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Bryzgalov has a negative Kharma effecting success of Flyers


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Today's Inquirer has an article on how Bryz's agent is spinning his mediocre play as a function of blocking shot style defense blinds goalies plus bad media coverage.

Screw him.



You mean that same style he played well behind in Anaheim and Phoenix?

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it's all because fans and media have high expectations on goalies. if they are not satisfied, they hate them and want them gone. It happens every year, that's why the flyers will never win a cup because it's always pointing fingers at one guy. it's not just bryz, it's every goalie that comes here, there's no satisfaction and you wonder why some goalies don't want to come here. if bryz wants out, i dont blame him because fans and media have nothing but hatred, if it's not him, it's the next guy.

you wonder why every player that leaves here goes to win a cup elsewhere because there's no media or fan finger pointing at them and lets them play their game, if the fans and media just grow a brain and stop your whining maybe things will go their way and there might not be so much changing in the core players.

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What are you talking about, he is a negative vibe in that locker room that carries over to the ice,

Remember Yandle and Morris were glad he left Phoeniz, and they were Phoenix's top d men

Also he never made it ut of the first round when playing for Phoenix after a great regular season


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it's all because fans and media have high expectations on goalies. if they are not satisfied, they hate them and want them gone. It happens every year, that's why the flyers will never win a cup because it's always pointing fingers at one guy. it's not just bryz, it's every goalie that comes here, there's no satisfaction and you wonder why some goalies don't want to come here. if bryz wants out, i dont blame him because fans and media have nothing but hatred, if it's not him, it's the next guy.

you wonder why every player that leaves here goes to win a cup elsewhere because there's no media or fan finger pointing at them and lets them play their game, if the fans and media just grow a brain and stop your whining maybe things will go their way and there might not be so much changing in the core players.

He is an idiot who cares about what goes on in outer space then just playing goalie. He wanted to be paid like an elite goalie so the Flyers obliged yet he hasn't played like an elite goalie. His actions on and off the ice not too mention the comments that keep coming out of his mouth gives the majority of Flyers fans a reason to dislike him. The Flyers have a chance to get rid of him and they better do it this summer otherwise it will be a long season in Flyersland with a lot of pissed off fans. Philly fans love players who worked their asses off and Bryzgalov doesn't fall under that category.

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Don't doubt it, but everyone seems to love playing on this team anyway.

But yeah... Many reasons to wave bye bye and this is surely one (probably).

Watch as soon as Bryz is gone the negativity and lack of success will be gone as That Kharma Bryzs

Brings is gone,


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Watch as soon as Bryz is gone the negativity and lack of success will be gone as That Kharma Bryzs

Brings is gone,

I want Bryz gone as much as the next guy, but unless I am missing something here, Bryz has been with the team for 2 years. Yet the lack of the Flyers' success you are mentioning is approaching almost 40 years.

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If Bryz was putting up sub-2.00 and above .920 SV% nobody here would give the hind quarters of a rodent about whether or not he gave Jarmoir Jagr the warm fuzzies, if former teammates thought he was odd or if he thought Uncle Joe hadn't gone far enough.

It's his play that is the problem. First part of the problem. Second part of the problem. Last part of the problem. All the parts in between.

Looking for all these other "reasons" to get rid of Bryz is a fools' errand.

There's only one thing that matters - his play on the ice.

And, quite frankly, that sucks.

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If Bryz was putting up sub-2.00 and above .920 SV% nobody here would give the hind quarters of a rodent about whether or not he gave Jarmoir Jagr the warm fuzzies

I agree...like Czechmaniac he wasn't all there in the head but he had good numbers, made him more tolerable....even with very little to no scoring help at all!

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I agree...like Czechmaniac he wasn't all there in the head but he had good numbers, made him more tolerable....even with very little to no scoring help at all!

More tolerable for some. I would be the exception to rad's theorem, because I hated--I mean hated--Cechmanek probably from the moment his plane landed. I look back at his stats and wonder why, to be honest, but I really couldn't stand his existence.

But I do think rad is right about Bryz and even in general: win and the rest takes care of itself.

I see interviews with players on very successful teams and they talk about chemistry and how everyone gets along. I have always wondered if winning doesn't beget chemistry rather than the other way around. Get some taste of success as a group and the chemistry will often take care of itself. It's easy to overlook the fact your wife spends most or all of your paycheck and can't cook if the sex is good. When that faucet turns off, suddenly everything else is magnified.

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