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If We sign Vinny, Coots is gone for a dman or right wing

Guest RonJeremy

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Why in gods name would we sign another center? My only conclusion is ...You have to figure if Homer signs Vinny that means, we have Coots, Giroux, Schenn, Vinny and Laugton at center. So one of these centers is going to be traded , the obvious choice is Coots, since he will get us the best return and if Coburn is also going, then you would assume Coots is going for a defenseman. I cant see Homer relying on 2 over the hill 35 year old dmen, Streit and Timmo and a chronically injured Mez to anchor this defense. You have to think he is looking to add another dman. Or maybe a right wing like Ryan

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Vinny's interview was nothing more than kicking the tires.

I dont see how the Flyers could afford it and there are about 10 other teams that are interested. Someone is going to pay him a pretty penny and the Flyers are not going to be able to get in a bidding way for which I am thankful. I have a feeling that Vinny could go to the Habs but in any event I just dont see him with the Flyers...

The $$ needs to be spent elsewhere...

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I have to agree with @murraycraven

I really don't see a spot for Vinny and don't like what would have to happen with the core of the team to shove the square peg into the round hole (this is NOT about Kesler and Schneider's fiancee). Get a winger, a goalie, and see if you can snag a top 4 dman.

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I will take even a step further and say we don't need a d-man at this point. Assuming everybody is healthy, the Flyers will be entering the season with 8 d-men in the mix:





Luke Schenn




Enter a possibility/unknown status of Bourdon into the equation, and we even have 9 d-men. I really think Lauridsen and Gus have done everything the team has asked of them. So at the very least, they have earned a look. I really don't want another overpriced has-been eating valuable minutes out of any of the young guys.

Does anybody see this differently?

Edited by Mad Dog
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I will take even a step further and say we don't need a d-man at this point. Assuming everybody is healthy, the Flyers will be entering the season with 8 d-men in the mix:





Luke Schenn




Enter a possibility/unknown status of Bourdon into the equation, and we even 9 d-men. I really think Lauridsen and Gus have done everything teh teams has asked of them. So at the very least, they have earned a look. I really don't want another overpriced has-been eating valuable minutes out of any of the young guys.

Does anybody see this differently?

The starting six never played a minute on the ice together last season. They don't need a Foster/Gervais, they need to develop Lauridsen, Gus, etc.

Meszaros is off the books after next season - having an inexpensive replacement would be a valuable asset.

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Does anybody see this differently?

I don't. I think you're right.

But let's play hypothetical: Say they do end up moving Coburn, are you okay? I like the way Gus and Lauridsen played at the end of the season, so maybe you don't even have to go outside to replace Coburn. What do you think?

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Meszaros is off the books after next season - having an inexpensive replacement would be a valuable asset.

And so is Timonen, yes? That's why it's so critical to give Gus and Oliver valuable minutes. They will get their bumps and bruises. That's unavoidable and is part of a maturing process. But playing in the AHL for another year iswill be doing them disservice IMO. They need playing time. So does Bourdon - if healthy of course. And in 2-3 years, the idea is to have Morin and Hagg ready to step in. Even Streit was not really that necessary, even though I am OK with that signing for now. But bringing in another over-the-hill blueliner will make no sense.

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It makes the most sense to me to have vinny sign with the Predators, low pressure market , fills a need heck he'd be their #1 center talent wise, you can market the signing = will put more fannies in the seats. Bill won't sign him for a coons age either.

I do not want to see him as the #3 C for the Redwings but that market is a little more hockey pressure than Nashville but hey it's the wings, one of the best run franchises in sports over the last 25 years.

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I don't. I think you're right.

But let's play hypothetical: Say they do end up moving Coburn, are you okay? I like the way Gus and Lauridsen played at the end of the season, so maybe you don't even have to go outside to replace Coburn. What do you think?

Well, Coburn is not one of my favorites, but he showed if paired with a responsible d-man, he can be effective. I think if paired with Timonen or Grossmann, he will be adequate.

Now... I can see a scenario in which you would want to shore up your offense (to replace Briere) and actually do unimaginable and trade for Bobby Ryan. I know they want him really, really bad. Coburn and Read are logical trading chips to get Ryan, although it won't be enough to get Ryan here. But even if THAT happens, i just showed *if* everybody enters the training camp healthy, you have enough healthy bodies to let Coburn go and not even bring anybody to replace him. I know that would be considered counterintuitive and the Flyers will jump and look to get another d-man to replace Coburn.

