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It could have been worse......Tim Panaccio


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As bad as the Flyers played in the second period against Pittsburgh on Thursday, I got the feeling it could have been much worse.

We all kept waiting for a game of pond hockey to break out and in the end what we saw was the Pens box the Flyers into their end and just pepper away with shots on Steve Mason.

I think Pittsburgh seemed a bit disinterested, at times, at turning up the tempo in the game. Did you see them work the puck around the zone? They had the Flyers running around in helter-skelter style the entire time.

Were it not for Mason, it would have been a blowout.

Right now, we're looking at the worst start by a Flyers club in their entire 47-year history.

The Flyers have miles to go. I am a bit concerned with team captain Claude Giruox's comments today that it's "not just" him in the room doing the talking, there are others.
(I have said it before and I will say it again, he should NOT have been made Captain)

I had a long discussion with Hal Gill about the lack of a strong personality in the Flyers room right now. I think they could use one. There is no Mark Recchi, no Rick Tocchet, no Craig Berube, no Derian Hatcher, no Chris Pronger ... (but those types of players just don't grow on trees)

Gill said to me that "doesn't work anymore," with guys with tempers getting into people's faces. I think there is a time and place for this. Gill says that era of hockey is long gone.  ( I don't think so, as long as it stays behind closed doors and stays in the locker room...some players simply will not respond to nothing else)

I don't know. I do know that when Bob Clarke was Bobby Clarke the captain, he would go around and pull guys to the side and confront them in private and motivate them without going on in front of everyone else.

I don't see Giruox having that kind of personality, either. There are other former captains here - Vinny Lecavalier, Kimmo Timonen and Mark Streit.
(Kimmo should have had the "C" last year.)


The point is, right now, the leadership group on this club leads MUCH to be desired. It has to get better. (Really...what a way of stating the obvious)

Six days between games. I feel there will be a trade by the time the Rangers come to town next Thursday.



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That's pretty cool how you do that with the articles pilldoc. I enjoy reading what your thoughts are and the way you annotate them into the article... Could not agree more with what was said... I think something might happen during this long week layoff.

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Rather than argue with Hal Gill about what "doesn't matter anymore" - what does matter!?


With Pronger in the room they got to the Final.


I think one thing that everyone needs to take into account: it's hard to lead. Being personally motivated is a much different thing than being able to motivate others. Being a great player, having a great work ethic is one thing. Getting people to buy into a group identity over an individual talent is what makes the difference.


So - what the hell does motivate the modern multimillionaire playing a children's game for a living?




Did Panaccio seriously say there's no Craig Berube in the room right now? Wasn't that the point of making him coach? I mean, assuming of course he was an invisible phantom in the room as an assistant coach.

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hard to argue with anything you said......I said all along Homer made a HUGE ASS mistake in not resigning Jagr........


"So - what the hell does motivate the modern multimillionaire playing a children's game for a living?"


that my friend is the million dollar question........????? :( 

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hard to argue with anything you said......I said all along Homer made a HUGE ASS mistake in not resigning Jagr........


"So - what the hell does motivate the modern multimillionaire playing a children's game for a living?"


that my friend is the million dollar question........????? :( 


I edited a lot out and will have it in a later post - seemed extraneous here - but a damn good rant.


but I just can't believe we had a whole article about Panaccio complaining that an actual player says his preconceived notions were outdated.


I don't care what doesn't motivate players.



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Beer and women seemed to have motivated richards and carter... Maybe this current group should follow suit... Cant hurt bc I don't believe this team has any pulse.


Well, hmmm... both of them have their names on the Cup.


Maybe I am going about this the right way.... or is it that I'm drinking whiskey!?!?



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Beer and women seemed to have motivated richards and carter... Maybe this current group should follow suit... Cant hurt bc I don't believe this team has any pulse.

Didn't similar circumstances happen in "Major League"? Get a huge picture of a naked chick, put 50 pieces of clothes over her, and take one off per win. Kate Upton is a good motivator, right?

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Gill said to me that "doesn't work anymore," with guys with tempers getting into people's faces. I think there is a time and place for this. Gill says that era of hockey is long gone.  ( I don't think so, as long as it stays behind closed doors and stays in the locker room...some players simply will not respond to nothing else)

I don't know. I do know that when Bob Clarke was Bobby Clarke the captain, he would go around and pull guys to the side and confront them in private and motivate them without going on in front of everyone else.




Rather than argue with Hal Gill about what "doesn't matter anymore" - what does matter!?


With Pronger in the room they got to the Final.


