I were a person given to smarm, I'd say the language issue is more on this thread than in his quote.

I just think people are being really unfair and making something out of nothing. I'm a lot more willing to throw bombs at someone ducking a shot and standing outside the goalposts like he does than worry about extrapolating shadows from a fairly innocuous quote.

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I'm not pissed off that it doesn't bother Bryz. I'm pissed off that Philly has run yet another player out of town, and this one in LESS THAN TWO SEASONS. That's just unbelievable to me. It really is a goalie graveyard here.

Can we get an "Amen!" to that!

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Oh my God, Digity. He's a foreign hockey player answering a question in a second language. He's not an orator and it wasn't a prepared speech.

If I had a dollar for every time a north american professional player said something to the effect "I can't worry about that right now" or "that's not in my control; that'll take care of itself" or "I just play the game; we'll worry about that in the offseason" I'd be rich enough not to have to work in the festering cess pool of hell that I currently do.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a north american professional player say something similar to the above, I couldn't buy myself lunch.

He simply stated he doesn't --probably meaning he CAN'T--care about that right now. There are more pressing issues. I don't only excuse the answer, I applaud it.

I'm obviously looking through a hater's eyes. I'll admit that. But as @brelic said, he says "He doesn't care" a few times.

You might give him the benefit of the doubt because English is he second language but if he says he doesn't care off the ice and shows he doesn't care on the ice.....well, 2+2 is 5.

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The idea of signing Tippett for next season is an interesting one. Could a more defensive system work better with Bryz and in the league?

Honestly, does it really matter at this point? Snider will still own the team and Holmgren will still be GM. Doesn't matter what style they play, they'll still be destined for failure.

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what do you mean "Philly has run another goalie out of town?"

Bryzgalov did it to himself, with asshole quotes like these ("I don't care" is just a dumb thing to say when you're the starting goalie, esp in Philly) but more importantly his Sub-Mediocre play during his time in Philly.

[edit: and I'll amend that to - he can say all the stupid-universe things he wants as long as he stops the puck. He doesn't do that, not nearly enough. Philly can put up with clowns and characters as long as they're good at what they do - what they're being paid to do. It's failure Philly hates not dumb quotes to the media.

but I will say, once you begin to fail and it looks like it ain't getting better...Philly is a baaaad town to work in - esp as a goalie!]

Edited by canoli
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I'm obviously looking through a hater's eyes. I'll admit that. But as @brelic said, he says "He doesn't care" a few times.

You might give him the benefit of the doubt because English is he second language but if he says he doesn't care off the ice and shows he doesn't care on the ice.....well, 2+2 is 5.

Sorry for the tone. Was unfortunately typing as I was considering elegant ways of killing someone here at work. So far, I've come up with a bike ride along lake Ontario; arranging a ride home with Danny Heatley; or a nice boat ride on Okanagan Lake. [NOTE TO SECRET SERVICE: I'M MOSTLY KIDDING]

I really don't even blame this on the english as a second language thing. I have very little problem with it exactly as stated. I realize--when calm--that yours and brelic's interpretation of the quote is understandable, but I don't agree that was the intent. I really do read it as a player asked a question and chirping at the questioner, "I don't care!" As in "I don't care right now; there are more pressing issues."

Like I said in the other post, I'm more irritated with someone who ducks a fricken shot or who seems to be incapable of playing an angle, controlling a rebound, clearing a puck, standing so his skates aren't on the goal line, etc. than I am about a gray quote that really doesn't mean a thing no matter how its taken.

He could say "Hail Stalin!" for all I care so long as he just starts stopping the damn pucks.

As an aside, this whole thing is a great example of why goalies should NEVER be answering questions in interviews--and most don't.

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but I will say, once you begin to fail and it looks like it ain't getting better...Philly is a baaaad town to work in - esp as a goalie!]

On the other hand, it's a great place to be if you're mayor, on City Council, or work for the school district.

EDIT: Oh, and SEPTA. Great place to be if you are an executive at SEPTA.

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I'm not pissed off that it doesn't bother Bryz. I'm pissed off that Philly has run yet another player out of town, and this one in LESS THAN TWO SEASONS. That's just unbelievable to me. It really is a goalie graveyard here.

No doubt - another high profile player vilified by the fans and media for being human.

Bryz has not played up to his contract, but he didn't deserve the anger sent his way last season when he was getting boo'd three weeks into the season and half the town hating him because he is intrigued by space.

With Bryz likely gone, who's the whipping boy next year??? Carter is gone (easy target). Do we go back to killing Harnell? Actually, I think G will be next once he signs his extension.

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With Bryz likely gone, who's the whipping boy next year??? Carter is gone (easy target). Do we go back to killing Harnell? Actually, I think G will be next once he signs his extension.

That's an awesome question! You ought to make that it's own thread.

