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Liking Ryan Pulock more and more


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Been watching youtube of him and reading more and more scouting reports on the kid. To be honest, I think he is the safest pick of Nurse, Risto,Zadorov and Pulock. Honestly believe his ceiling is not that far off either of those guys and may even become a better player.

6´1 218 pounds, scouts say he has the hardest and best slap shot in this draft and already at a pro-level. Excels on the PP, puck mover, scouts compared him to yandle in his offensive game. However, the guy is physical as well, lays out hits, body checks and hip checks and only becoming better and better in the D-zone end.

I really hope we get this kid at 11. Don't think he is a reach at all at 11.

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Pulock is a nice player and certainly not a stretch for the 11th pick. Although, I disagree that he is the "safest" pick out of the players listed. I would take Nurse and Risto over Pulock w/out question. Most scouts believe that Pulock has reached his ceiling. Even though Zadarov is a project I would take him over Pulock as well...

The kid has a cannon of a shot but I think there are better options at 11. Nurse will not be at 11 and I think it will take some luck to grab Risto at that spot as well. If they make a move I think they will trade up to get Nurse at an earlier pick...

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Ya, I think Nurse and Ristolainen are more well rounded (not like Byfuglien well rounded) in their game than Pulock. The biggest knock on him is size and mobility. He's one of the oldest defencemen in the draft, meaning he's likely further along in development than most. A lot of scouts feel many defencemen will pass by him over the next couple of years. Zadorov didn't impress me much when I saw him. But that's only a small amount of games and big galutes like him take time to develop. If you're into a longterm project, he's your man.

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Pulock is a converted forward who has only played D for a few years so I have questions about how solid he will be defensively at the NHL level.

He's the pick then. They'll just convert him back to forward and trade him for an older Dman they can sign to a 7-year contract in a few years.

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I am sure Pulock is on their radar but if the Flyers can't move up to grab Nurse I would just rather stay at 11 and grab Risto. Although, I can see Mr Snider having a Homer-boner after seeing Pulocks shot. If nothing else the kid has a violent slapshot but Nurse and Risto should be the primary targets.


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Just watched a TSN show on a few prospects. Apparently, Nurse is so crazy about working out, he does a 40 min work out....after all his playoff games. He also spends countless hours reviewing video of his play with the coaching staff. They say he is a work out monster, quite often spending 3-4 hours per day on cardio, weights etc. He said he loves working out, it's like a fun passtime for him. Unreal. That's the kind of dedication you want from a youngster....think he's going out to hit the bars or going to bed early, looking forward to tomorrows early morning work out....this kid just gets it.

I used to think Nurse was going top 5, but with the rise of Lindholm, I think Nurse is a solid lock at #7 to the Oilers.

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I love all the speculation about what Dman they will take BUT doesn't anyone else have a feeling deep down inside saying this is the Flyers and they will take a center?

Even though forwards Shatinkaurk, Horvat, Domi among others should be there when we pick, my gut says we finally get a legit defensive prospect. Nothing wrong with sitting at #11 and picking the guy we need.....but the more I think about it, I'd move my first next year (yeah I know we are hosting the damn thing....lol) along with #11 for Barkov. I dunno, the more video I watch of this kid, the more I'm convinced he is an outright superstar. Here we have a 17 year old kid scoring 48 pts in 52 games against men.

Dare I suggest, scoring almost a point a game in that many games in a very good Finnish league is the equivilent of a 200 point season in the QHL. You just don't see those types of numbers over there, and certainly not out of 17 year old kids playing against grown me. I honestly believe Barkov scores a 100 pts a year eventually....he's that good. It's a shame to give up such awesome assets to acquire a top 5 pick that should have been ours anyways. I would pull the trigger on this and never look back.

I now believe McKinnon, Jones, Barkov, Druion and Nichuskin are ALL true legit superstars, actually generational superstars. I think Barkov will be as good as Lindros....if not better.

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I think Barkov will be as good as Lindros....if not better.

Seriously? Then Homer needs to draft up and get the kid...he will definitely be there at the 4th spot. I just don't see Mackinnon, Jones, Drouin dropping out of the top 3 picks.

That is some statement though Jammer...

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I'd move my first next year (yeah I know we are hosting the damn thing....lol) along with #11 for Barkov.

Think #11 and couts would get it done? They're not trading the pick for next year, and while its trading center for center, between Schenn, couts, Laughton, we have three third line centers and no true scoring center behind G. Couts seems expendable, but I don't know if his value is high enough right now.

Edit: Not to mention talbot and cousins.

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I like Barkov. But if he's going to be better than Lindros, shouldn't he be the consensus first overall by a longshot? I don't think he skates as well as Lindros, and he certainly doesn't hit like him. Great shot, size, soft hands, plays well without the puck. He's also one of the younger players in the draft. I'd say his potential is Getzlaf maybe? Having a big center would be a real bonus in Philly, but they're not giving up their first when the drafts in Philly. I could see Barkov going 2nd 3rd or 4th.