I think one thing that everyone needs to take into account: it's hard to lead. Being personally motivated is a much different thing than being able to motivate others. Being a great player, having a great work ethic is one thing. Getting people to buy into a group identity over an individual talent is what makes the difference.


So - what the hell does motivate the modern multimillionaire playing a children's game for a living?




Did Panaccio seriously say there's no Craig Berube in the room right now? Wasn't that the point of making him coach? I mean, assuming of course he was an invisible phantom in the room as an assistant coach.


I disagree with Gill. I remember the "Pronger Chews Out Giroux" incident in 2011.  Pronger pulled G aside and got loud on him.  I'm all for it if it gets a player to wake the F up!!

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Pronger pulled G aside and got loud on him


I'm not even sure he pulled him aside. Hell, the beat reporters all heard it, IIRC.  So it wasn't that private of a conversation.  Multi-year deals, NMC/NTC clauses all around.  I'll be honest, Rad...if it's not internal/personal player "mojo", I'm not sure how you motivate them in that situation.  

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LOL - or maybe call Stevens to bake them a cake? I dunno. Seriously if you're a professional athlete you really shouldn't need someone to motivate you to play hard, play well... should you? Forget the salaries forget the contracts they're playing hockey for a living! Maybe it's just my own jealousy talking but to me that's right up there with being a rock star - hardly anyone has it so good in this world. So WTF are they lacking motivation-wise?


I realize everybody needs confidence, everyone likes to hear "good job" now n then, etc. And I'm not pretending they have easy by any means. To do it right these days you're training year-round, you're watching tapes, living at the gym in your off days, etc. But come on, does a guy who's risen through the ranks to play pro hockey really need to be led? Doesn't the fact that he made it to the pros suggest he's a helluva motivated individual already?

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Doesn't the fact that he made it to the pros suggest he's a helluva motivated individual already?

Well... Making it to the pros and being rewarded with a multimillion $$ long term NTC is pretty much the end of the line as far as motivation goes.

What else is there to motivate you once one becomes 'comfortable'??

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Don't you think there's at least 2 obvious answers to your question?  Fun and Winning.


Why do we start playing the game in the first place? Because it's a helluva lot of fun skating around - esp outside in the cold with your friends and "enemies" who you can go after... then later, once you can skate better and contribute to a real team, maybe you're the hero maybe not, whatever -  it gets even more fun. Sure there's work involved, drills you don't like and everybody hates skating suicides but I LOVED every minute of my playing days; I only wish they lasted longer because I miss it.


So - FUN. and WINNING. Winning has got to be a big motivator to professionals no matter how much $$ they're making? In fact like you said they're all so comfotable financially maybe the only thing left is pride in their game and the bragging rights of winning, the reputation among your peers...etc.


When it becomes your job it'll feel like work - at least sometimes. But I hope (and expect) it's still a helluva lot of fun for them all. And if they're not motivated by pride and winning then get them the hell off the Flyers ASAP!

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I agree with you in principle... Yes, they all should be motivated to win. However, in reality it's not so black and white.

Look no further than your local bar on a Saturday night.... It's full of dudes trying to work the charm and impress that really hot chick. Then, fast forward 10 years later when that guy that scored her pretty much stops trying because now she's his wife and the mother of his two kids. It's a pretty common thing.

Personally I would rather have a roster full of guys who are not complacent with something to prove. Sure, there are those 'character' guys who simply put their balls on the line every night no matter what. Unfortunately, there are only 2 or 3 guys on our roster we can say that about.

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Hmm. Interesting...I definitely get what you're talking about...taking things for granted. But it's hard to believe NHL players let it get out of hand because sooner or later - sooner if the coaching staff is good - a guy taking his minutes for granted is exposed. It's fairly obvious who's skating hard and who isn't, especially if they do it a lot. Then it's just a question of how (or if) the guy is held accountable.


But I don't see that going on now do you? To me they look like they're working up a sweat on most shifts; it looks like they care. The problem is they also look like they suck at hockey - worse like they've always sucked at hockey. Jeez it's crazy because we know they haven't; we've seen all of them play way better than they're playing now.


They have a week to pull themselves together. I think Simmonds said after the Pens' game "it can't get much worse" and he's right...unless Mason has a meltdown it can't get any worse.

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no offense pill, but this just sounds like another 'we need a real captain' thread. i think that by now we all realize that the entire fortunes of a team does not rely solely on the captain. and... it's arguable what/if any effect a captain can have on the team. that is to say... in regards to speaking up or getting into players faces. G needs to lead on the ice with his play. that's what 'great captains' do. he's not doing that.... clearly.. he's not. so from that angle... yeah.. 'we need a real captain'

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