I'm already on Hartnell, but maybe that will come back en vogue. If Briere isn't bought out this summer, I could see some hatred directed toward him next year.

But here's my real prediction as to who will get the most fan hatred next year (so long as Bryz isn't still here): MASON. Yep, you heard it here first. And you can write it in ink.

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From Sports Illustrated:


Ilya Bryzgalov wronged by Courier-Post

At this point, Ilya Bryzgalov may not care whether he wears black and orange or some other team’s colors next season. But that’s not exactly what he said on Tuesday to Courier-Post writer Randy Miller.

In fact, Bryzgalov, whose loquaciousness makes him just about the best friend a journalist could ask for in this game, was wronged by the editor who cobbled together the headline for Miller’s piece in today’s Courier-Post piece: “Bryzgalov on staying a Flyer: ‘To be honest, I don’t care.’”

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regardless of translation, the guy isn't worth the money and isn't good enough to be a franchise player. Maybe if he did his job better, he wouldn't face this question. He brought it on himself.... but he probably doesn't care about that either

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regardless of translation, the guy isn't worth the money and isn't good enough to be a franchise player. Maybe if he did his job better, he wouldn't face this question. He brought it on himself.... but he probably doesn't care about that either

"Not worth the money" is more than enough reason to buy him out without having reporters and editors deliberately skewing reporting.

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what do you mean "Philly has run another goalie out of town?"

Bryzgalov did it to himself, with asshole quotes like these ("I don't care" is just a dumb thing to say when you're the starting goalie, esp in Philly) but more importantly his Sub-Mediocre play during his time in Philly.

Actually, I said Philly ran another *player* out of town, and in my mind, I was thinking of Richards, Carter, Lindros. Three pretty damn good players. But, in retrospect, I think the media/organization ran them out of town, not fans.

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well "player" or "goalie" I don't think the Flyers or the media ran anybody out of town. Players are moved (or not re-signed) based on performance (cost/benefit) and who among them doesn't bring the results on themselves? Certainly you factor in the strengths and weaknesses of the team but in the end it's pretty clear who's pulling their weight and who isn't.

That's the part that bugs me most about Brzygalov's statement - this "I'm not in control of that" crapola. B.S. If you played better "Ba-rizz" you wouldn't have reporters asking you about amnesty buyouts. Dumbass.

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That's the part that bugs me most about Brzygalov's statement - this "I'm not in control of that" crapola. B.S. If you played better "Ba-rizz" you wouldn't have reporters asking you about amnesty buyouts. Dumbass.

Right, because "reporters" never just ask questions to stir things up or have their editors deliberately misconstrue quotes for clicks.

Or if he was playing behind an NHL defense.

Or if the team had provided a competent backup so he wouldn't be playing 90+% of games - including both ends of back to backs.

One of the primary points in the "buy out Bryz" argument is the length of the deal and the cap hit. That length and hit remains regardless of how he plays.

The team famously jettisonned John LeClair with their last compliance buy out. That was because his cap hit was too high with the new cap - not "his play" (despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth by Some, the team was clear that they would have rather kept JLC if they could have afforded to).

It is not unreasonable to believe that the team might choose to buy out Bryz regardless of his play - given the hit and length of the deal in a lower-cap environment.

In the end, he's absolutely right - he has no control over whether they choose to buy him out.

But, yes, his play would make the algebra of the decision use a different formula.

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rationalize it however you like but the truth is if Bryzgalov had played ... pick any adjective - "good" "solid" "well" for longer stretches than he's sucked...if it was obvious the problem was only the team there'd be no amnesty talk about him.

But we can't say that. You can say "the Flyers' D-men are AHL-caliber" and you'd be right. You can say our goal-scorers haven't scored enough goals. True. Fine. Okay. Then what? That means it's okay that Bryzgalov gets beat 5-hole on clear looks, that he doesn't know what his stick is for? He can take his sweetass time getting back into position (or is he just incapable of moving faster?)? His rebound control is allowed to be non-existent because he plays for a bad team? it's alright that he camps out inside his net on odd-mans and breakaways and never moves a muscle?

Come on Rad I know you love the Devil's Advocate thing here but see reality once in awhile. Bryzgalov is just not a good goaltender. The Flyers have only themselves to blame, they made a humongous commitment to him and that was stupid. But the fact is he hasn't come close to showing he's worth it.

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I get the impression the Bryzgalov should really be playng back home in Russia. he's not comfortable here and it shows and really... there's nothing wrong with that.

Sure, I agree 99%. The 1% I don't agree with is HE signed a 9 year deal, will get paid about half of it over 3 years, and put about 2 months worth of the level of goaltending he should be playing at even a QUARTER of that wage.

But honestly the guy should learn to just shut his mouth. With every word that comes out of it he justs looks more like an idiot.

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