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With Briere gone, Schenn should slot into the second line center spot very well.

That would be a great situation. Schenn would be given better linemates, considerably more pp time on the second unit, which would great for his confidence. He will inevitably be our second best offensive option at center, so the sooner he steps into that role and owns the spot, the better for everyone involved. Barring of course, the chance that Laughton or Cousins somehow develop to the point where they pass Schenn. I doubt that happens, I'm expecting a big break out year for Schenn. I've doubted Cousins skating all along, it's not super weak, but I don't know how it will translate to the NHL game. Laughton is the real sleeper here, a lot of people underestimate his long term potential as an offensive weapon, I'm not one of those. Over time, it will be interesting to chart the progress of Coots and Laughton as a potential full time 3rd line center....they are both to promising to be stuck at 4th line center for a long period of time. Another switch for a center to wing just might happen here. I give Tyler Leier an outside shot at 4th line center a few years from now.

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I like Barkov. But if he's going to be better than Lindros, shouldn't he be the consensus first overall by a longshot? I don't think he skates as well as Lindros, and he certainly doesn't hit like him. Great shot, size, soft hands, plays well without the puck. He's also one of the younger players in the draft. I'd say his potential is Getzlaf maybe? Having a big center would be a real bonus in Philly, but they're not giving up their first when the drafts in Philly. I could see Barkov going 2nd 3rd or 4th.

It will be very difficult (bordelrine impossible) for ANYBODY to approach Lindros's greatness. He was unique. I am yet to see a single player in this league who combines size, speed, skating, hitting, ice vision, and passing all in one player. Getzlaf is probably the closest, but Lindros in his prime was head and shoulders over Getzlaf. When he was bringing it, he was a sheer joy to watch.

With that said, I have seen some highlights of Barkov's play and the kid can cerftainly play. It really looks like he is mature beyond his age. Like you said, though, unless the Flyers trade up, he will be long gone by the time they pick at their 11th spot.

I still maintain that center position is not their priority - goaltending and defense is.

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@flyercanuck " But if he's going to be better than Lindros, shouldn't he be the consensus first overall by a longshot? I don't think he skates as well as Lindros, and he certainly doesn't hit like him."

I think McKinnon will have at least equal value to Lindros also, so just in this one year, Barkov would be not be consensus #1. I'm not saying Barkov will be a better physical presence or anything like that, just saying his impact on his team and the league will be about even. Another favourable and maybe better cross comparision is Barkov being a more offensive, more tenacious, more explosive version of Sundin.

It looks outrageous to see this stuff typed out...lol, but I honestly believe it. That's one of the reasons I (like you and many others) was SO upset at our little joy ride to end the year. The top 4 forwards will all be 100 point guys eventually.....and they say Lindholm, who should get picked 5th forward is the best all round player of the bunch. That's assuming nobody falls in love with Monahan. The talent pool is just flat out sick....this is gonna be one hell of a fun draft to watch.....the decisions a handful of GM's make will shape the hockey landscape for decades to come. Stanley Cups can be won or lost with the correct high selection.

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For the life of me I don't get why there were fans both here and in Flyerland that were happy with what you called "a little joy ride at the end of the year"

You, me and many on here knew this was going to be good, deep draft. By winning those "extra" games...it cost us dearly in where we pick this year. Picking #4, 5, or 6 is a hell of alot better than picking #10 or #11. We all knew this team did not have the horses to make or even make any noise in the playoffs this year. Ok..the one positive...it showed how much Bryz sucked and Mason is better and cheaper. That is it.

Totally agree with your post!

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Another way to look at this draft, Nichushkin has been compared favourably with Malkin, some scouts even call him a Malkin clone, but is ranked by some as the 4th or 5th best forward in this draft. Yet Malkin is the second best forward in the NHL...hmmmmm. In other draft years, Nichuskin is an automatic 1st overall, but this year, he might not be top 5 pick, some like Lindholm ahead of the big Russian.

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Lets be realistic here, like every draft , not everyone is going to reach their projected talent levels. There are going to be some guys who just become decent players and some guys who are outright flops, there will also be some late round picks who end up better than first round guys. The Flyers should stay away from any small players , if they draft a forward, we need some big guys up front. As far as defense goes, we need to draft a guy who can move the puck ,to help our transition game ,and it would be nice to have a dman with an accurate point shot and who is able to create some plays.

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@RonJeremy I'll take it a step further, the top 5 should all become Hall of Famers as long as they stay healthy....not a single miss to be had in the top end of this draft.

Edit, the only one I really worry about being a star and not a superstar is Jones, but all the top forwards are locks.

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