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Tim Thomas Skips White House Visit

Guest The Quigster

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I read the article over on Yahoo Sports. Sounds like he doesn't support the President's politics. Good for him for sticking with/to his own principles/beliefs. I may hate him in goal, but I respect him for this - even though it's not the politically correct thing to do.

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I read the article over on Yahoo Sports. Sounds like he doesn't support the President's politics. Good for him for sticking with/to his own principles/beliefs. I may hate him in goal, but I respect him for this - even though it's not the politically correct thing to do.

if that's the case, i think that's lame. respect the office and the symbolism of the event. it's not the time, nor place, to make a political statement. he draws unnecessary attention to himself as well... which as a teammate is also pretty lame. that's supposed to be a special event for them... part of the spoils of winning the cup.

i truly hope this is not why he chose not to go.

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I gotta say I fully support Thomas' decision if he decided not to go for political reasons. Saying that it's not the right time to do it is exactly why it's the best time to do it.

If Thomas wanted to maximize visibility to his issue, then he succeeded.

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@ Brelic: I dunno. If it was a campaign speech or a fundraising event, then yeah. But this was meant to honor his team and teammates, and you don't duck out on your teammates like that. From the comments from the guys on the team, it seems they felt a bit let down by him.

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@ Brelic: I dunno. If it was a campaign speech or a fundraising event, then yeah. But this was meant to honor his team and teammates, and you don't duck out on your teammates like that. From the comments from the guys on the team, it seems they felt a bit let down by him.

I guess we won't really know the full story until he posts it on FB, but I still think "good for him".

It was meant to honour his team, but from a political office. Would you feel the same way if he refused to be honoured by the American Muslim Council or the Vatican? If you don't agree with an organization or party and what they stand for, and they invite you to an official (not a personal) ceremony that represents their office, I think it makes sense to stand up for what you believe in.

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Well, considering I agree with Thomas' political views, I stand by my statement. The fact of the matter is that this was not a political presentation, it was a traditional honor that's been bestowed on the team winning the Cup (and every other major sports championship) since I can remember. It's not like Obama suddenly decided he was going to create a photo op for himself with the Bruins. If that was the case, then yeah, go for it. But he let his team down, pure and simple.

Not that I necessarily think this was a bad thing. If it causes a bit of angst in the Bruins' locker room, well, them's the breaks.

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Well... here's what he said on the matter:

"I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.

This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government.

Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL.

This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT"

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Well... here's what he said on the matter:

"I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.

This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government.

Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL.

This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT"

Well said.

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I gotta say I fully support Thomas' decision if he decided not to go for political reasons. Saying that it's not the right time to do it is exactly why it's the best time to do it.

If Thomas wanted to maximize visibility to his issue, then he succeeded.

Does he skip team dinners because one or more of his teammates have dissenting political views to his own?

Just saying.

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Does he skip team dinners because one or more of his teammates have dissenting political views to his own?

Just saying.

Not even in the same realm. Having lunch with your teammates who have different views is not the same as snubbing an institution in which you do not believe.

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Not even in the same realm. Having lunch with your teammates who have different views is not the same as snubbing an institution in which you do not believe.

I guess I don't know specifically what his position is: The political system, the current administration, etc.? Its his freedom to express himself the way he sees fit. I guess for me, regardless of what ever my disposition was, I would choose another way to express that position than boycotting a celebration luncheon with my team at such a historical place.

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The Down Goes Brown perspective on this, via Twitter:

Tim Thomas: “I’m tired of foreigners coming to America and trying to take our jobs!”

Tuukka Rask: “Dude, I’m standing right here.”

That is hilarious.

Is that really his beef- foreigners taking American jobs?

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Kind of makes me feel like he's a douche, but then I don't have his life experiences, in spite of not caring one iota for George W Bush, i'd have been excited to meet him, maybe being tim thomas means you meet all kinds of powerful people and the president is no big deal...

at least he's got the right to respectfully decline and voice his opinion.

i think sesito should run him next game... just cause

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Is that really his beef- foreigners taking American jobs?

Dunno. I just saw DGB's twitter post on it, with no other context.

I guess I'd ask my American friends if they think that view is conistent with fervent beliefs in the dire threat to the "Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People" posed by the federal government.

It's all Greek to me.

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I am Quite Fond of my fellow alum Tim Thomas, but have to disagree with him making this stand in this way.

You are representing your Team and your City at this point, not just yourself. You didn't get there by yourself. You should be with your team.

I also think it's a difficult means of making the point. But then to issue a brief statement and declare that this thing you thought was amongst the most important things you could do you will hereafter never speak of again is quite perplexing.

You really can't make such a gigantic political stand and then try to fall back into "I'm not political." Not if you're the two-time Vezina winner, Conn Smythe, Stanley Cup winning goalie.

And, unless I'm mistaken, the only American on the team.

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