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Where is the NHL on this hit?


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I'm pretty annoyed at the NHL player stupidity department for the Bortuzzo suspension.  But if that is the standard now... as pathetic as it may be...  where are they on this one?? 






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Personally I think it was a dumb play by Hornqvist, as he is the one putting his head down in a awkward position for the hit.  Had he chosen to keep his head up he probably wouldn't have been injured.

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Kept the elbow down, no multiple strides leading into the hit( other than Hornqvist's), did not leave his skates, and shoulder to chest. Devastating hit but a clean one all the same.

 If anything, he should blame his own team mate for the poor pass that set him up for it.

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I'm pretty annoyed at the NHL player stupidity department for the Bortuzzo suspension.  But if that is the standard now... as pathetic as it may be...  where are they on this one?? 




Don't worry, the NHL will step back in with Sill's hit today on Turis, even though Turis is back in the game.  Got a 5 min major for interference.

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Unfortunate for Hornqvist, for sure, but I don't think Stanton was trying to injure him, nor even targeting anything on Patric.

Looked at the videos over and over, and 1) Hornqvist DID lower his head and 2) HE made contact with Stanton head to head (not on purpose either of course), and got the worst of it.


Looked liked Stanton just put his hands up in a sort of reactionary reflex...and frankly, maybe if Hornqvist's head or body was at a slightly different angle, it could just as easily been Stanton coming up on the wrong end of that.


I honestly can't put 'blame' on either player...Patric was simply trying to quickly find that puck and move up with it (he almost had to look downward for it) and Stanton just happened to be "there" ready to try and stop him, but things happened so fast, that heads met before either player knew what happened.

Just a bang, bang play (literally), and no fault on either side...much less a penalty or a reason for the dept of player safety to punish anyone.

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I'm pretty annoyed at the NHL player stupidity department for the Bortuzzo suspension.  But if that is the standard now... as pathetic as it may be...  where are they on this one?? 




Nothing to see here Polaris, unfortunate that Hornqvist lost the puck in his feet.  Puck is right there, just an unfortunate hit.

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According to the NHL player safety none of this matters. Primary point of contact is head. You don't need intent when that's the case. oh wait, on this one you do? but wait... as @nossagog said the Sill hit on a guy with the puck in his feet ... It's that very inconsistency that makes league suspensions a farce.

Bortuzzo suspension = stupidity

Hornqvist hit = as it really should be. No call. My point of this thread is how can incidental head contact or "lateness" be an issue defending Jagr and not Hornqvist? Another hit to the chest where head contact was secondary. And don't try selling me that ONE second is a very late hit.

Sill hit = already a joke with a 5 minute major for interference.

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According to the NHL player safety none of this matters. Primary point of contact is head. You don't need intent when that's the case. oh wait, on this one you do? but wait... as @nossagog said the Sill hit on a guy with the puck in his feet ... It's that very inconsistency that makes league suspensions a farce.

Bortuzzo suspension = stupidity

Hornqvist hit = as it really should be. No call. My point of this thread is how can incidental head contact or "lateness" be an issue defending Jagr and not Hornqvist? Another hit to the chest where head contact was secondary. And don't try selling me that ONE second is a very late hit.

Sill hit = already a joke with a 5 minute major for interference.

Yeah Pol, this is the one thing I wish the officials could take a second look at.  Sill's hit is nothing at all, and he gets 5 and the boot putting the team even further done.  I expect the league to recind the game misconduct in case he happens to have another later in the season.  But you then look at the Ryan hit on Downie later in the game, and that DOES look like he gets it in the head, and nothing is called.    I guess if you want to get the penalty call, you need to stay down, THEN get up and be part of the power play.

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I don't see where this play supports your Bortuzzo position, at all.

One of the reasons given for suspending Bortuzzo was contact with the head, though not the primary point of contact. This hit the primary point of contact is a head butt. Stanton made zero effort to avoid head contact. Granted Hornqvist ducks toward the puck which amplifies the issue, but which one is it? How can it matter on some plays and not others? In NEITHER case was the head targeted, but it's turned into pick and choose when it applies.

Just wanting consistency SOMEWHERE in the NHL officiating.

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One of the reasons given for suspending Bortuzzo was contact with the head, though not the primary point of contact. This hit the primary point of contact is a head butt. Stanton made zero effort to avoid head contact. Granted Hornqvist ducks toward the puck which amplifies the issue, but which one is it? How can it matter on some plays and not others? In NEITHER case was the head targeted, but it's turned into pick and choose when it applies.

Just wanting consistency SOMEWHERE in the NHL officiating.


Welcome to the NHL. This has been going on for years. Until the last couple of seasons, they just didn't go against the Pens for the most part.

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Welcome to the NHL. This has been going on for years. Until the last couple of seasons, they just didn't go against the Pens for the most part.

I think the suspensions against the Pens were MOSTLY deserved is all. Never really had one I felt was clean to the point of worth argument. Hits against us that weren't suspended however, go way back. A general failure of the league to protect guys like Malkin and Crosby, which directly affects how they play the game.

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If he gets suspended for this, just take hitting out of the game.  If you're going to call this a head shot, when the player's head is at the level of the dasher because the stopping, you're putting the defensemen in a hard spot.   He hits him from front, using most the front of his body, keeps his elbow tucked, and the only thing wrong is he comes off his feet with the hit. Defenders will say it was with or after the initial contact, attackers will say it was before or doesn't matter.  I know he's a Pen and I'm a Pen's fan, but I don't see anything suspendable here.

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Not even close to the worst hit I've seen but pretty hard to argue that isn't a head shot. He hits him solely IN THE HEAD. And leaves his feet. Nothing major but I could see a game or two. That said Smid didn't help himself there.


Definitely should have been 2:00 for charging but I don't think he gets him in the head.  Looks like the sternum.  From the reverse angle, his head doesn't even snap back.  Either that or Smid has some strong neck muscles.

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Not even close to the worst hit I've seen but pretty hard to argue that isn't a head shot. He hits him solely IN THE HEAD. And leaves his feet. Nothing major but I could see a game or two. That said Smid didn't help himself there.

 This isn't one of those from the side hits where the head is picked off by the shoulder, and that's ALL that's hit.  The hit is from directly in front of the player.  There is no denying that the first contact is to the head, but that's because of Smid's body position when he hit the brakes, not because of any kind of targeting of the head.  That's why I don't consider it a head shot.  You CAN hit the head as part of a normal hit, you can't TARGET the head. And in this case, I don't think it was.

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I'd like to see a better angle but it sure looks to me like Despres launches himself into Smids head. He might hit his chest first but he also leaves his feet there, does he not?


He certainly launches...err - leaves his feet...but I just don't see head contact?  Was he targeting the head? Maybe. Doesn't matter. Can't suspend a guy for having bad "aim".

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I can see where Depres might get 2 minutes, for "something"  it was a dangerous looking hit, but for the life of me I don't know what the infraction would be...

I hope he doesn't get a suspension, that just looked like a hockey hit that had a bad outcome.

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