I dunno.... I sort of like the look of this roster as it is. They did make a necessary change and brought in Streit. I am fine with that. But outside the fact that I have no idea what to expect out of Mason - and every indication is that Mason is our #1 goalie - I honestly don't see many holes in this team's roster. Pretty much any major trade would have a domino effect and repercussions in terms of the cap. This means that if not this season, the team would have to basically do an overhaul next season. I would use this season as a building block and see what this team can do in a full season and when healthy.

And frankly, I am tired of the Flyers taking these reactionary, radical, dramatically measures almost every year after something goes not as they expected. If the GM is inept and has no clue what it takes to manage cap and construct a team, bring in a new GM. But enough for operating in a panic mode already. Put the roster together and let these people play. See what they can do.

Edited by Mad Dog
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Vinny's interview was nothing more than kicking the tires.

I dont see how the Flyers could afford it and there are about 10 other teams that are interested. Someone is going to pay him a pretty penny and the Flyers are not going to be able to get in a bidding way for which I am thankful. I have a feeling that Vinny could go to the Habs but in any event I just dont see him with the Flyers...

The $$ needs to be spent elsewhere...

Exactly. He is going to get around $5 million/season.

And he supposedly wants to play in a low-pressure hockey media market? Not here.

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How can that be assumed? I still say Mezaros has been too unhealthy since signing his new contract. How can he be counted on. Any move for a D man though would have to be accompanied by moving Mezo IMHO.

Assuming everybody is healthy,

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How can that be assumed? I still say Mezaros has been too unhealthy since signing his new contract. How can he be counted on.

OK, but the point is he is still on the roster. Correct? If the team enters the training camp with him *still* on the roster, we HAVE TO assume he is healthy and they have no intent to do anything with him at least for the time being. So when doing a headcount, you have no choice but to count him as one of the regulars on the blueline.

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The healthy part is what worries me, Timmo has been banged up a lot the last few seasons, Mez has had several major surgeries, Bourdon has had 3 concussions , Gus has been injured 2 seasons in a row, and Grossman has also had a concussion. I think we definitely have lead the league in injuries to defensemen. So , I hope our luck changes this year. I also hope we do not overuse Timmo, because he will be shot come playoff time

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The healthy part is what worries me, Timmo has been banged up a lot the last few seasons, Mez has had several major surgeries, Bourdon has had 3 concussions , Gus has been injured 2 seasons in a row, and Grossman has also had a concussion. I think we definitely have lead the league in injuries to defensemen. So , I hope our luck changes this year. I also hope we do not overuse Timmo, because he will be shot come playoff time

I have the same exact worries RJ... Bourdon is one hit away from retirement and Grossman is just injury prone. Hopefully, w/ Streit in the lineup Kimmo's minutes are reduced. It is definitely a very legitamte concern...

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I understand and share the concern. But what this always comes down to is salary cap. You can't just keep adding bodies to the roster. If these players carry an injury risk, and that risk is alarming, you need to find a way to lose those players ansd their respective salaries from your roster and replace their salaries, which, in itself is never easy.

Injuries are always a part of the game. This is where medical personnel and trainers have to justify their paychecks. But stacking up the roster with extra players who play the same position purely as a security, and 4 of these players have more than $4mil cap hit, is not a viable option, unfortunately.

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This is where medical personnel and trainers have to justify their paychecks

This is even a bigger concer w/ the Flyers! :lol: All in all I am in complete agreement. With the history of injuries on our defense it is just something that is a concern but then again it can happen to anyone on any Team. I hope they give Gus and Oliver time this year... I think they deserve a legitimate shot at filling out our d corps...

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If I were one of you, I'd like the defense the way it is. I firmly believe Streit is the type of player you needed to fix your issues there. Timonen will drop minutes, your transition game just got fixed, and your power play has options. You can also absorb an injury or two and get your young guys quality ice time.

As a Pens fan I hope it all implodes ;). But if I were a Flyers fan I wouldn't change a thing on defense.

Now... What are your goaltending options??

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