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Hey Guys, 


Have not being here for loooooong time. BUT have watch painfully all the games this year...

Same crap as last year, same issues all the time.


I think if this team even wants to get to the playoffs its time to try to do something and I think the only way is trade some players, not one, but some core guys. This team is not going anywhere other wise.


I think the time is running out....


Gotta love the Gostisbehere, at least something positive for this team.




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Personally I don't feel a trade is the answer if it just means trading young for old to see a slight immediate improvement to the team overall. 


As painful as it is to watch I would rather this and rebuild some depth in the organization through good drafting.  My personal issue is this is what the Flyers should have done 3 years ago after the buyouts so that the Flyers are hitting their stride on the rebuild in the prime years of Gs career and not watch VLC serve popcorn. 


Frankly I think it is a weekly topic as there really isn't anything else to talk about. Honestly I just don't know how the Flyers are not in last in the NHL.  I can't see how any team can out suck the Flyers right now.  It must have to do with the 5 loser points the Flyers have losing in the OT/shootouts. 

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Look, we get it, you guys are upset the team isn't doing good but holy **** this is a weekly topic of armchair GM.

20 games played, 62 to go, only 8 wins behind the top team in their division, stop trying to trade the entire team the moment they get beat.

While I agree there are too many threads on this, I do not agree on the "it's only 20 games into the season, plenty of games left" b.s. Add the last couple of seasons to that 20 games. It's not changing. Hexy needs to take a long look at this team and start the process of letting players go that are not in the future plans.

I know nobody will agree, but if we trade our better assets (read, simmer, the brothers, and maybe one of coots or Laughton) and let the shitty contacts (vl, Mcdonald ) play. We literally can't get any worse. And at least there is a chance they may play well enough to a least lose there contracts at the trade deadline.

We will really suck, but at least we will suck with a purpose and a direction.

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I know nobody will agree, but if we trade our better assets (read, simmer, the brothers, and maybe one of coots or Laughton) and let the shitty contacts (vl, Mcdonald ) play. We literally can't get any worse. And at least there is a chance they may play well enough to a least lose there contracts at the trade deadline.

We will really suck, but at least we will suck with a purpose and a direction.



actually i think everyone agrees and the Flyers are already working the plan you describe, hoping that Hak and Co. will evaluate who's in the long-term picture.


Let this crappy season play out; the goal drought will end eventually, the Flyers will win some games, a few guys will stand out as trade-able assets or keepers for the future. There's no point making moves now. Sure, if we had $6mil cap space maybe we could get Duchene...and if the queen had balls she'd be king.

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We literally can't get any worse. And at least there is a chance they may play well enough to a least lose there contracts at the trade deadline.


this will never happen , If VLC were tradeable he'd be gone by now.

Have you seen him on the ice this year ?  In the two games I saw he played well enough to get bought out. No one will be calling wanting to add a slow 34/35 year old to  bolster their 4th line.


MacDonald's game has fallen off a cliff too, if he's not dominating as an" in his prime defenseman" in the AHL then what is he going to bring to the NHL ?

I think you'd have better results wishing for a unicorn to fart a rainbow pot of gold in your driveway...

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I missed the part where he said "let VLC and McD play." You're right it won't happen and it shouldn't happen - neither one of them bring anything to the Flyers...at least not until March when it's time to tank for real.

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If you don't play the lottery, you can't win the lottery. You have a better chance to get rid of those two if they are playing then if they are not. This team is not a playoff team with or without them. They are not even "a few pieces away". If there is even a 1% chance one of them is gone at the end of the year, I say play them. Not as if they will score less.

None of the things I said will help the team this year. I know this. It's for the next couple years and is to minimize the longevity of the shittyness of this team. I'd rather suck worse for shorter then suck not so bad for longer.

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Not even a 1% chance anymore. Maybe a year ago (with the Flyers retaining some of their salary) but now? Now no way. Either they expire or Hextall buys them out. That's the options with VLC and McD.

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Not even a 1% chance anymore. Maybe a year ago (with the Flyers retaining some of their salary) but now? Now no way. Either they expire or Hextall buys them out. That's the options with VLC and McD.

You're probably right, but why not try. He may embarrass himself into retirement.

It would be like me saying "I can do a backflip" then I try it and say "well, that was fu**ING stupid, not doing that again" then I retire from backflips. The only problem is, I don't get paid millions to attempt backflip.

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Homer has made this bed....and then crapped in it. Time is the only thing that is going to help this team and the ridiculous contracts homer has signed. Even being bought out, those players will be salary cap hits for years to come. I am pretty certain that half the amount of the buyout counts against the cap for twice the years of the remaining contract.

So, if you buy MacDud out, he would be a 2.5 mil cap hit spread out over the next  EIGHT YEARS.

Vinny would would be 2 mil over the next 4.

Umberger would be 2.3 over the next 2. So doing the rough math here, you have lost 6.8 million salary cap for the next 2 years then dropping to only 4.5 mil cap hit for following 2 years, and then dropping to 2.5 mil for the 4 years after that.

That is dead cap space alone. Oh,and I forgot the 500k that they retained of Grossmann's salary just to get someone to take him off of our hands.......

Hextall so far is approaching this the best way he possibly can. He is utilizing the young players he can as the LTIR is available. He is trying to get VLC to drop his NMC so he has a snowball's chance in hell of moving him and he has improved the team by eating 4 mil of MacDud's salary and sticking him in the AHL where he belongs. Draft picks and time are the ONLY way the Flyers will be able to escape the hole that Homer dug(with Big Ed's urging).

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Zackly....while the team is sucking, there's really no point in buying out any of these lameass Homer fiascos. We might as well take full years off those contracts now, than have smaller cap to work with years down the road when, hopefully, we're competitive.

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While I agree there are too many threads on this, I do not agree on the "it's only 20 games into the season, plenty of games left" b.s. Add the last couple of seasons to that 20 games. It's not changing. Hexy needs to take a long look at this team and start the process of letting players go that are not in the future plans.

I know nobody will agree, but if we trade our better assets (read, simmer, the brothers, and maybe one of coots or Laughton) and let the shitty contacts (vl, Mcdonald ) play. We literally can't get any worse. And at least there is a chance they may play well enough to a least lose there contracts at the trade deadline.

We will really suck, but at least we will suck with a purpose and a direction.



Trade Giroux and Vorachek too while you're at it.


However, just let the team expire on their own, constantly drafting for the future is going to be a treadmill of disappointment when you constantly have a squad of 25-28 year olds that are really good 1-2 years with no Pronger or Roenick to reign them in.

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Vinnies no fool. He may wish to play and he may think he's still good enough to do so, but when it's all said and done he's making a lot of money NOT playing. I don't see him standing up and volunteering for retirement.


I wonder. I see your point and it's probably correct: who walks away from guaranteed millions? OTOH a full year of riding the pine after a HOF career in Tampa (a record-setting career at least) has got to grind away at his self-respect. At some point he'll start believing what everyone's saying, i.e. "you're just not good enough anymore."


If he retires after this year he leaves a ton of money on the table but he also walks away a rich man, proud of his NHL career. Hanging around just to get paid...?...the off-season regimen, benched during preseason, the practices and all the traveling, worst of all day in day out being told (in so many words) "you're useless" ... I can see him saying enough is enough after this year.

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