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Stewie on Lindros

King Knut

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The thing that amazes me the most about This article from Paul Stewart that shreds Lindros apart is the fact that he didn't realize that asking Lindros about his father during his rookie season was the equivalent of calling him a douche bag to his face.

"how's Dad?" Might have been signs fans taunted him with at that point. Certainly in Quebec.

Stewart didn't know it, but his casual chat was an afront of rather epic proportions.

In fact, I'm not exactly sure he didn't know it. But now he gets to pretend like he didn't at any rate.


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@King Knut  "

One year, much later in his career when he was with the Rangers, I ended up getting him on eight minor penalties that season. I caught some heat for it from John Davidson on the Rangers' broadcasts, but the truth of the matter was this: I did NOT go out of my way to "invent" penalties on Lindros -- or any player -- but I wasn't going to give that guy a break on anything borderline that I might have let slide with a player who had gained acceptability with me."  
  AND, THERE IT IS!!   Living breathing proof confirming what we already knew, refs  have their little favourites and guys that they hold a grudge against. Unprofessional....yep....human....yep.  Paul did a nice job of confirming it though. Actually kinda refreshing that he was willing to discuss what was rolling around in his head while he wore the stripes.
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"Well, Rex signed the posters but when Eric found out they were for you, he tore every one of them up. I'm sorry about that.

I never spoke to Eric Lindros again."

I can guarantee I would have talked to him again, and asked him how such a big guy could be such a small person. Or why he hates charity. Dick move.

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AND, THERE IT IS!! Living breathing proof confirming what we already knew, refs have their little favourites and guys that they hold a grudge against. Unprofessional....yep....human....yep. Paul did a nice job of confirming it though. Actually kinda refreshing that he was willing to discuss what was rolling around in his head while he wore the stripes.


What we'd always known.  But, finally somebody admitted it.

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@sarsippius  Even in his heyday, Eric came off as a dick most of the time. I just always had a mental picture of Eric being aloof, thinking he's better than others. You can see why Clarke and Eric butted heads, they are both giant turds, to much alike....lol.


  The real pitiful part was Eric let his petty grudges get in the way of a helping out a charity, and all he would have to do is autograph a few pics etc....what a loser.


 Which leads me to my next question....how did teammates feel, when they saw Eric being consumed by stuff that an adolescent would shrug off with no problem. How do you 100% back someone with such serious character faults?  I guess in the end, you become captain by gaining the respect of your peers...unless the team is uber lame like the Flyers and appoint one. The whole idea of a captain is counter productive if he is shoved down your throat, then it's just another letter on a jersey.

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  The real pitiful part was Eric let his petty grudges get in the way of a helping out a charity, and all he would have to do is autograph a few pics etc....what a loser.


I don't know for sure but how do we know that Eric knew they were for a charity, how do we know that the guy didn't just say "Hey can you guys sign these for Paul Stewart?"


I'm going to refrain from jumping to conclusions.


But what was just more shocking (ok not really cause we all knew) was that he admitted to playing favorites and admitted to make sure he called all the borderline stuff on Eric, he would normally let someone he liked (Messier for example) get away with. Terrible.

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@OccamsRazor   ha ha...I'm not gonna suggest that Eric was a league wide target (which would be utter and complete nonsense), but I just knew that some refs disliked him. There was some games where he couldn't sneeze without getting the hook.

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@OccamsRazor   ha ha...I'm not gonna suggest that Eric was a league wide target (which would be utter and complete nonsense), but I just knew that some refs disliked him. There was some games where he couldn't sneeze without getting the hook.



Yes and Paul Stewart was one and this just confirmed what i thought, Eric isn't the only one i'm sure there were many. It is going on still today. Not much you can do about it, such is life.


And it goes on in every sport too.

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@sarsippius  Even in his heyday, Eric came off as a dick most of the time. I just always had a mental picture of Eric being aloof, thinking he's better than others. You can see why Clarke and Eric butted heads, they are both giant turds, to much alike....lol.


  The real pitiful part was Eric let his petty grudges get in the way of a helping out a charity, and all he would have to do is autograph a few pics etc....what a loser.


 Which leads me to my next question....how did teammates feel, when they saw Eric being consumed by stuff that an adolescent would shrug off with no problem. How do you 100% back someone with such serious character faults?  I guess in the end, you become captain by gaining the respect of your peers...unless the team is uber lame like the Flyers and appoint one. The whole idea of a captain is counter productive if he is shoved down your throat, then it's just another letter on a jersey.


Yes.  The whole thing, but the bolded parts especially.

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I don't know for sure but how do we know that Eric knew they were for a charity, how do we know that the guy didn't just say "Hey can you guys sign these for Paul Stewart?"


I have a really hard time believing they didn't know exactly what they were for.  It's a pretty small fraternity.  I realize it was before social media and all that, but if Stewart had done it with other teams, I have a hard time believing Lindros didn't know exactly what they were for.  And since Rex had already signed them, Super Douche tore them up knowing full well that his teammate had already spent time signing all of them.


Really crap move by a crap person.  


Makes me wish my last name was Stevens (the money wouldn't hurt, either).

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the real story here is that Stewart admits there is no objectivity among the players.   Some players get called more and some players get away with things that aer ridiculous.   I am sure the NHL does not want this notion out there but they fact of the matter is some players are targeted by the refs and some are allowed to skate around and do antyhing...

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the real story here is that Stewart admits there is no objectivity among the players.   Some players get called more and some players get away with things that aer ridiculous.   I am sure the NHL does not want this notion out there but they fact of the matter is some players are targeted by the refs and some are allowed to skate around and do antyhing...


Reputation-based calls make sense. You know that if Giroux clocks someone, he probably didn't mean to injure the same way a clown like Cooke or Avery would. So you give a guy like Claude more benefit of the doubt - he brings a lot of value to the NHL. Avery and Cooke do not.


BUT, what Stewart is saying is different - he let his personal issues with Lindros affect the way he called the game. That's a problem!

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 So what you're saying is it's actually Lindros' fault for Leon Stickle being born?

Yes. Well, actually I blame Carl and Bonnie for that. They were around then and should have had the foresight to interfere with the procreation plans of Mr and Mrs Stickle. After all, they were always being butt-inskies when it came to Eric. They specialized in being pains in the arses you could say.
But where were they when it mattered? AWOL I tell you! Unforgivable!!
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Reputation-based calls make sense. You know that if Giroux clocks someone, he probably didn't mean to injure the same way a clown like Cooke or Avery would. So you give a guy like Claude more benefit of the doubt - he brings a lot of value to the NHL. Avery and Cooke do not.

BUT, what Stewart is saying is different - he let his personal issues with Lindros affect the way he called the game. That's a problem!

I was with you in the first paragraph. The second however? I think Lindros deserved to be in a similar category as those two. Not the same, mind you, because he didn't bring the same style of dishonor but he brought dishonor none the less.

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Dishonor? He was a big dude that steamrolled people, but when I think of the word dishonor I'm thinking dirty, stick play and knee shots and slew foots. I never thought of Lindros as dirty, and certainly not in the same area code as Cooke and freakin Avery. I think you may be viewing Lindros through the same tinted glasses that Flyer fans view Crosby

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