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Flyers fans crash twitter's 'askneal'.......hilarious


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Great picture! Lol


Agreed bud those are pretty funny comments.


Kaleta, Marchand, Lucic, Subban, McLeod, Ovechkin, Wisniewski, Lapierre, Downie, Torres, Hartnell (yes Hartnell led the league in slashing/crosschecking penalties last year), Briere, Boll, Dubinski, Dorsett, Chris Neil... Shall I continue?

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Kaleta, Marchand, Lucic, Subban, McLeod, Ovechkin, Wisniewski, Lapierre, Downie, Torres, Hartnell (yes Hartnell led the league in slashing/crosschecking penalties last year), Briere, Boll, Dubinski, Dorsett, Chris Neil... Shall I continue?


So... no mention of Neal, Cooke or any other penguin on that list?   ;)

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So... no mention of Neal, Cooke or any other penguin on that list? ;)

I was asked to list players I felt were dirtier than Neal. As for Cooke, he was dirtier three seasons ago, but he hasn't been the past couple and seems to have changed his game. Even in Minnesota now.

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As I said in the other threads... I do NOT approve of Neal's play of late and hope Lemieux spanks him.

There are many worse as stated earlier, Hartnell among them.

Stewart is a flaming idiot, and officiating in the NHL improved significantly the day he retired.

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Great picture! Lol


Agreed bud those are pretty funny comments.


Kaleta, Marchand, Lucic, Subban, McLeod, Ovechkin, Wisniewski, Lapierre, Downie, Torres, Hartnell (yes Hartnell led the league in slashing/crosschecking penalties last year), Briere, Boll, Dubinski, Dorsett, Chris Neil... Shall I continue?


Yes, Steve Downie....darling of the NHL....


I believe you missed what i was saying. I called Neal the dirtiest NHL "darling". Meaning the guy can do whatever he wants and the league just keeps telling him to promise not to do it again...instead of hitting him with longer suspensions with each offence to try and persuade him to stop. And yes I know he was suspended this year (for intentionally kneeing a guy in the head when he was down)


The only guy in that list of yours that comes close is Ovechkin, and Neal is dirtier than OV.


 Mario is always preaching about cleaning up the NHL...yet he continuously employs some of the worst headhunters currently playing in the NHL .

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Hartnell is a dirty player in the 'pest league, or penalty league' if you will.  He's not risking players careers and sending players on IR for months at a time.  Neal's indiscretions usually on a different level  - suspension league.

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Great picture! Lol


Agreed bud those are pretty funny comments.


Kaleta, Marchand, Lucic, Subban, McLeod, Ovechkin, Wisniewski, Lapierre, Downie, Torres, Hartnell (yes Hartnell led the league in slashing/crosschecking penalties last year), Briere, Boll, Dubinski, Dorsett, Chris Neil... Shall I continue?


Not that I am defending Hartnell by any means, but unless I missed something, I don't think he goes out to intentionally injure someobody.  Yes, he slashes and crosschecks with te best of them, but so does half of the league.

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I really see no point into debating a Penguins fan on anything related to their team


as quoted by an unknown wise man, "Never argue with an idiot. They will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"

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Re:  Hartnell


Anyone who bites someone has a lot to live down in terms of dirty.  If you don't believe he actually bit someone, then there's no way he makes the list.  He plays hard, but he's otherwise not dirty.  If you believe he bit, he makes my top ten based solely on that.   


Re: Neal


I'm sorry, but there's no way that guy doesn't make the top 10, and quite possibly the top 5.  He does very dangerous things for no apparent reason with no remorse and a "who me?" defense that no one anywhere is buying.  It's actually very close to the definition of sociopathic behavior, actually. I realize we're not talking about bodies in the backyard or what have you, so there's a difference in degree, but just speaking tendency...yeah, sociopathic behavior.   No way Briere or Dubinski make a list ahead of him.  That's just stretching.  Both of those players take their little shots where they can get them.  And if you want to put Briere high on a spineless list (in addition to his nuisance nonsense, he's a better diver than Greg Louganis), be my guest.   But he doesn't make a top ten dirty list over Neal.

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 If you'd read previous posts, I've said repeatedly I want Neal to get a wake up call and clean up his act. I just think there are worse offenders out there as well.


Ok I get the "darling" label. In Lemieux's defense they straightened out Cook. I just hope they do it with Neal.


The bite happened. Hell they showed the tooth pattern on his skin! Lol. Guess they shoulda DNA matched his glove?

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The bite happened. Hell they showed the tooth pattern on his skin! Lol. Guess they shoulda DNA matched his glove


I think so, too, but there are some who believe....


Like I said, if the bite happened, he goes on the list.

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If you believe [Hartnell] bit, he makes my top ten based solely on that.


One act of self-defense does not define Hartnell as a dirty player, not enough to make even the top 50.  You put your hand in my mouth, I WILL assess a finger tax.


Neal is the definition of dirty.  Polaris' list is ludicrous.

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One act of self-defense does not define Hartnell as a dirty player, not enough to make even the top 50. You put your hand in my mouth, I WILL assess a finger tax.

Neal is the definition of dirty. Polaris' list is ludicrous.

Wait a minute... Do you realize how dumb this post of yours is? So every face wash in the NHL deserves a bite? Like a rabid dog?? Really??

As for my list, search any top ten dirtiest players lists and you'll find those names on them. Including Hartnell on several for his cheap shots with slashing/crosschecking. Leading the league is beyond the occasional infraction, and every bit as dirty, especially adding a bite to it.

You can argue Neal is dirtier, that I can respect, but don't try to tell me biting is okay or Hartnell is somehow innocent. When's the last time you bit someone??

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So I just goggled "dirtiest players in NHL" and the first thing to come up is James Neil articles from the Hockey Writers... keep going down the page and you can see Neil is listed in various articles.   I also just went through about 10 lists of the dirtiest NHL players going and Hartnell is not mentioned on a single one.  

Edited by murraycraven
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