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Between mez and coburn, I think that if homer is still looking for a trade this offseason, coburn is more likely to be dealt, for the sole reason that he has trade value. At the moment I can't see mez garnering any return except as a throw-in for a Matt walker-esque salary dump.

They have no need to make a trade with the pronger ltir, and homer is probably content starting the season with the roster as is. If he can manage to package coburn and read (who will be too expensive to resign) for a top 6 LW and/or young dman, I'd be very happy.

Which is to say, in all likelihood, meszaros is staying and will be counted on to be healthy by the start of the season.

And so this is my question. If mez somehow stays healthy for a while and returns to his Barry ashbee award form of two years ago, as an impending ufa, is he dealt at the deadline for a higher return than he can get now, or do we hold on to him for a playoff run/try to resign him (where the cap hit would seem to be similar to his 4 per)? I guess a lot of this depends on coburn and where they see our d prospects; ghost, for example would seem ready to challenge for a spot in 2014-15.

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man I hope you're wrong about all of this - dealing Coburn, Read too expensive etc. All of it. We need Coburn imo; why he's so undervalued around here I don't know. Yes he will certainly garner interest on the trade market but where does that leave us? With another hole on D. I thought we were supposed to be improving our D - specifically our Team D, which Coburn is a big part of. Why dangle one of our better defenders, a guy who plays big minutes, can be relied upon in all situations...etc.? The only knock on him is his shot which has been AWOL for a few years.

Coburn is just hitting his prime. It would be foolish of us to deal him away now...

As for Mez - if you can get a few subway tokens for him I say go for it.

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I thought we were supposed to be improving our D - specifically our Team D, which Coburn is a big part of. Why dangle one of our better defenders, a guy who plays big minutes, can be relied upon in all situations...etc.? The only knock on him is his shot which has been AWOL for a few years.

Coburn is just hitting his prime. It would be foolish of us to deal him away now...

As for Mez - if you can get a few subway tokens for him I say go for it.

I agree. I think they only deal coburn if they get a big upgrade coming back. If they don't, kimmo, streit, coburn, Schenn, grossmann, meszaros/Gus is a fine looking corps, still lacking perhaps a real #1. But I don't see them dealing meszaros now for the hell of it, because they can't get anything for him. Seems better to hold onto him and see what happens rather than unload him at his lowest value.

Edited by Bring back Esche
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Seems better to hold onto him and see what happens rather than unload him at his lowest value.

yeah you're right of course. We're stuck with him for now and all we can do is hope he's fully recovered. Has he been cleared to play do you know?

I read somewhere that Mark-André Bourdon was recently medically-cleared but the story didn't elaborate. I wonder if he's skating again.

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found this from Meltzer's blog re: MAB

"Bourdon is now finally symptom-free from his post-concussion issues and is awaiting clearance to resume full contact. Barring setbacks, Bourdon will compete with veteran Bruno Gervais for the Flyers' seventh defense spot at training camp."

good article as usual.


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Between mez and coburn, I think that if homer is still looking for a trade this offseason, coburn is more likely to be dealt, for the sole reason that he has trade value. At the moment I can't see mez garnering any return except as a throw-in for a Matt walker-esque salary dump.

They have no need to make a trade with the pronger ltir, and homer is probably content starting the season with the roster as is. If he can manage to package coburn and read (who will be too expensive to resign) for a top 6 LW and/or young dman, I'd be very happy.

Which is to say, in all likelihood, meszaros is staying and will be counted on to be healthy by the start of the season.

And so this is my question. If mez somehow stays healthy for a while and returns to his Barry ashbee award form of two years ago, as an impending ufa, is he dealt at the deadline for a higher return than he can get now, or do we hold on to him for a playoff run/try to resign him (where the cap hit would seem to be similar to his 4 per)? I guess a lot of this depends on coburn and where they see our d prospects; ghost, for example would seem ready to challenge for a spot in 2014-15.

Mez can be traded but dont get your hopes up on what you get back. He's on an expiring contract and some team might wanna have him play for that contract

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Mez can be traded but dont get your hopes up on what you get back. He's on an expiring contract and some team might wanna have him play for that contract

Would Mezz just be better off staying here and seeing if he's able to return to form. This team is not too bad actually on paper right now. The biggest issue was goaltending but now it looks a lot more encouraging.

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Mez can be traded but dont get your hopes up on what you get back. He's on an expiring contract and some team might wanna have him play for that contract

Would Mezz just be better off staying here and seeing if he's able to return to form. This team is not too bad actually on paper right now. The biggest issue was goaltending but now it looks a lot more encouraging.

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Would Mezz just be better off staying here and seeing if he's able to return to form. This team is not too bad actually on paper right now. The biggest issue was goaltending but now it looks a lot more encouraging.

I think Mez goes if an offer comes in. He's had injury issues with shoulders, achilles and god knows what else. When he returned last year, he looked terrible. We have Mesz, Timo and Grossman who I dont think can be relied upon to play a full season, leaving MAYBE L.Schenn...Coburn, coming off injury, Streit and Gus/Lauridsen?

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My only problem with keeping Meszaros around is getting playing time for Gustafsson. I think he's shown he deserves a regular shift in the NHL after two seasons as an injury fill-in. I'm not sure he'll get much more development in the AHL. Having him be the 7th D doesn't do him any good, he needs to skate, even if he's bottom pair for a season. Moving Meszaros allows you to do that. You probably won't get better than a mid-low draft pick for him, but that clears cap, allows Gus to play, and clears a contract from the books.

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Matt Carle 2.0? Carle got killed on this board for years. How many would take him over Streit right now??

DGG... I have brought this up before and I agree. While Coburn is far from perfect he is a good player. If we get nothing in return (defense) this could be a very costly move. This defense is "OK" right now but let's face the music here - Grossman will get hurt as will someone else. Having Coburn is a nice b/c he can slide up and down in pairings and be effective.

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I'm sorry, but you guys seem to be watching a different Coburn than I am. Keep him for second or third pairing if you want, but IMO the accolades are a bit over the top. I think he fails to show up way too often.

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But...but ... he's one of my Anchors on D!

So apparently I went overboard projecting him to "anchor our D" as a top-pair guy. But I still think he has the potential to be that. Maybe I'm crazy but to me his only real lack is offense; he can't shoot the puck. Defensively he's as good as he needs to be. He kills penalties and he doesn't get burned very often positionally.

btw I just referenced you in another thread about Hartnell, saying that you hate him but "well ya know that's rux!" I think I threw in a smiley face after it but I don't remember for sure.

If I forgot then please accept these early-blooming parenthesis (((((()))))) as a substitute.

[edit: back to the thread - Coburn would be the last of the 3 I'd look to trade - of Mez, Grossmann or Coburn. Mez can't stay healthy and I'm worried Grossmann is becoming a similar case - solid enough when he's in the lineup but all-too-likely to be out.]

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I've been sort of hoping for Mez to be placed on LTIR or traded as a salary dump.

Of course, it could end up happening that he comes back and plays really well this season. That wouldn't suck.

Just hope he doesn't revert to "Mr. Glass" form.

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I'm sorry, but you guys seem to be watching a different Coburn than I am. Keep him for second or third pairing if you want, but IMO the accolades are a bit over the top. I think he fails to show up way too often.

rux... while agree with you for the most part we would need a capable defensmen in return if Coburn was traded. I am not willing to put my mopney on Bourdon making it through the season. Likewise, I am not sure he is capable of playing at Coburn's level.

I am all for trading him as long as we get something decent in the return.

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Assuming there is no trade market for Mez, the smartest thing is to hold on to him, let him play and hope he has an injury free, career year, as most players do in their final contract year. Then at the deadline you trade him to a playoff bound team for a good prospect. We all know how teams grossly overpay at the deadline, especially for defense. Just look at what we gave up for an old washed up Kubina and for Grossman. Mez can get us a first rounder or good prospect if he, plays up to his skill level and does not get hurt.

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I really like Mez, think he just caught some bad breaks no pun intended these last 2 years. I rather take a chance on him this coming year. Like Rux stated Coburn frustrates the heck out of me, we don't see the physical play much if at all and too many times the other team will have guys scoring goals infront of the net and he just stands there watching them. You guys over rate him.

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Bottom line is right now salary NEEDS to be dumped. We are over the cap and have to shed salary somewhere (note Pronger cannot be placed on LTIR until the start of the season). This is not including Gustafsson who will get a raise probably in the 1.2-1.5 mil range. Coburn or Meszaros will get traded/dumped. Meszaros is the obvious choice to go, he has been solid WHEN healthy. Coburn has been solid but inconsistent at times. That being said he has been severely undervalued among fans here. Trading Coburn would be the bigger risk obviously, you are assuming Meszaros can come back to form and perform. Trading Meszaros is the smart decision even though the return will be very little. Trading Coburn is the gamble, he will warrant a much better return but then you are chancing on relying that Meszaros plays a full season of hockey at a productive level. Trading both would free up a ton of cap room to benefit the team in other areas while letting another young dman take on some minutes. I'm really curious to see what Homer will do. I was certain one of Meszaros or Coburn would have been traded at the draft. Hopefully MA Bourdon can prove he's 100% in camp and make this a little easier to make a decision.

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They can go over the Cap by 10% in the offseason. Have to be cap compliant by the first day of season I think.

You can go 10% over during the offseason (including any player that might be designated to LTIR) but you do have to be under the first day of the season. Pronger cannot be designated to LTIR until that 1st day.

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